random rant (dewian)

random rant:
why are people playing maps without side 3on3 ? i find it gay since in cb side is allowed, why do you play pcw without side?

edit: forgot (dewian)
because it makes the map more aim based
if CB play it with side and you're like trying to practice for like CB, you can't. fucking stupid rly
Do we think the same?
Well, it prolly makes it less lotto too. Breaking an axis crossfire at main isnt that hard if you wait 10 seconds before attacking, then selfkill and immediatly attack again.
Players think to much about their aim, they rely to much on their aim, thinking that they can hold off the enemy on their own, and I think that's one of the reasons why people are called a cheater so often so quickly, because when they get killed they don't understand why. Because their aim is like: "I'm med+/high easy, I can take on a couple of guys running at me."

The fact is, you either have the skills or don't!
Ik schoot jou gister avond bijna de hele tijd met 3hs dood!!!
=D, nou nou perfobje, wiebel wiebel was dat!
hehheh, you needed whole clip for that? I smell sarcasm @ your statement "med+high aim" xD (allthough you do have it ofc..)
yea, his hitbox!
Hmm imo you came in flying like superman, you made a big turn by checking under bridge first and then back to axis spawn. This gives you maximum spread. You shoot immediately (ofc) but therefore spread never got a chance to turn down. So that's why you needed a whole clip for him I think. It's not the aim nor the hitbox as far as I can see.
On a sidenote: Have you noticed that when you have full spread and keep shooting, the spreadscale bar is not there? Untill you cease fire, then it's back; full red.
yeah, i know this ;P
expected <3
Because some people want to pay less attention to different map area's and focus on their aim, instead of going engi to build stuff at side.

And I say: use side, then there's more switching between ways !
I don't Finlandmind.. As long as it's discussed with oppponent in advance, so you know whatsup during play. Both has it's negative/positive things.
played 3on3 and he was like: play without side or i search new one...
I hate that too.

I believe that people tend to play 3v3 without side because either their comms suck or they got rambo players and are unable to cover whole area.

It requires a lot of skills (read: not only aiming skills) to defend huge map with just 3 players. It's no longer enough to just place each player on his position and wait for opponent. You have to predict where your opponent will attack. It's pretty similar to quake duels - sure, you can just run around, chasing opponent, but you can get much better results if you predict where his going to go and shoot a rocket or grenade there.

IMHO most of new 3v3 teams can't do this properly and, instead of working on that, they prefer to just change 3v3 into 'my reactions are 0.0000001 sec faster so I win'.

let's say it like this: CB is stupid
Side is pretty useless in 3on3.
Its faster without side
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