NBS #1 | Public ETPro NEW-IP:

We moved to a new IP: NBS #1 | Public ETPro NEW-IP:

Server is sponsored, Location UK, 24 slots, etpro etc.

More to come
Nice server dude
Cya there!
If only there were e-awards here, I'd give you the one for fool of the year, its a rotating award though and goes quite a lot around here actually..
I think this guy has dissociative identity disorder.
lol and you are?:p
It's Vapour. The same idiot that tried this last month. Owner of about 5 different user names on here now. Classic Sociopath.
he's been exploiting hipkat's server and also mine lately as well
damn schizo!!
time for gayming again :D
Can any admin clean up the trash and take care of the trash maker?
need more idiot refs, eot
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