FPS boost

Getting fps drops to 70 at bigger maps. Dno why since my pc is pretty nice...
Anything special that could be casuing this? Or any good ways to boost fps? im
playing with picmip 0, alot of things to high, fastsky disabled.. but dno how those things could make me loose 25fps :s

and no, its not my computer :P

tx in advance for any non-flamers

EDIT : i get better fps on ettv o.O
picmip 0 try 1 or 3
or change mipmap opengl
lower r_mode
check for spyware
me 35

run fraps
flame flame !
i got 166 stable on grush 6on6 np
yeah its weird, it doesnt make a difference if i put evrything to low or to high
It means that your cpu actually limits it. Check your primitives and roundimagedown.
roundimagesdown is at 1, should i put it to 0? dno what it does :)
and arent primitives restricted?
You can increase your roundimagedown to get more fps (I don't know what's the max value), and primitives have to be in 0-2 but you will have huge fps lags at 2, 5 or 6 fps less at 1, and nothing at 0.
porn ftw
i can get 1000fps in valhalla ^^ but still i use 76fps in wars..
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