Windows Apocalypse

Windows installed IE 7 itself :|

They taking over our computers piece by piece!!!!!!!
same happened on the downstairs PC, no idea how :P
shut up hacker!
Auto-update k thnx
they got me too o:
Every man for himself!
They let you have sevral "windows" open at the same time.. but when i click a link, it opens up a new browser, so then what the fuck is the point?
And the xfire quality seems worse too, although it seems the same size.
And how do i get rid off the "Live search" thing!

<3 microsoft :o

opera from now on thats for sure :O)
Don't use automatic updates maybe?
DoNT mAke StuPiD i.e. UpdAtEs MaYbe?
same happened 2 me
solution: dont use windoze
I tried to install it but it seems that I have illegal microsoft software and they want me to verify it (20 dollars) so no thx
did ur cod hax also install itself?:d
install firefox
apocalypto :(
Format D:
nice having autoupdates enabled rofl
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