bored with java

i have a program to finish for monday

our teacher gave us 80% of the coding and half of it is not working as its suppose to be.

i dont have time and im bored

np: I-F - Mixed up in the Hague (2000) old =[
its boring compared to C# :[
But less retarded than C and C++ \o/
im a C++ fanboi, fuckoff ;P
C++ is retarded IMO :)

Java is better :D
im a C++ fanboi, fuckoff ;P
You have much to learn, young padawan.
java is easy, and it's fun when your program uses 2 gig RAM for nothing :>

-> Eazy E - Gimme that nut <-
every java program does that, retarded CPU/RAM management -.-
np. Wind - Crazy Rainstorms
Breda dacht ik ergens, is HBO en net nieuw volgens mij.
Loekino gaat naar de school voor lowskilled mensen, het ROC avaik.
i need to program a program to school too.

!! * WARNING * !! There is funny material above this!! * WARNING * !!
we code our whole semester project in java with 8 guys...
I hate this language... and I hate the Eclipse IDE :(
Visual Studio pwns Eclipse hard
Good. Good. Your hate has made you powerful.
actually i am using eclipse too and it isn't bad.
i use visual studio for c++ programming and i don't think it's any better imo.
Is there any plugin for Eclipse, that shows me the available methods and parameters during typing? Would lighten up my opinion :)
also ich weiß ja nicht wie du das gedreht hast, aber eclipse zeigt mir immer die verfügbaren funktionen und methoden während dem schreiben an. :D
nope, die parameter werden zwar angezeigt, die der klasse zugehörigen Funktionen an sich jedoch nicht... wird auch nicht vom Syntax Highlighting erfasst. Habs bisher auch noch bei niemandem anders gesehen.
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