aller la france!!!! <3

Pogba-sakho au dessus !!! :)

Le Brésil nous voilà!! héhé!
MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena
Cabaye, Pogba, Varane et Sakho les 5 meilleurs du matchs de loin!!!!
MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena MarseilleValbuena
ca fait que 4 xD
+valbuena, ça fait 5! :)
2nd goal by benzema was no offside
Riberys assist goal to benzema = goal, but didnt count because of offside (which was a wrong decision)
Nasris assist (?) goal = goal and count, but was offside (pic above)
vid restart bug
Benzema scored 10 mins before this one, referee said he was off-side but he wasn't.
congratulations France nigeria!
another fuckin retard
for the 35698th time france used to be a big empire with territories around the globe
u can perfectly be black AND french
go back to ur cave fuckin inhabitant of 3rd world country :)
you let your slaves play for you because you only have shit players yourself
Let me rephrase: We let good French people play because we have good French people.

Your lack of education is sooooo deep man I feel sorry for you! How come you can even read and write..
...except they are only french on their passport. if a women was pragnant and gave birth to a child on vacation in france it would be french too by law...except it has nothing french to it. more than half french national team is not white, and eve nthose who are white are from north africa...basically france has maybe 2 or 3 real french players who arent just french by passport.

this is just ridiculous considering the fact france has 85% white population and only 10% north-african and 3.5% black and yet on the national team the percentage of white people is maybe 10%; meaning your nation is fcking shit in sports and needs to let mercenaries play for them to be any good.
and this is not racist, its the opposite: black people >>>> white french thrash
Basically you wrote the same but with more words.
no idea whats funny po caralho
oh baguette!
"big empire"

if u never heard of Napoléon then Im afraid I cant do anything for you. :s
ahah Napoleon didnt even conquer a single country outside the europe.
So its surely because of him that you got guys from dom toms or north africa in your football team...
Nope but he was an emperor and an emperor is the boss of an empire afaik... so France was an empire. This is my point. Now if you have problems with black guys being french it's another problem.
you just failed to be smart tbh
and fyi, no i dont have problem with black ppl being french
who cares football suck

edit: Mec cette chanson me fait danser chez moi comme un con wtf
magique, même marseillais et parisien se font des gros calin :D
Most epic match in years!...
is France an African country ??
btw Ukraine sold this match
Yeah I don't think this is possible that players like Ribery, Pogba, Benzema, Varane and all our other shit players playing in shit european clubs can score 3 goals against such a good team. Corruption mucho.
so why they lost 2:0 in the first match ?
shit happens, better team won at the end as always.
Pogba, le meilleur jeune français que j'ai vu depuis 1998...
J'ai lu que c'était son 66e match professionnel hier soir... Il est incroyable !
Oui c'est impressionnant! Il a un jeu assez unique en +, je vois peu de joueurs capables d'être aussi puissant, capables de se projeter vers l'avant et très techniques à la foi. Il me fait penser à Yaya Touré mais il sera encore plus fort! Et avec des joueurs comme Matuidi et Cabaye qui courent 15km par match, ce milieu peut vite devenir un des meilleurs au monde.
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