LOL team
25 Nov 2013, 16:07
someone is avi for some matches ? i need a team or atleast some with who to play ... account of LOL is: muuradis
add me :E
add me :E
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
red, I see red everywhere
Personally I think soloq in a team game is just too annoying. I only play LoL when friends are online. Why wade through all those idiots by yourself just to play against better opponents? I get plenty of diamond/plat opponents in normal and most of them aren't trolling.
I started in Silver 4, I'm now in 1 and almost all the games I could carry were wins, no matter how stupidly bad other lane(s) was/were. Of course sometimes it didn't work because other lanes were too fed but that did not happen that much and after alllll trolls/noobs/afks I eventually won my matches and climbed the ladder, by playing mostly support (even when your carry is shit, does not know the specificities of his support, you can adapt and carry him because you are better than the division you are placed in.
Carrying carry? Good job, never thought carrying idiots who goes 1v5 was possible. Cuz thats what I get if I play support.
They obviously found it enjoyable, I didn't. It's like playing on a public server in ET and trying to do objective. Ofcourse you can "carry", but a lot of times your team will be retarded and it will just be frustrating. So the fact that he is looking for a team because he keeps getting idiots in soloq, doesn't mean that he is too bad to carry himself. Perhaps he doesn't enjoy trying to win games filled with blind monks and feeding mordekaisers and he might prefer playing with people he can rely on.
best this is when a baddie takes my mid and goes 1/9 with zed :D
tbh i dont think gp can make a big difference... I already carried 3v5 with evelynn once shes a bit fed she snowballs crazy but afaik it will change with new season since they wanna reduce snowballing i heard anywayz... no matter what they say go for hardcore carry and try to avoid low dmg dealers. I myself was bronze 5 but it was my place i guess since i had bad knowledge of matchups and overall gamesense... but after ~700ranked games i improved a lot and climbed but i dont have time to go higher anymore i let this shit for tryharders.
I laugh hard when i see some guys bragging about being silver 3 and yet they have 10ranked games it doesnt represent their skill at all it just means they did "ok" during placement games anywayz its another problem...
oh u.
i know what you mean it's hard to play solo with those idiots in team all the time. but still imo you should stop playing gp :D it's a bit useless, I guess. at least I don't even play him, or see my friends playing him. if you find yourself as a toplaner, get some rape-champ that can dominate top, learn to play him on normals/rankeds if you want and then carry a game a bit. I don't play top that much but riven, nasus, renekton, leesin, irelia, jax should do the job if you get a bit fed. chogath or vlad are fine as well. i'm a "begineer" as well comparing to other guys here, since I only play since the end of season 2 with some breaks ofc. (silver in s2 and now gold in s3 with almost 300 ranked games). so i'm pretty know what you mean cuz i played a lot of games in silver and it's hard to play there, gold is a bit better but still it's nothing big xD
good quality games, for me as a LoL.noob, are when I play a duo with a platinum guy or higher so we got few golds/platinum/sometimes diamonds in a team and it looks a bit better. or it's also good when we play 5o5 ranked teams, with my polish pro gamers from plat/diamond, against platinum/diamond players as well, and i'm the worst from our team by being in gold, but I don't always play support as you might think, and it doesn't look that bad from my side when I take other roles!
watching twitch - lol streams also help!