So I'm Polish now.

Moved to Poland last week, Krakow more specifically, and I must say: Krakow is awesome. Period.

- Polish food is delicious (zapiekanka, pierogi, etc)
- Going out is ridiculously cheap.
- Polish girls are very pretty, yes it is true.

Curious for the winter! Also, if there's anyone from crossfire living in the city, I'm always up for a drink :-)

I have multiple Polish shops that I buy stuff from regularly, also literally every regular local newsagents/corner shop I go to now has some PL shelf or even sub-section. ;o it might just be because of the amount of Poles in the area of London I live in!

how long do you plan on living there? also I guess now you don't see Polish as a fucked up alien-looking language anymore. :D
1 to 2 years is the plan, unles I get fired before that :-p

And Polish still is a fucked up alien-looking language for me. Holy crap.
zxnianaonk zkajajsj zjauixjjj :)
does it not start to make sense at some point? imo Polish makes total sense (accuracy of spelling/pronunciation etc) compared to English. rules are actually followed with 99.9% of the vocabulary, the only difficulty in that pretty much is that everyone notices a foreign accent I guess. :D
I've been here for 6 days, I don't know about your linguistic talents but unfortunately they're not that well developped in me to learn such a complex and difficult language as Polish in 6 days.

Alas :-(

Funny thing, did a bit of research on the webz and general consensus seems to be that Polish is one of the most difficult languages to learn. More so than Russian or Chinese.
I kinda skipped the part where you wrote you were there for a week. :C I didn't know that about the difficulty comparing to Russian/Chinese. I mean I'm fully aware that Polish it a tough one to learn but I didn't know it was up there with Chinese (as a second language to someone willing to learn). ;o
Same shit here, 3 PL stores in like 100 metres -.-
Stayed tuned for next week's Journal:
"So I'm HIV Positive now. Fuck."
Atleast he got laid
I don't know about Malta, but here they actually do sell condoms so...
Atleast he got Positive image: 2019501609_75378_TrollFace_answer_1_small
..doesn't matter, had sex
my family come from krakow :P awesome city indeed.


but why did u move to poland :S
I was looking for an IT-job abroad, and a Polish company offered me one with a very attractive salary for Polish standards. I can live here pretty good and save enough money to do what I want.
Im in Cracow very often, so we can drink some beers or vodka :D
Have fun Kim!
You should definitely be able to impress the girls there with your knowledge of polish curse words
he prefers his RHAND
Actually czech guy talking czech and swearing in polish is the ideal combination for them (+ the look also matters :P )
that's because czech language sounds funny for us :P
brb booking a flight :)
MADemoiselle s'il vous plaît :XD seulement les francais du canada
pardonnez-moi mon chéri!
gg rhand = cheater now
Tzac dead, go live in Poland. image: bth_Kappa
Ouais, cest ca!
t'oublies pas ton français? Bon belge ça!
Noooooo go away from proland dont be there u will get infected with virus called idiotism&hax
wow they must pay you good, most ppl here dream about getting out of this country ;D
I think I get 2 or 3 times the salary of a Polish person.
wow how can you live with 500€ per month?
Polish people get more than 500€ a month mate. It's Krakow, not Marseille.
Nice comeback but this journal is about Poland not Marseille
Then don't make stupid jokes about my new country!
its easy to live for this money in poland
Krakow the city of machete :D but good luck anyway.
stay at home when Wisla vs Cracovia or their friends and when Cracovia plays Wisla or their friends :XDDDD
I'm actually going to watch Wisla - Cracovia in february, atleast, thats the plan. Too bad both of them already played Legia Warszaw at home, would've loved to see them as well. Think I will try to go to Cracovia vs Lech Poznan next month.
I think Poland has some playoff system, so next spring I'll probably be able to see Wisla vs Legia and Wisla vs Lech.

Don't know any of the other teams and if it's worth to check out.
just ask someone from Krakow where not to hang out after those matches :P.
matches vs. Slask(friends with WIsla so it going to be fun) and Gornik should be also interesting.

and in playoff round Legia will probably play at home vs. Wisla :P(1st team after 30 matches plays 4 matches vs top teams at home and 3 matches against 5-8 away). but maybe Cracovia will play Legia in playoff round.
Ok, cool, Wisla vs Slask is next month as well so I will try to check it out. And after the matches I'm planning to go home and then go out in the Old Town with some friends, guess I should survive that? ;-p
well, it depends haw much are u going to drink :P
what are you doing in my city? studying i guess?
No, I found a job here, in the Business Park.
zabierzow? only work there or apartment as well
I work there, I'm trying to find an appartment in the city center close to Krakow Glowny, the train station.
ale nikt z nas nie kluje takich troszeczke kondonikow:) , racej kazdy wie kogo gdzie jak, jak juz sie kogos trafi .
w takim razie uszanowanko i szacuneczek.
Of course polish girls are pretty. That's why they are the number 1 nationality of prostitutes in the UK
now that was harsh :D
Yeah, cos prostitutes are pretty... More often than not they are pretty ugly.
i thought they were because the polish are known to have no problems accepting minimum wage
So nice to hear it :)
Enjoy the city :D I love Krakow also :) to shame I have almost 2/3 hours to get there :D
been there.. can approve everything :D

hf there mate
Rhand, waar ben je toch allemaal mee bezig.
Rhand In Poland ?
Krakow has 3rd most dirty air in Europe. Smog is felt especially in winter or it's here no wind but still it's awezum city, especially for studying, imo much greater than Warsaw ;)
I already noticed the dirty air. I've lived in Dublin for 2 years and the air in Krakow is 30x more polluted according to the internet, you really feel it :-)

But I'll get used to it.
have fun Rhand :-)
hf here, my city ;)
Witamy w grodzie Kraka :)
fucken winged polish hussars they had like 4000 hp or 4000 def in mount and blade
dat language
yup, hussars pretty much owned.

afair, there were battles in which enemy did run away/ surrender, as soon as hussars were spotted :-)
fucking noob
So that's why Panda asked me fuck load of questions about vodka prices and how far I live from Krakow. If ya ever decide to go on a trip to Warsaw gimme heads up
kurwa kurwa

you are from Ireland right? PL gonna play vs Ireland a friendly football game in my city, Poznan on 19th of November! you should get a ticket and come to watch it
Nah, I'm Belgian but I used to live 2 years in Ireland. As for the football, I hope Poland trash Ireland ;-)
Poland cannot into space trash
This is not how you should quit your life dude.
told u man, polish girl high quality pussy.

Best blow jobs ever
Polish girls <3 Gotta luv them :p Kind a jelly to you bro!
Wlasnie widac kto chodzi na zydow, obcokrajowcy albo studenci haha :)
The Jews are Cracovia right? I'm gonna try to watch Wisla matches ;-)
jews are opposite team.
Every opposite team is called jews?
there is 2 kind of clubs in Poland.
1.those started by intelligent and rich ppl(mostly jews at the beginning of XX century).
2.resort clubs(army/police/miner)

so there are only communist and jew clubs in PL, even if their supporters have other point of view they will be always called communists/jews :D.
Wisla is communist?
since 1949 it was GTS(guardian sports club) Wisla Krakow or Gwardia(Guardians) Krakow. 1949-1990 they were "owned" by Ministry of Public Security which was focused on killing democracy in PL :P.
they were a police club :P
Ok cool, thanks for the explanation!
Łódź, we actually need a Belgian speaker, interested? pm
Only joined my company last week, wouldn't really be fair to leave them already! And one of my colleagues already got a job offer from a company from Lodz, probably same company.
Fujitsu, I can make you a good deal - depending on your technical skills.
Sorry mate, I only joined the company 2 weeks ago and I just signed a contract for my appartment and everything. I prefer to stay put for atleast a year or more :-)
Iphone bug, see below.
Iphone bug, see below.
I've got a really nice team there, and Dutch speakers get a royal bonus. Perhaps we can play a few games while we're at it :P
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