Be a man (Series) Using facebook makes men pussies

I m working on a journal series called "Be a man" . I will write every week, if time allows me, small tips and personal thaughts on "Be a man" mentality.

Ok , so today, first thing I want to share with you is this :

The biggest lost in human history is apparently watching TV.

Watching TV makes you stupid. You receive both image and sound in the same time , so your mind stop making any effort understanding what s going on.

If when you read a book, your mind must create images, sounds , movements, actions etc, when you watch TV you get all done , and your brain becomes like a vegetable from the supermarket.

However, in the last years, the TV starts loosing field , at least among the youth.

Unfortunattely, this is not happening so something better to take place.

The most "promising" activity which threats occupying your time is Facebook.

Or Fakebook, as I enjoy calling it, as long as a lot of people are drawing realities there that doesn t really exist.

Besides, spending time on Facebook also creats the process of turning men into vaginas.

Men , younger or older which nature apparently blessed them with a dick and a set of balls end up acting in the virtual world as some true original sissies : Jurkin off while makin self pictures in the bathroom mirror, stupid likes, dum comments, self pitty, metrosexuality ending up quite in a gay style, pictures with different pussies , sad or happy.

Total retardness.

Some of you claim that you can find chicks on Facebook.

Yes, that s correct, you can find chicks on Facebook.

You can approach chicks on Facebook. You can make a lot of things on Facebook, including loosing your natural skills of approaching and attracting a real woman , in the real world.

Please, be carrefoull how much Facebook you consume, watch out what sort of skills are you developing and don t forget that nothing compares with real world.

You are a real man in the real world, not on Facebook.

Good luck and stay hard !

thanks for sharing such brand new infos
gl with your serie
"The biggest lost in human history is apparently watching TV."
I never used Facebook. Never even registered there.
1/10, wouldnt read again.
after reading this i would like to sell my TV, LG 32LH2000
costs ~300€+postage, up for negotiation, pm me if interested
reading this made me consider a sex change
"Or Fakebook, as I enjoy calling it, as long as a lot of people are drawing realities there that doesn t really exist."

" drawing realities there that doesn t really exist."

Just like you, with your Marcus crap ?
stopped at loosing
when I saw title be a amn I didn't find any hidden text which would provide girls picture. Was the content of this journal good guys?
Dude, i see you are interested in self-development and finding way to be satisfied with life (your last journals). It's nice to read things like this, especially nowadays, when men are pussies and women are dicks ;)
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