RIP Madiba

image: 1891838-2591743
RIP in peace

strong man!
This guy has LeFrancis' respect, RIP
Great man! R.I.P
one big man left the world :( r.i.p
95 years old... changed the world, didnt he

RIP legend
Communist. He has innocent people brutally murdered. But lets all forget that, being part of an organization that threw granades into school classrooms will probably be forgotten in the tributes.

Yeah, but thats racist.
I read a tribute that did not forget about that, but hey open a history book and actually read it, it might be useful some day.
I know this page in history quite well. My dad had contracts in RPA for over 20 years.
I think the latest movie on him with Idris Elba does pay attention to that part of his story.
Finally, they should've let him die years ago. Selfish people put him on life support for far too long.
RIP Morgan Freeman !
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