Tomorrow, when there's no NBS, Terytorium Wrog Lives

ET Pro Public
Offi maps + Deli + Purefrag
Objective enabled w/60 minute time limits for fragging
Smooth!! Lag free!!
Panzer is back!

ET Pro Pub like it should be!
90minute maps is not how "it should be" fuck sake
true, it should be 999mins.

i miss normal pubs with decent maps
id rather flame others who do than set it up myself
That's what I thought
normal pubs? you mean standard pubs? they're there, get a bunch of friends and connect to something.

without servers like the last NBS (or in the past, cybergames) - etpro pubscene will be dead within months.

sorry hipkat if you decided against this, I sort of understand your reasoning to change the server considering the whine you get about "omg timelimit, why cant you be more like bio" but I really think you should reconsider my comment in your previous journal:

there really is a reason nbs was full like 24/7, same reason cybergames had multiple servers full 24/7.
i feel like....everyone who enjoyed pubs like bio have either quit et, dont pub, or just dont care anymore, and the newcomers are used to playing on NBS therefore they wanna stick with the same deliv/supply 24/7 to xbox :D
well that's just wrong. I see plenty of the old bio/u|k regulars on servers like hbc/hirntot and so on in the past year instead of sticking to bio. and about newcomers going to NBS just because it's the same maps - maybe true, but servers like cybergames (stopped being hosted 3yrs ago?) were active 24/7 with multiple servers, running the same map all day with unlimited time. I know you prolly want to believe something different but servers like that are the only reason etpro pub has been active the last 6+ years (or longer).
im open to getting corrected bro lol you'd know more than me tbh
meh. I just dislike that hipkat is being pressured by a load of people to change the settings of a server that is perfectly fine (in terms of activity).
i should stop raging him all the time XD but ye your right
ET BOX / STA > 999 deliv
EXACTLY, good fucking times
I'd do multi-servers... if I could afford it lol so that's why I tried to do a mix on one server and the players can always do whatever they like.
the most successful server possible would be to do exactly what NBS/Cybergames did. I'm not telling you to host 3 servers, I'm just saying that if someone did do that and if all 3 had nbs/cybergames settings they'd all be full 24/7 from day 1 like Woooooo wrote below. ;d
Set up normal campaign style, and i can set up on my VPS same settings as NBS is now.
Why, so you can Nbs and I can have Bio??? nah
QuoteIf i could afford it
Im simply giving u a solution, since u arent having enough of finances.
I'm starting a new job next week, pays really well, it'll be OK. Why don't I do my server my way, and you do one with a true obj cycle, k?
seeing how ur completely changing settings every single time someone whines about it, i dobut there's ur way at all.
Well, that is still a way :D
What settings have I changed?? I mean, it's been up a day
u|k ftw! can't stand NBS etc, find it too boring sticking to the same map for a while unable to do obj and constantly getting killed from people camping x)
luckily HBC been going for a long time and always decent people to play with
And I started with that from day 1 and it was full since day 1 and still nobody seemed to believe it was the way to go for a pub.
And look, they still don't! :D

hbc/hirnlos/hirntot are the best ones out there, have been for ages (since u|k died pretty much)
I've found Hirntot and Hirnlos to be great. HBC, not so much. The HBC guys are so incredibly retarded and abusive.
never had a problem with any HBC guys there myself
i liked the HBC server till i got banned without a reason :/
i wasnt being serious =/
Does that matter? Everyone's playing objective just having fun.

If you're not looking for that then you're probably better suited for 999 minutes servers.
wasnt being srsssss
What do you consider "normal" maps?
Since when is deli no offi map anymore, just because people suck at it doesn't make it a noncompetitive map :D
true. never really understood why people complained about delivery and certain other maps like b4, adler, ice, frost etc. I guess these are just all maps that will have an average attacking time of less than 5mins which is pretty chaotic for most compared to the tank/truck hugging maps like sd & gr (not that I dislike them).
I really prefer the fastpaced gameplay of deli though, prefer defending even more.

You'll just constantly have to know what you're doing and where you are and where the opponent is. All these so called pro's that get rolled on deli will instantly blame the map though. And indeed, the boring time on those maps is just annoying. Take Radar, I once had a 6o6 where I had to defend main on my own and didn't even see someone for 4 minutes..
nobody attacking main on radar? xD the opponent must've had no idea what they were doing then. I played engi main a lot in the past and well there usually was always someone spawning main, attempting counter the engi planting a load of mines and then switching fops to lay a smackdown on some eventual allies mainpush - maybe there would be like a spawn or two where nobody would go main but it'd be quite unusual. definitely not some regular occurrence. :d
Well, either they have been very sneaky or I fell asleep but I really didn't see anyone for 4 whole minutes xD
They must've really wanted that CP for their tactics to work :D
My point is, those big maps are boring :P You can just walk to your position, shoot a bit, you can always see them coming blablabla
lolwat, they weren't attacking main for 4mins WHILE THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE CP? :D I thought you meant they were constantly rushing back east or something and ignoring main or some shit like that but they literally put all that effort into 6 guys rushing cp over and over? poor guys. :ddd
ppl hate maps that require skill, e.g. deli adler frost
deli requires skill? XD
Yes, a proper measured lean spot.
If that were the only thing htat was required you would actually be good at the map, since from what Iv'e seen its your favorite thing to do, even as allies with 30 seconds left.

But lets look at it realistically, you need to properly spawntime so you don't get full and they can't put in the gold. You need to revive and play with your team properly, you need to make sure that you do not forget a single one of their players since they can sneak around and do an objective and there is more than 1 objective you need to do ( in contrast to et_ice where you have 1 objective ) so its actually a pretty difficult map indeed. Though there is obviously more to the map, tis is already a tiny list.
Hah ironic coming from u, when all u and ur buddies are playing is delivery, every single other map is complete new story. And lets be honest, delivery is one of the easiest maps to be played, specially for ppl with 0 aim, when all they can do is lean, set cusor between doors and press mouse1 and let the magic do its work.

Compared to et_ice, where map actually requires proper teamplay, gamesense and good sync between entire team, theres a big skill cap between those two maps, fact. I wouldn't call delivery difficult map at all, as like i said, learn how to lean and camp and ur good to go and its not like u guys haven't been doing same shit entire game, so lets not talk about that lol.
you are just basing your 'ragumentation' on opinion and nothing else.. which just proves my entire point.
well surely that's what everyone does? for example I like deli, so I'm not disagreeing in any way but your comment pretty much describes every part of et gameplay, not deli specifically as a map. :d every comment in this chain is based on opinion and nothing else.
the problem is that people are hating the map because they don't know how to play it, get bashed and think its the 'camp' ( while they just refuse to play as a team [ which is what ET is all about ] ).

A bonus I love is the amount of blind spots that you can use against wallhackers. Certain spots where the engine bugs, doesn't send player data and therefore a wallhack can't draw the player. Perfect.
I never tested a wh, I just know certain walls are immune to shownormals for example. is it like that with a wh? those hard walls aren't able to be seen through?
Yeah exactly, it is single best way of stopping people from wallhacking, its the exact same mechanism that Valve employed in Dota 2 to stop maphacking. The server simply doesn't stream the location of players you shouldn't be able to see. Problem in ET being that you really need the sound.. so doing the same for ET would be extremely difficult.
I dobut that i stand alone with that comment above, as im sure many others would agree with me as well, im simply stating that delivery isnt one of those maps that requires plenty of knowlege compared to many other maps, could prove that with so many games i have played over years.
I call bullshit.
Easiest maps to be played you said, so how come even the selfclaimed highskilled faggots cant win a round off of us?

That's not because it's easy to play, it's because we've mastered it's tactics.
Just like there are teams that will always win supply/goldrush anything.
Just because you get rolled there because you all just rush in everywhere doesn't mean all the opponent has to do is wait and easily shoot you headshots.

If that were the case, how would it be in round 2? Would be 2 fullholds then I guess? Rarely ever seen on deli though, I wonder why.
Cus like i mentioned above, the likes of u only play delivery every single time, when it gets to the point to play any other map, is completly different, but i find it waste of time to explain this again allover.
Though, we are not limited to deli only, whereas other teams can't even play deli at all.
We've won on other maps as well and have no problem with not having to play deli, others do have problems with it.
yea if you screw up you pay for it and deli is a very complicated and skilldemanding map compared to likes of goldrush or supply
Deli is there, just not in the rotation
How can a map NOT be in the rotation while it is on the server exactly? If it's not in the rotation, it's not on the server basically.
Please do explain xD
And still, deli is a competitive map.
Because there is a dedicated rotation with 8 maps, and then maps on the server that you can vote for that aren't in the cfg. Pretty simple man
I'd like to refer to my other comment below then, please.
You're already doomed before even starting this.

You wanted an NBS alternative, do you even REALLY know what it was about then after all these years, since it really seems you don't.
An alternative, not a duplicate and I'm with you on Deli. I like the map, unless the server is just full
Well, it didn't stop them from filling up the waitinglist for the server for all the years it was deli only.
Wait, you're not actually saying it can only be on the server if someone votes for it right?
Because you know that will give you a heckload of trashtalk because of all the voting and mapchanges? xD
I think this map isnt that good for 6on6 format, thats just garbage with nades
and hosted in UK gg
better than germany lol
changed to i3D already?
That was always the plan, to move t o13d

Besides, unforgiven keeps DDoS;ing the ycn server... fucking dolt

BTW, i3d is awesome. Live tech support. Tickets answered right away.. all good!
A few more things.

Admins can ip/guid ban, set levels to regular players, etc.

Votes are not limited to 2 and vote percent is 51, not 75

There's a f ew little bugs, but those will get worked out

I need refs. GOOD refs, not just because we're friends, but will be serious about it
Spoofing incoming.
Spamvoting incoming.
Spammapchanges incoming.
You either know the people you'd like as ref or you don't give them ref, simple. Anyone will come to you saying he's the best ref whilst in the end(as many did before, just like u did) they will just share the ref pass with some buddies and toss it around because who the fuck cares it's a pub.
Not entirely clear from the post, but if you add rotation it won't be really succesful, the guys who complain about it here on crossfire do not even play on publics in the first play or barely ever do. The guys who go on nbs only go there to test their hack and really can't be bothered with some shitty map rotation they don't give 2 shits about.
This! I don't really take too much from CF unless it';s players I know are actually playing
Can you please explain why DKZ is talking about 90 minute maps and there is 60 in your post then? Did you change it after he said it was shit?
Or did he just randomly made up a number? xD

I'm here to give you a hard life!
someone mentioned it in a previous thread (about 90mins or 60mins limit) and got a +1 so I guess that makes it a good idea. :z
And we are here just now, reading he doesn't just listen to anyone on CF..
The lies! THE LIES! :(
personally I wouldn't take any written opinion as gospel. not mine, yours, darki's or any of the 500 complaints about how the server ran. just look at the facts ffs. :D cybergames had NO admins for years with multiple servers, running one map all day without ending and was full ALL DAY. surely it's obvious that people _want_ this. :D
Surely :P
It's the same thing I did when I transformed by shitserver in to NBS, looking at others.
I had the luck that cybergames just quit the week before and I just thought, why not do something similar, but in my style. And you see how that worked out.

Also had 3 servers running all full 24/7 after a while, with nbs 1 and 2 being exactly the same and having 3 as the alternative.
purefrag / deli ...
kalli + ec quali ...
purefrag/deli gonna be played alot.
Can't wait to finely play Purefrag on etpro again.

gl hip
Thanks mate. We had it one earlier. Purefrag FTW
And vapour is admin there? He was aimbotting everyday on nbs gg
No. I changed everything. I appreciate his help, big time, but I decided my old mate Mark7 is going to be the other admin. He knows what he's doing, really well.

Besides, I can't have a WH'er as admin
"ET Pro Pub like it should be!" Yeah, no..
N!tmod plz : >
Also you should limit name changes :) no haxors with name changer :)
Yeah, good point but I think that was a PB feature, wasn't it?
You can do this with KMOD i think mate.
Probably. I have to go through the kmod.cfg.
I am surprised nobody has taken the time out from shitting on the settings or the maps to shit on the name instead.
Offi maps + Deli + Purefrag
fuck the official maps

deli+pure frag
If people always vote deli and PF, then maybe....
Anyone willing to admin/populate a german etpro pub? i will host it.
let me know.
Why so everyone can have shit ping?

Srsly, up til now, most servers have been empty. I said months ago I was going to make a new server if Nbs died, it died. It's gone now. Weeks ago, I posted about it, and there has been people on it already. You REALLY think you're gonna start another new one on top of the ones that are up now fighting to get players??

Probably not a good idea
not for myself. it was an offer cus ppl complain abut your nbs like server with 99 minute time and shit.
what happened to the regualr time limit obj SW servers.... 09 has come and gone. and servers like NBS are shit.

like i said. it was an offer. it's not to gain anything from.
so.. what ever man.
German servers are the worst, not to hate on your opinion or so but they are.
german servers that are hosted with ycn and game server companys are the worst. i got a dedicated server box..
with 30x more resources then or ycn or fragnet servers.
Many german hostingcompanies will not really tell you what you really get. They are pretty known for that.
Same goes for i3d though, but at least they give service with it.

But yes, having your own dedicated server(if you really do know what it is) will be fine I guess.
my company is american owned. with a data center in frankfurt. so its not a german company.
and yes.. i know what a dedicated server is. im not poor and can only afford a VPS/Cloud. lol
I meant, if you really know what is inside it. Sorry for my poor wordchoice.
well, you can request confirmation from them. but that would be called " false advertising ", with a big company. its punishable in court.
if its OVH epic fail
uh.. what?

more like a 2 x Intel Xeon E564, 32 GB ram. much more than you could afford.
ya fucking emo lookin bitch
Stop acting as if that was a fact, it's just your opinion. Ever heard of the old one4one server? (Of course you haven't, too newschool) They had a german server, where everyone was lowpinging (even in 2006) and its probably still considered the best server provider ever by those players who remember it. It was kind of expensive, but thats what you have to pay if you want quality.

I'll tell u the provider If I can remember it. But besides that proPlay also offers decent servers.

Edit: It was a "k-play" server, ask any oldschooler, they'll tell u those were great, if not the best.
like every clanserver back then was k-play. :D but yeah it doesn't make much sense imo to condemn servers from a certain nation to be pure bad. I played an offi against some Czech team like 6 months ago on their server, all 6 of us from UK had 98+ ping, I could easily just begin saying Czech servers suck but I know it's not the reality. :D I played a short time ago on some Czech etpro pub and I pinged great there.
No of course not, k-play servers were expensive as fuck (16 slot used to be ~90e/month), but everyone who remembers it, will confirm it was the best server provider back then (even though one4one had the only one). Hell if he doesnt belive me, he can check the crossfire journals, k-play is mentioned almost every time.

I never really whined because of pings, if it wasn't higher than 98. But this almost never happened unless we were playing on some israeli server. Thats the only good thing of being German, u'll ping 98 (later on 48) to almost any place in Europe. The only place I remember never having a lowping was the efterlyst server.

It obviously doesnt make sense to blame a whole country for having bad servers, rather blame the provider. I for myself dislike YCN servers (sorry), because they're laggy and I randomly get +50ms because of weird routing at times.
well I know 141/j52/gods and all other teams featuring urtier prior to idle were k-play clanservers but I'm very sure I saw other clans with them too. :D maybe not all of the top teams and such, but others around the skill of Krea etc (04-05).

+ I guess I'm the same, I've never complained about high ping, only the era from ~spring 2010 til ~summer 2011 - during this time I had the most unstable connection I've ever witnessed in ET (worse than freeze. :D I just wasn't as capable as he was with his lag). that for me was unplayable, every game. but that was my own fault a not the server, the only times I manage to notice my own ping problems to a server is when my teammates complain about it first, then I actually see it. :D
Mhh, yesh that could be, can't really tell for sure, as I just gained more interest in the scene at that time, but I somehow doubt that non pro teams could afford them without sponsors. As I said they were really expensive compared to a "normal" server. Anyways, those were great.

Wish I only had to play a bit over a year with a trash connection, but I've been on 2k ever since 2005... sucks to be me. Pings have always been fine, as long as my bro wasn't surfing the net (which happened like most of the time).... -_- Anyway its mine now, so things at least got a tad better, haha.
You seem to really care about the time someone has played this game, I fail to see the relevance.

Almost all the ET servers being hosted by those 'low priced' german hosts are just shit, there may have been some good ones back then, sure. But at the moment you'll only really get quality if you buy a server in a proper game from an expensive host. Same goes for other countries really, but german hosts seem to like derouting their servers.
And you really seem to enjoy making up bullshit by overgeneralizing. The time, of course, is of relevance, as internet connections and routings weren't as good / fast as they now are, thus ping problems sometimes had been an issue back then and I don't recall ever hearing whine concerning k-play servers.

No offense, but did you even read my post properly? I said the exact same thing. If u want quality servers, you have to pay more than just a few bucks (It's the same thing now and then). Not saying that we don't have weird routings at times, but you're dutch, so it shouldn't really be a problem as u ping 48 anywhere.

If I thought the same way as you, I'd have whined and flamed my ass off on the old (and new) NBS Servers, even when you were still in charge. Don't ever tell me those were quality servers, I usually had a solid 30 ping there, but some days it went up to 80-90, cuz of shit routing or your server provider lagging. Touche, eh? Now do I think all dutch servers are shit? No.

If all affordable server providers are shit atm, it doesn't really matter, where the server is located anyway, as they'll all lag / deroute at some point. German servers are just the most central in Europe, so cut the whine just because u've got 10ms more than in your own country, while the rest will probably have an overall better average ping than on a dutch server.
Time is of relevance, my time in this game isn't.

Pings? Who still cares about pings, especially with etpro's way of showing ping, with a simple command you can force it to show another ping >.>

NBS were never solid servers indeed, hosted by YCN trash. Never did say I had proper servers, it's pretty hard to come by actual good ones these days. But thanks for pointing out YCN sucks, +1'd.

You're right and I may have missed that point before then, if you REALLY want something good, you'll have to pay up. It's just that 99% of the serverhosts out there are not that kind of hostings, but just want to make some easy bucks and deliver nothing but a server.
My point about Germany in this case is, because it is central in europe many think it's the best way to go. But looking at some statistics(which can be found through some googling) many europeans have better connections to dutch/french servers.

I once read a case a few years ago where a ''big'' german gameserverhost was selling ''quality'' servers but was actuallly routing them through New York. It was then said that they were not the only ones doing so and because of some german policies or so this was better for the company.

I didn't really want to go on and on about it, just wanted to make sure Hip didn't get a german host now as I know the guy and he'll look at less expensive rather than more quality.

Sure back in the days, ET may have been a maingame for gsp's, but nowadays it's hard to find a hosting actually caring for these servers.
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