CyberGamer for Ladders?

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I got in touch with head of CyberGamer. It seems they have a lot of interest in opening ladders and cups for our beloved game W:ET. It was something they had on their mind for a long time.

CyberGamer is an organisation the Australian ET players used to player their ladder matches and their tournaments. Now it's used for games like CoD4 and LoL. W:ET should be a very nice addition to this game.

Now I'm going to hand this over to the CB ET crew and we'll see what happens. They also mentioned it's no problem if the whole CB ET section swapped to CG.

I'll keep you updated.
wont happen anyway.

Even that time it was a big IF ESL Core staff would even put ET in wire since its not so much played game, but since it was denied by community we wont ever know, because this time it will surely not happen.

Be happy with what ET has right now and not what it could or should have.
Worth a shot jizzlord
maybe you didnt get the point :) ESL wants active league which at this stage W:ET surely cannot provide. Since you cannot play in 2 teams there wont be activity in cups and ladders which ESL core staff also expects from game which is suggested as new game.

if there would be some list of teams with players which are not doubled and which are even interested to play in ESL that would be cool. But however all are talking big at the moment, but we both know that even those who are so much interested wont play long. So if there would be atleast some decent number of teams and if I ask sn4ke if there is even an option that W:ET gets added on wire, than but only than section would be worth to be reopened.
By the way versus would realy bring visibility to game like ET :)

Flaming old admins like Foamea on forum makes me wanna puke. This guy was working on ET whole day long and this is what he gets back, besides of trying to find or organise some other cups which didnt get even 8 teams...
Don't get sentimental on me jizzlord, wasn't even refering to foamea in my journal.
nobody flamed foamea. ;o
image: 5240d9c9757bad094de26de50116d666

and this guy is saying for someone who is at the moment in 4 ESL staff :) and btw stary was trial admin, didnt suceed till the end :P cant count him as an esl admin afterwards
Flaming will not bring ESL ET back, you can only dream on that with this kind of attitude someone would even want to maintain inactive section again... for example sn4ke

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wondering what was wrong with admins?
Kalli and Specula aren't exactly the voices of the community. obviously there are people who will write negative things, the question is why you would focus on those. :D look at all the comments that AREN'T negative.
foamea was too biased to be good admin. there, I said it
he really wasn't..
he actually was :D
too little creativity, playing with cheaters next to their ESL activity which is understandable when they are friends but not acceptable for people who are supposed to be respected in the community, partially biased decisions from certain guys, admins who aren't able to maintain a certain pressure onto the higher admins when it comes to paying out (small) prize pots in time next to a few unimportant other things
well foamea was the best admin ever but the only one in esl, the rest were quite bad (bad decsision and not unbiased) and when he just disappeared, esl was damned to go down with their admins like stary and co
again stary was not admin, he was kicked out.
Foamea was only in background sometimes teaching new admins stuff...
Besides without sn4ke et would be dropped long time ago, since he is the master of eu section, he was still giving it a try and also tried to get wire on it which was hard in that inactive times... well it was almost impossible, same goes for versus, its not only what you see its a 99% background stuff going on and a lot of time spent for other developments. You just talk crap about admins which decisions were not even only their decissions smartass.
won't happen. are there any decent clans or guys who are longer than 3 weeks in the same team?
even tough its just a game, but no one is taking et serious anymore. Everyone tries to be cool and do some fancy stuff like trolling etc.pp.
The point is that no anticheat works >.<

But ye im up for it to play some ET again.
There is anticheat but admins won't accept it.
obviously not yours, if u can even call that anti cheat lol, so stop talking crap already.
Lol you obviously don't know what an anticheat is, it stops cheats and bans them. Not talking "crap" you pathetic idiot! You just hate the fact you suck without your aimbot, now stfu and jog on!
What is wrong with you? He is an admin and not a cheater or a "pathetic idiot".

Stop acting like we should all bow down to you because you made some slight modifications to silEnt and called it your own mod. :P
Implying admins never cheat and/or behave like pathetic idiots.
Fair enough :P But his being an admin makes him less likely to do that, no?!
Him being Aniky makes him very likely to be a pathetic idiot though.
Oh look, thats the irony calling behind the corner.
I will refrain from answering that question and post a ridiculously large picture of a hedge trimmer instead.

image: HSE_65_V_23
the time has come I actually have to agree with Aniky. gtfo and add more snowflakes to your website
robert :) gtfo yourself? another cheater i guess!! haha and i don't expect people to bow down to me, just i wont take your childish bullshit insults :D
Make another account to agree with this comment
anticheat is like antivirus, thats why on first place you cannot run antivirus which will block anticheat if exception is not added :)
several players need to be convinced though...
... ohurcool doesn't want to work for esl
... esl won't greet et with open arms
... community has bad experience with esl

well and except for that one of the most valuable things about clanbase is its database of members. all these members won't just jump over to esl.
bring back eiM & M1st3r :3

image: 1433yh4

Classic shit, was some important ESL EC Game and there were no ESL Admins to referee it, both teams wanted me to referee their game eventhough I was with ClanBase and nobody from ESL noticed until the game almost finished hahahahaha epic :')
especially m1st3r, most neutral admin ever, never did anything biased ":D"
he was in my team <3 dat rifle
KiLl3rBoY was in my team also, but he was still shit..
good old stuff, wouldn't mind seeing eiM back tbh
why not both? is chosen even alive? been ages since I saw him
hi@ <3 Not gonna happen :P
Damn it. Go get chosen then!
my memories from m1st3r are blurry but as far as i remember he banned jan (and thereby snogard dragons) for some random preshoot on delivery...
Ye I remember him asking me for my opinion and told him that guy has so many fishy moments but nothing bannable by CB standards, and he was like 'SUREEEEEEEEEEEE' & boom he banned him from ESL. :D

As much as I tried to bust jaN_ he never fucked up that hard to deserve a ban, but I don't think he ever proved himself at LAN?
agreed, there were far more obvious moments.
since esl does the opposite of cb, you should've told him that it was crazily obvious..
Hello there! :D
"ohurcool doesn't want to work for esl"

one of the basics when signing up as ESL admin used to be that they don't accept applicants who've previously worked with orgs like CB. :D
Haha, really? I didn't know that :P
I don't know if it changed or if it was just a policy put there by the ESL ET admins at the time (M1st3r etc) but ask someone like KB, he'll know better. my memory is a little vague on this one. :D

"We need admins with experience, as long as that experience didn't come from working for ClanBase or some similar organization!"
I had received offers from ESL to admin their games and even more beyond for $$. (while I was ET GS/C&A Ass)

I refused. I'm a fucking retard, I loved CB too much lol.

CB was always > ESL, if I switched I would have backstabbed CB and probably turned the tide in ESL favour during the ESL vs CB 'wars'.
You would just sell your soul.
dunno where the fuck I got that idea about past history with CB then. :/
Killerboy killed ET - confirmed on saint's stream
"This'll help get some activity back to ET."
If there are going to be better admins, why not?
I know it's hard to move on and it is literally almost impossible (tried it many times) but fact is, once you really reach the point where you moved on from ET, there is no real motivation to get back. especially when you need to wait long even for a 3on3 or 2on2, if there is even somebody searching.
I still play computer games, even shooters, but ET just 2 h now and then on some random pub.
as jalo says, "im addicted to the sound of headshots" haha.
This is still the best fps multiplayer game imo, altho it has many bugs/problems/etc.. It's sad to see it in such a state as it is, but why dont put effort in trying to keep it alive? Until there are tournaments, the competitive scene is alive (ET won't die, people will still play on pubs and different modes, it's not all only ETPro...).
ET will never die, at the worst it'll reach the kind of level RtCW is at now (RtCW has been "dead" since like 2003 yet a lot of people still play 3o3/6o6 every day). for me, people like ohurcool get the most respect for trying pretty hard to keep the scene alive even with all the flame and ungrateful responses they get. it's my personal hope that he will still be here in years to come. :) I only wish we still had more active cup admins who were around in the past. being an admin is probably the hardest job in a gaming community.
U can find wars concering 3on3 relatively fast even nowadays, sadly they aint as quality as they used to be back at the days, and most of them are just random polaks cheating.
Agreed. Hope you and ohurcool sign up as admin, specially ohurcool! Goodjob
with better admins? even i can agree
Quotethis time more decent admins?

I have no clue why you say that, if you are not happy then sign up, they had to deal with few ppls who signed up and many got declined

Yes there is always some guys who hate X for Y reasons, but every admins I saw when I was in their staff were wasting too much time of their own for ppls who didnt deserve it imo.

Back in the time u have no clue how much times it took to check guids, ip and others stuff only to allow & identify players for each teams ( and format ).

Just my point of view about the quote & esl.
I always sent you a PM instead of some guy like M1st3r (retard) because you were actually a competitive player and had some understanding of how things really work with teams + matches. my fav ESL admins probably were w0nd3r/FoaMeA, though I saw foamea in some damn childish arguments.

also had a lot of respect for Sn4KE til he blamed the community for dropping the ET section @ESL.
i didnt ask much to m1st3r but he was pretty helpfull to me back in times, same for snake and fomy,

u cant just lose respect to ppls like that after all the job they have done, i doubt they received anything in return

i have no idea what snake said about community but after what i saw, too much ppls didnt like esl and his website ( ye it was laggy many times but still awesome for the rest ), esl could offer much and its a big name
I liked the ESL site a lot and didn't understand why people had troubles navigating on it. it's just not one of those sites you can visit once every 6 months and know perfectly how to use. and yeah I can just so easily lose respect for someone when they can just so easily make such sad moves. :)
changing pw every 6 mounths is really annoying on ESL site
I can only remember something about getting fake "presents" from time to time and the fact my account was disabled simply because I had it for two years. Go figure.
your account got disabled because you had it 2 years xD I guess you got that on email right? Please xD
I'm sorry, were you here reading my e-mails in 2004-2005?
they were used to clanbase site, which is more like web1 site but I have had same problem on clanbase. Still I have searched instead of write tickets like some did or complain on forums.
i have always been the guy in the background leading the ET staff for 6 years and if i see that my admins give their best but nothing comes back i will stand up for them

we had prizemoney/hardware prizes during the last year+LAN finals
we offered an established Anti Cheat solution which was refused by the community
we offered a free and easy match making system for some random/IRC wars but also rejected by the community
default wins and shrinking number of active teams became normal

so from the admin team's point of view: everything was done to keep the section alive
just community did not want to and to be honest: nobody missed the ESL ET Section till now...
It isn't entirely true nobody missed ESL ET till now. Some of us knew ESL had way more to offer than CB.

Nonetheless we're still grateful to both CB and ESL for supporting the game.
prize-money stuff was never something I demanded from a league so I wouldn't judge any if they did/didn't offer that to the community. but the AC ESL offered was not for IRC wars or CB matched (this was confirmed, while at the beginning some of the admins were being kinda vague about this factor). so yeah, it's not that the community rejected your AC it's that we wanted a solution that didn't kill competition on CB too, now that CB is gone the community would love to use something like ESL Wire because now there are no disadvantages. if ET is played on ESL now it will have all of the activity. the ladders, the cups. the only reason people never played on ESL ladders is because the routine since 2003 for europeans in ET was to play laddermatches on CB. :D

like I said far above, since I made my ESL account I played every season of ESL when it came to spring, summer, fall. but suddenly those stopped (some season was skipped, either spring/summer/fall/winter but whatever it was it wasn't a good idea). ET teams only signed up to CB OC/EC every season because it was routine - I just fell out of that seasonal rhythm: season starts.. sign up to OC/EC.. sign up to ESL 6v6/3v3.. but then there wasn't a seasonal ESL cup to sign up to with my team. :D I remember Spring 2011 didn't have one - YCN had to create a cup so there were 2 online tournaments (EC/OC+YCN). Fall 2011 didn't have an ESL tournament too IIRC so it was BFB1 by TosspoT instead (EC/OC+BFB1). in Spring 2012 there also wasn't an ESL spring cup - BFB2 by TosspoT came in here (EC/OC+BFB2). I for example would have definitely played whatever ESL cups in spring 2012 that ran at the same time as EC because I had an active team here, and that EC had some quite active teams but we didn't have ESL as our alternative. BFB2 instead.

I do remember the Wintercup in 2011: - the community liked these kinds of tournaments, in sync with the spring/fall seasons. Summer/Winter cups were cool but the most popular/demanded cups were for sure Spring & Fall. these were the ones that stopped coming.
i do not know where you got these information from but they are obviously wrong and that was one of the biggest problems we had to struggle with: wrong information, own community opinions and prejudices

1) " but the AC ESL offered was not for IRC wars or CB matched"
=> official announcement made by me:
"1) Is it only for 'official' matches?
No! EWAC supports the gather function and ESL VERSUS as well as all 'official' matches like cup/premiership and ladder matches. Via the gather function teams can meet in a separate chatroom, clear the match details and then just play e.g. 'IRC wars'! Via VERSUS every player can search a 1on1/3on3/6on6 and is automatically put in the respective format he is searching. Via this way you can play any mixes you want. Both matchmaking features need < 5 clicks - easy for everyone."

2) you said: some season was skipped, either spring/summer/fall/winter but whatever it was it wasn't a good idea
=> wrong in the way you mean/present it, we tried to provide a tournament for each season, sometimes we had to skip a season due to big delays caused by not played matches and the "we want to get every match played and no defwins"-policy
moreover we hosted some instant 1-day cups during these periods to provide some tournaments

3) you said no seasonal in spring 2011:
=> wrong, here is the announcement news:
=> tournament concept was not accepted by the community and we had to stop this spring tournament after 1st or 2nd cup took place

4) you said: no seasonal in fall 2011
=> correct but as mentioned above time issues: summer ended in end of sept and we already prepared for the winter season to start in the beginning of december

5) you said: no seasonal in spring 2012
=> wrong + we had a country championship running in the summer/spring period

2012 was- in general- a year with tons of offered tournaments...just sign ups were missing
- winter: 1on1/2on2/3on3/6on6
- country championship 3on3 with several qualifiers, groupstage, playoffs
- spring: 1on1/3on3/6on6
- evolution challenge Premiership
- summer: 1on1/3on3/6on6
- autumn: 1on1/3on3/6on6
- Strom Assault Premiership
- some random/1day cups e.g. christmas cup
I can't really comment on the ESL Wire discussion, not having cared enough back then, nor now, but... We had options, why should we use something that forces us to a specific system, site or league, when a more suitable (to this community) anticheat is already in the making? You really can't blame anyone but bad timing and quite possibly a flawed system that indirectly pushes people towards a service.

Quote=> wrong, here is the announcement news:

So, guide me through this...
Admin has idea, admin discusses idea with other admins, admins are fond of idea, admins decide this multibillion dollar idea has to be ran as a cup. Community dislikes idea, admin blames community for bad taste, community doesn't really care either way, as yet again, community has the option to just opt out and play the other cup - given the competition between LEAGUES. Admin decides community has to be the scapegoat for everything bad ever happening?

Leagues are great, everyone likes leagues, but... here's a thing with leagues, if we have multiple options, and we prefer one over the other because they're less restrictive in the way they handle things, or are more appealing because of their rulesets, admin personnel or maybe even just website layout, don't blame the community for having chosen unfavorably for you.
again a perfect example: "I can't really comment on the ESL Wire discussion, not having cared enough back then, nor now" - like hundreds of other players when reading "ESL"
ESL Wire was the possibility of a reliable and regular updated anti cheat with a serious, strong and reliable partner: the ESL which is actually bound to the German law and no unknown third party with intransparent background. If you think that other anti cheat programmes were more suitable...well Wire is still out there and banning cheaters...

here is your little guidance:
First of all i only answered Artstar's comment who claimed that there was no seasonal tournament in spring 2011 which was and still is wrong

CB always provided Spring/Fall OC/EC, therefore we always had small numbers of signed teams for these seasons
-> we wanted to offer sth. new and different to attract the teams
-> teams always focus on CB and therefore this special concept with some hardware prizes was developed
-> teams declined that, concept failed, we decided to bridge this gap with some random 1day-instant cups
-> we concentrated on summer, where CB has no seasonal EC/OC

the ET Admin team tried everything possible according to their resources, especially in 2012 after we talked about a possible end of the section in Spring. i dont want to enumerate the points written above...offer was not accepted, community did not enjoy the effort, ongoing decreasing number of contestants
=> rules of the market: offer is shut down due to a lack of demand by the community

OR do you see any other (ofc offer-sided reasons) for the ESL ET Section being closed? Insufficient effort by the Admins maybe? Admins hate the game? ESL wanted to get rid of that game?
Quoteagain a perfect example: "I can't really comment on the ESL Wire discussion, not having cared enough back then, nor now" - like hundreds of other players when reading "ESL"
ESL Wire was the possibility of a reliable and regular updated anti cheat with a serious, strong and reliable partner: the ESL which is actually bound to the German law and no unknown third party with intransparent background. If you think that other anti cheat programmes were more suitable...well Wire is still out there and banning cheaters...

SLAC, also known as the Speedlink-Anticheat was subject to the same German laws as well as having a well known organization behind them, your argument there really doesn't hold. Again, ESL Wire - AT THE TIME - did not offer anything we didn't already have. All the while crippling us in it's usage, where as SLAC was simply better suited.

I don't get why you're so set on trying to turn the "community" into a scapegoat here. Essentially this all boils down to ESL vs CB, CB was more attractive to the players, for whichever reason... maybe it was because the websites' the lesser of both evils (even now, to date, I find the ESL website utterly annoying, misleading and very intrusive with its constant reminder of how necessary it is for me to throw money up their buttholes for "better features"), maybe it's the admin staff that was, personality wise, not very welcoming towards ET players. If I had to pick between Killerboy and some random dude called mist3r to be running my cups, supervising my teams and players and organizing stuff, I'd most definitely go with the person of far greater reputation. Or, maybe players just didn't like the org itself, who knows.
Fact is, clanbase was running EuroCup, and NationsCup in ET, which gave them pretty much a monopoly over recognition and leagues in this scene, next to crossfire lans it had the most prestige cups, period. (EMS, was there, I suppose, but the main attraction still lay with EC). That being said, we now have all attention going towards clanbase, which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not in the PLAYERS' interest to look to other orgs for cups of less or same value. This is where you come in, ESL, to compete against CB, you want the attention, the players, the activity and want your cups to be valued and praised higher? Do something that achieves exactly that, but don't go blaming the community for not wanting to switch to your league when it offers the same or less. That's entirely your fault for not living up to the standards of a competitive environment, or market.
I'm not blaming the Admins here either, as you said, they most likely did everything within their reach to make ESL more attractive towards players, it just... wasn't enough. There was nothing else to do, but if anyone's to blame for that, it'd be ESLs failure for kicking CB of their throne - early enough.

On a side note: Personally, I always preferred ESL as a league, in ET however, it just.. wasn't enough, ever. Also the website, sorry, but, ESL pretty much kicked their own teeth in at some point when they introduced the new site (somewhere around 07? 08?).
looks like you mixed sth up:

speedlink stopped their active esport effort more than 2 years ago. slac turned into tzac, the guy in charge of that software was the same like before and the anticheat became more and more outdated. if you check the date of the linked Wire announcement news you will find out that it was released after serious problems with the other anticheat occurred ( ). so your argument ("Again, ESL Wire - AT THE TIME - did not offer anything we didn't already have. All the while crippling us in it's usage, where as SLAC was simply better suited") really doesn't hold and is even wrong if you talk about "SLAC" because that was already history when i published the Wire-News in Oct 2012.

a) the admin team: we had great feedback by several top clans regarding our effort and our (you called it) "personality" but living from 10 teams is not enough. moreover everybody was invited to write an application...nothing big happened here
b) "Do something that achieves exactly that": again, as mentioned above everything possible was done (tournaments, huge coverage, LAN finals, cash+hardware prizes, additional services...) Please extend this list with your ideas
c) "offers the same or less": link me any league with something similar like "Gather", "VERSUS", "Wire Anti Cheat", hardware prizes, cash prizes etc. for an old game like ET in addition to the general offers (tournaments, ladders)
d) lets go back to the old website a good argument. of course not, because from all gaming communities ET was the only one complaining so hard.

so in the end, like you said: community prefers CB, ESL offer wasnt wanted, ET section closed.
Fair enough, I was under the impression Wire had become a thing the same time SLAC was in the making. The same applies though, yes, people are ignorant, but people are also more welcoming to use the least path of resistance, or in this case, easiest and least action required way. TZAC was working *fine*, why ever people decided against ESL Wire, I don't know, I don't think I was playing around that time or even more so reading crossfire, there could be a multitude of reasons as to why people would rather stick to TZAC, none of which I'm aware of however.

That was merely me providing examples as to how ESL could seem less attractive than CB to players. I was not accusing anyone. :)

Here's the thing though, quantity =/= quality, you're listing off "VERSUS", "Gather", Ladders and tons of other services no one uses in this community, or really only has a miniscule amount of players interested in such. You can provide as many features as you like, if they're not applicable to the community you're trying to attract they become void. No one's interested in a Gather system given the bigger flexibility of IRC, this is a rather oldschool community in comparison to other, newer game titles, we're old, we're used to hanging around on IRC; arranging scrims, wars or mixes that way. We like it this way, new games, specifically gamers and younger players are far more susceptible to your stuff, because they might find it easier or are generally unaware of IRC.

Surely you offered a few prized cups, but so did others, yet the prestige always lay with EuroCup, it was higher ranked than anything else in the scene, and that's that. CB was faster, CB made a name for themselves, in ET, before ESL really got the chance to, hell even #etcups were more preferred than ESL itself back then. ESL ladder, in THIS game, never accumulated to anything, neither did the CB ladder.

Quote lets go back to the old website a good argument. of course not, because from all gaming communities ET was the only one complaining so hard.

Yes, they did. And again, this falls back to us having an option, something to compare it to, we had VARIOUS many leagues in ET in the early days, all of which had a more user friendly, easier to navigate and less annoying system and site than ESL ever offered, of course people would be more inclined towards these. In the end, all of this adds up, you stockpile reason over reason over reason that makes ESL less attractive than CB or Warleagues or Liga4Fun or Cups or ETCups or whatever else we had over these years. Apart from the Anticheat issue, which I'm still not entirely convinced about nor informed enough to make a case for, there's absolutely nothing you can blame the community for, over having favored ClanBase to ESL.
now you are opening a different topic named "CB vs. ESL - why did that happen". i dont want to go into detail here...ESL supports more than 100 games and is the leading esports organization since many other gaming communities also had sth to compare it to. over the years both ET leagues CB+ESL co-existed but in the end the number of teams was too little, activity = 0. ET is an old game, maybe not enough for 2 big leagues.

if you want a bigger market share or even hold it on an acceptable level you have to differentiate towards the competitor. we tried so by investing time and money in new gaming formats (e.g. countrychampionship), services and prizes. even companies liked that and sponsored some hardware for the ESL's ET tournaments (e.g. Storm Assault and Evolution Challenge). we tried to point out the future possibilities regarding ET in the ESL and that a future is only possible with the community.

but the demand did not recover, it became even worse, so the section was closed due to a lack of interest by the community. That is a fact and if you call that blaming the community....i call it the community's free choice. ESL-sided there was no reason closing that section (apart from the interest). And obviously you think so too because you did not answer my question regarding other reasons apart from the community's interest.
A lot of the problems that came out of the whole Wire non-sense was a direct result of the admin team not being clear on the facts. I don't really feel like searching it down now - but it was initially announced that ESL Wire would only be used for ESL matches. I know you specifically didn't write the words, but an admin that wore the tags ESL did, and that was enough for the community to disregard it. By the time the community was actually informed that ESL Wire would have more usability, it was too late - ESL had already dropped ET.
I did my best for ET... too bad ESL dropped this awesome game.
ahaha faggots
Actually googled "family praying", but I did have a black family in mind. Thanks Obama.
inspired by my journal all heil fragma saviour of ET.
let me think a second .. no
It`s not possible. We can fight and keep it alive for a while but I would say it`s just like a man on health-supporting machine.
Hush with the attitude.
try these guys as well ... (may have been tried before but not sure, need a more formal application)
save us biggie

e: or maybe ask MLG :)
lol i love how ohurcool gets all the shit in the comments, ohurmate these tards dont deserve you <3
ofcourse they dont
said it before TZAC came ... ESL "was" the future for ET... now its 2late? :S

GL .. would play some ESL gathers ! :)
talked with Sol the new AC will coming this year..

he will support et pro public serv excluding clanbase :s
cuz clanbase are not insane
bei dir gibts nix zu lutschen außer eine fette türkische knollnase (no racism intended)
go for it community!
esl was better from day one and its pretty funny what kind of love cb had for everyone considering how bad its always been

anyway its too late now
More complicated site and worse admins at a time did it.
site was annoying at times but they even had all the matches stuff in esl wire which was very easy to navigate with, i dont think i ever even needed to use the site except for adding players and stuff

admins were helpful to me atleast and its not like i have ever needed admins except for rule clarifications, not in cb or esl. esl admins did the work they were expected to do, and all the retardness came from players anyway
You were lucky with your admin contacts then and I don't think ET was included in wire (which is great for cod4 and csgo)
ET was included in wire and had already some decent cheat database. When clearly community started to spit on ESL while we have just wanted to attract players and also attract new players to ET we got pwned hard. From that stage on with inactive cups, ladders it was not even worth to continue if it was going on the 2 years. Only cup that was visited was money/items prize cup.
Was it really? Fair nuff, I guess that was not public knowledge.
Well first it had to be that we start to plan to use it duh. Besides installing ESL Wire by urself would give you a big clue it already supported ET that time.
iirc the feedback to idea itself was negative from start as wire could not be used outside ESL (CB and IRC wars)
Besides installing ESL Wire by urself would give you a big clue it already supported ET that time.

are you going to work or to bed btw?
Neither. And I have wire installed but never noticed ET
Maybe because you also have to add a game lol xD
Anyway you could launch game without any gather, versus and so on. Just launching game throught wire. I have said this few times.

But anyway it does not matter now anymore :)

and yes bans would be controled by ESL wire admins... like it was by tzac admins... and lets cut the crap already CB would never use ESL anticheat. We all know that so i guess they would UAC. We just saw tzac will not lead anywhere with chaplja just getting some money and leaving tzac like it was.
i got banned at esl for not cheating

how is that better :>
U got banned coz you or your brother cheated on same tzac account and had the same ip. Who cheated we will never know stop being foolish. U got unbanned anyways later on, when finaly prooved you even got a brother, which was the only thing we asked you to do, ofcourse after 3 months
Brink back ET.
avi for 6on6
If ESL takes ET back you will get the guys from Impact Gaming back to play Showmatch
Thats like a showmatch of old people in wheelchairs, get some good people to play a showmatch. :P
I dont want erAse to get exhausted :(
Would be nice too see how they'd do against active team :D
they'd still destroy some of the "highskilled" teams I bet
they'd still erase some of of the "highskilled" teams i bet
I heard erase
hoi teKoa, its webe here. we were talking some time ago to bring exitium back for 6on6 for one season, me infernal violy would be in, but we need a few guys since a lot of us are long gone (pds moved to japan for example :p) someday and release Luffy.
violy? i want to believe :S
did anyone say violy
he would play offies only i guess, he has been inactive for a long time :<
We miss you mate, would be awesome to do 3on3 you me phyzic, miss laughing at your epic moments in every aspect of the game <3
Nice to see u around u schmuk :D
hello guys somehow i lost my granpa hes about htis big and this old they call him ET have u seen him around here...
Why dont people who own crossfire create a ladder system and do recruit good admins like ohurcool to organise someacups? Would be coool
to get ET active back get first the CF 2.0 back ...
make NationsCup. show ESL and other leagues how ET is popular(NC would be 10x more popular than any other "clan" cup). bring back Tosspot and other sc and do the show :D
99% of polish players are banned
nobody of germany plays et anymore, same goes for spain, italy and many more
the only active nations are belgium, netherlands, finnland, sweden :S
Quotenobody of germany plays et anymore

eh, not true. There are plenty that are still around and more than willing to play the next NC.
hope u dont mean people like requiem, kenji and so on
people like kresti stray flop i didnt see for ages, not even playing lol anymore :S
and idk what happend to the mM guys like fendah and ramoz
no, I'm exclusively thinking of people that have previously played for Germany. Most of the people are still around, not playing ladders or actively participating in cups =/= not playing.
nice2hear that
ramoz in NC? lol
i'm sure PL would be able to get decent lineup with allowed players like WuT,Abj, hunter, zmk, palemki, kirej or someone else and fight for top3.

same with germans and other nations. even with lower NC than last year i'm sure that there would be a lot of interest around this cup.
dis gun be good
can't we leave Aniky behind?
what do you mean with WE
we as community
i see the butthurtness still didnt fade away, no worries, it will be better after a while.
not a single hurt given that day
theres the butthurt again
just go away to your silly w/e league and spam it
want me to apply some cold water to the burnt area ?
small community that is, consisting u and fanatic :D
and certain someone who actually has some input power
I wonder who.
Can't say, but it's someone pulling certain strings
Dobut its someone who actually have some imput over me and my work towards old/new league system.
Well it is.
"we" as in u and ur butt buddy? :D

i see the butthurtness still didnt fade away, no worries, it will be better after a while.
Cybergamer ftw
CyberGamer 6o6 Ladder

erAse 2014 players' cf profiles
ile czasu spedziles wczesniej w tej grze ? pewnie 3/4 dni w tygodniu po kilka godzin zeby wkoncu zagrac w NC a teraz z innych sie smiejesz heh hipokryta jebany aje
nie musialem grac po 3/4 dni w tygodniu bo dostalem sie do repry poprzez kolesiostwo, jeszcze sie nie nauczyles??? i chuj z tym ze gralem po pare dni w tygodniu pare lat temu, bo chyba mialo to wiekszy sens kiedy wchodzisz na irca o 20, masz juz gotowych do gry 6 ziomkow na tsie ktorych znasz w chuj czasu i zawsze jest o czym pogadac, i masz 3ch oponentow do gry i grasz ciagiem na dobre teamy do 23-24, i w tygodniu zajebales z 10 gier i kazda byla na kogos innego, a teraz co mam grac kurwa na tych samych nerdow codziennie, ktore poziomem nie prezentuja niczego bo sa zerowcami
Nerdzenie to nerdzenie i czy jest 10 teamow czy 2 nie zmienie faktu ze tak samo robiles i powiedz mi czy jakby chlopcy w lola grali teraz po 4/5 h dziennie to by byli spoko a jak w et graja to so nerdami bo gra jest "martwa", jak dla mnie glupie myslenie w chuj czerpia przyjemnosc z naqrwiania hs w et niech sobie naqrwiaja i tyle ..
Well, I talked with one of the CG admins, and things are looking pretty good. :) Stay tuned!
nice news :))
Its up to ESL GamesCoordination now, there will most likely be a test cup.

[14:59:00] Jan "Sn4kE" btw: no news so far..
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