Since I have recently been nerding it quite a lot and Merlinator wasn't against the idea, I am trying to become somewhat active here about the game.

Just posting other news about bigger updates, tournaments and what might come up.

But, the main idea behind this journal was to ask would people be interested to play a cup? We probably don't have enough guys for a decent 5on5, but 1on1 mid-lane-only? May throw in some money in the prize-pool too. How many of you guys would be interested? Or your buddies maybe? But for CF-users only, tell them to make an account.

image: 614RCG2

Best game out there, would be sad to do something for it on this site with the shit community that comes with it though.
I don't really care if someone flames or whines at the internet.
It's a waste of your time to put activity in it here though, rather do it somewhere they'd appreciate it.
You're part of it buddy.
Yep, one good one doesn't make it a good community though :D
Ever played 5on5 all mid invoker? nothing better than that xD
Try axe, no battle hunger. SWOOSH SWOOOSH!
PL, Pudge, Meepo 5o5 mid, best.
Dunno, lane swap tapsicore isn't bad either.
I would be up for a cup! even though i quitted :/
Great game, should totally do it
im down and my team could be too, french canadian team hehe, but 5 batriders mid = gg
been nerding DotA2 quite alot for the last half year or so

+ i know there are alot of former ET guys playing it :D
Your account, ?

Gave up on becoming the king of Korea with starcraft or?
yes, mine :)
I'm interested but also afraid that I won't win.
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