playing with widescreen

Hi! I was wondering is it possible to play with other r_mode than "-1" with widescreen and fullscreen? I've got some issues with fps and reducing it would help but i dont want play on desktop..

cheers :)
wide screen is shit for ET
true that, but i have only laptop :|
i dont imagine playing fps games in 4:3 mode as long as i started playing fps games on widescreen

still at lan owned with 4:3 mode hehe, skillz over hardware
I did pretty decent at LAN, but the difference between 4:3 CRT with high displayrefresh (which is what I had at home at that point) and some crappy LCD with 60-75 displayrefresh is HUGE.
playing with r_mode 6 widescreen and fullscreen 24"
r_mode 6
da best!
Could try to force blackborders (but dont know if you monitor supports that)
if i set different r_mode i get black borders on top and below the gamescreen also, cant see that tiny stuff. for some reason the game wont set the perfect size highwise.. i got the perfect size by accident few months ago and i dont know how to get it back :D
One more reason to switch to N!tmod :PP!
Look in graphic driver settings
r_mode 6
Prolly about 1337 journals about this sh1t;p
it is possible just go to graphics setting and change there to full scale or smth like that
cannot find that :( dunno if different graphic cards have that option and some dont..
Set scaling properly on your graphics card drivers.
r_customheight 768
r_customwidth 1366
r_mode -1
i'll try that next time i play!
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