AGDQ 2014: The Aftermath

One of the most amazing week-long gaming events I've ever watched, this was so worth all the sleepless nights and to top it all off, by the end they have raised over $1 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, their goal was $500.000 initially! Watching the last runs and the last minutes of Chrono Trigger especially where they raised so much money in such a short time (it was so RIDICULOUSLY close! Twitch chat was INSANE) in order to reach that ridiculous new goal of $1 million gave me a very warm and fuzzy feeling <3. Here are the VoDs if you are interested:

Quick and dirty personal top 20 favorite runs:

Super Metroid 4-way race
Super Punch-Out! (blindfolded)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (blindfolded)
4. Minecraft
5. Pokemon Soul Silver
6. F-Zero GX
7. Goldeneye co-op (2 controllers single player)
8. Super Mario 64 (one handed)
9. Yoshi's Island
10. Perfect Dark
11. Ninja Gaiden 2
12. Metroid Zero Mission low%
13. Hitman: Blood Money
14. Halo 2
15. Zoo Race
16. Mario Kart 64
17. Borderlands 2
18. Barkley Shut up and Jam! Gaiden
19. Half-Life
20. TAS: Super Mario World

Oh and metallers go listen to this:
Haha Doom2 DM, I remember playing that against my neighbour. We had put a cable from window to window :D

EDIT: Deus Ex, never got around to finishing it. I find it hard to get into some old games because I'm so spoiled now.
EDIT2: Hahahaha that bearded guy cosplaying maya in Borderlands 2 :D
that minecraft run
That was Teh Urn!
Borderlands 2 was pretty nice too.
Absolutely loved the Goldneye, yeah baby!
Almost forgot Mirror's edge!
Watching Borderlands 2 run at the moment, though it's too bad they skip so many cutscenes :(
They skip every possible cutscene they can to save time :) I really liked they had the developer there :D
Also the story by teawrex and broman BibleThump S A D B O Y S BibleThump
Can someone actually explain what this stuff is about?
A decade (or so I think) ago someone came up with the idea of creating a community where you can play games, old and new, as fast as possible in a legit manner (non-cheating) and create a competition about who is the fastest. That is called speedrunning. Think of it kinda like E-Sports but instead of going player vs player, they go versus the game. It is exciting, because each game requires skill, knowledge of the game and its glitches and sometimes even luck in order to speedrun it properly. Now each game has categories and records, that speedrunners are trying to beat.

Later on as it became more and more popular with the help of twitch et cetera they used their small but tight community (think of them as the competitive side of the ET community) to create a marathon event where people could donate for various known charities and non-profit organizations and to further speedrunning and its players. It started in 2010-2011 I think and began with raising like $10.000, but by now 3 years later these marathons are growing exponentially. This year is the biggest yet.
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