feel stories

image: wY8Nl

the feel when you played et for atleast 8 years and didnt really achieve anything, and you will never be as good as top players.
dont be ashamed user, share your feel stories with us
too old to achieve anything in eSports already.
which is good, you chose to prioritize education instead of eSports (which at its best wouldve given you an average income for couple of years until you had neither job nor education)
but I wanted to be admired with tons of fans :,(
For what it's worth, I always thought you were a good player.
thank you, this always help me to head up :)
you've always been an awesome player!
thank you, now its only those fans who I am missing :p
that depends entirely on the game, there's plenty of starcraft, quake and even LoL pros that make a... very, very good living of eSports, more than enough to cover expenses of a lifetime even.
guess that's true, I've just heard stories of people being scammed by their organizations etc.
but yeah, prizes are huge in big games, guess if you invest correctly (even savings account :D) you could have for a lifetime
600,000e per year as a LoL player with merchanties(ocelote), otherwise something like 50,000e.
It's comparable with professional athletes, getting to and staying at the top is always a bit of a gamble and it requires you to focus solely on one thing. Most people would rather play it safe and add some variety to the mix, hence why they choose for an education and a social life.

A lot of good athletes come from backgrounds where they had little other options or they grew up in a house which support (or pushed) them towards a sport.

So yeah, it CAN pay well, but making a living out of it is only for a select few so it's a massive gamble.
wtf lol
like you care for those shit achievements that mean nothing. just enjoy the game and play with your friends, roll some faggots and have a laugh on ts.

internet serious business
Don't know that feel. Placed 2nd in OC 3rd div once, kthxbye
i meant big achievements, but if you consider that good, its something :D
Doing that with albert/holgi in the line up is kind of a big archivement if you ask me :D
to win games with Albert is as easy as killing bunnies with axes
I know that feel bro :(
he he i feel u brah
nah never really cared or played cups like that
but always fun winning with friends
that feel when you watch ET matches since 7 years and people only recognise you because your nickname is similar to promens' nick :(
I want everyone that cheated in FREE (10 or whatever years old game) to get hit by a car.
You know... that's actually the point. The game is FREE.

That means that nobody cares for their 'accounts' - in that case the game doesn't even have them. If ET was actually something you have to pay for, people would cheat less often because they would care about their money that they spent on the game.

That was the problem with BF3 - as long as it was very expensive (at least for polish standards lololol) I would say ~10-15% people on ESL cheated. Now that you can get a BF3 account for less than a dollar it's pointless to play it anymore, people are just flying around oneshotting everyone however they want.
I totally agree. I still don't get the people who argue with the "lol cheating in a free game".
Played ET almost since it came out, still shit rifler :( true story
these fucking feels man. they're killing us
Played 8 or 9 years too, never achieved anything worth mentioning. But me being so young when I started could be one reason. And only playing "competitive" (mostly mixes, few opencups and draft)
That feel when they said I was cheating and shouldn't join any teams

That feel when they said I was too bad and shouldn't join any teams

All those feels, this game left me miserable and betrayed. They will all pay. Every single one of them.
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