LM10 vs CR7 vs FR7

image: HFwE6dV

Everyone is talking about the goals of CR7, but noone mentions that he needed 3 times more attemps to score than Ribery or Messi. Ribery had more assists, more passes, more crossings, more dribblings, more tackles and created more chances. Messi had a better Chance conversion, Dribbling completion and less yellow cards.

Ribery > Messi > Christina Ronaldo

There is only one true image: ronaldo_brazil_487_381
Jesus fucking christ who cares who shaves their balls more? If you can't acknowledge that Ronaldo is a top-tier professional football player who has worked extremely hard and achieved everything (almost) there is to achieve, something is wrong with you. Besides, these players don't even play in the same positions.

If people really care that he's being egotistical and childish in matches, sorry but are you actually complaining about his personality during a football match? What?
what did CR7 achieve? Won la liga, and?

It is about that everyone says ohhhhhh Christina Ronaldo deserved it more, because he scored more goals, but to be honest Ribery had way better statistics. He deserved it more, but the Hype around Ronaldo is just way bigger, becaue he needs 100 Freekicks to shot 1 awesome goal. Sad world.

PS: CR7 and FR7 are playing on the same position - Left Winger. Messi plays CF.
Winning cups is more of a team effort than an individual to be frank. Ronaldo has worked hard to become one of the greatest paid football players in the world, and that should be his greatest achievement.

It is dumb to say that he sucks for stupid reasons or because statistics. I think the most important thing for each player that really sets their worth is how vital they are to their team. Real Madrid/ManU would be way worse without Ronaldo than with. Same goes for Ribery and Messi.

Ok you wanna get technical. Yeah ok they might play the same positions but positions in terms of what you and I understand are sometimes irrelevant during matches. It's the different approach they have both on and off the ball that makes them completely incomparable with each other.

The whole comparing players thing is either not fair or completely unjustified if you ask me.
- reminding c.ronaldo always has 2 dogs over him at all times which dificults a bit what he is able to do for the team
Quotewhat did CR7 achieve? Won la liga, and?

What people don't understand is that Ribéry didn't win the Bundesliga and CL, Bayern München won it. So it was Real Madrid who achieved to win la liga only and no other cups and stuff. You can't win by yourself, it's a team game.
CL in 2008 with ManU, and premiere league ofc
Nigga pls CR7 > those two donkies.
If we are going by statistics I am better than all 3 of them seeing as my career lasted 3 games with 4 goals and 3 assists. Where is my £300k per week?
ur cr7 is crap

and +1 there is only 1 ronaldo

they can give ribery a pocal, messi got too many anyway :>
Messi is the best player but he had bad year so he shouldn't win this time.
Messi is the best player but he had bad year so he shouldn't win this time.
CR7 got this
talking about, dribling, crossing, tackles .. so ? When Real had very important matches, almost always Ronaldo scored .. omfg ribery had more passes , that logic coz they play different tactic "tiki taka" thats why he has more passes, more crossing .. but I dont understand why Ribery .. Robben to me was way better than Ribery

Ribery has a higher scorerate than Ronaldo.
Football isn't just about who scores the goals. It is also about HOW the forward is able to score (under which circumstances)
Seems like you only like players, who score nice goals. Ronaldo shots 100 freekicks and scores ONCE a great goal. Everyone thinks he is great in freekicks. nice logic.

But i also agree that Robben should be also somewhere around the best 6-7 players, but today is about the best 3 players.
but if Ronaldo do, or make more space to shoot than Ribery he will have more shoots thats why, but also in forward Ronaldo is way stronger than Ribery
nah, im not fan of Ronaldo but to me he deserves to win
Ribery more complete, for once they should acknowledge that there are other players than people who score. Maybe I'm biased but hey Iniesta deserved it as well.
Marc Wilmots for sure
Arjen Robben
cr7 is a better playa and has a better bitch than messi
Seamus Coleman > them all put together
I agree there is only one true Ronaldo.br
None of these compare to Jari Litmanen
crying princess won, but to be honest it was deserved (eventho i wouldn't be mad if Ribery won this)
Agree. Either CR7 or Ribery, bet it was a close decision
The reason they didn't give it to Ribery is because he might go to jail for sex with a minor. They didn't want to give someone an award and then have them sent off to jail for 3 years.

What's up folks? :DDDDDDD
this time you win little portuguese friend <3
yes!! :D
where have u been nub? :(
here and there ;) I am not so often on crossfire anymore, since i really dislike the layout. and sup with you? Havnt seen you for ages :p
i know that feeling! :s
been rolling on csgo man! didnt u play it too? :o
Used to play csgo 1-2 years ago, but i stopped and started playing FiFA instead :P
boooo fifa is ghey :s
Hope u have them in stock.
Ronaldo <3
Friankeinsten is crying :(
Ballon d'Or simply became bullshit. Started a long time ago with contrasts and non-sens décisions: Cannavaro winning it in 2006 just because he was the captain of Italy, while Iniesta and Xavi who have been carrying FCB for almost a decade and won everything with Spain never won it, especially in 2010 when Messi got it.
People shouldn't complain on CR or FR. The rules are just unclear: ballon d'or must go to the player who achieved the much OR the one who was the most impressing according to dribbling, goals...would have been easier to make a right choice beetween CR and FR (how can Messi be 2nd as he was injured for 5 months, had poor stats compared to his previous season, and just won Liga...bullshit, so Suarez will be top 3 at least for 2014, even if he get injured for 6 months?)

haters incoming
Cried into award. Well done.

Btw I hear around how great CR7 is at free kicks. We need stats where it says how many goals he actually scored from free kicks and how many attempts he made :D
What the... Emile Heskey wasn't nominated!? Devo.
Love haters! CR7 best player ever, eat it. Ribery is good but hes not even close to Ronaldo level. Finally some justice! Congratz Cristiano.
Typischer Schickeria Fan XD, Leute wie du lassen Bayern(fans) unsympathisch wirken.
dir ist schon klar, dass ich nur auf crossfire komme, um zu trollen oder?
War ja absehbar, easy way out und so, aber dir ist dann doch wohl auch klar, dass ich auch nur herumtrolle? :')
ist halt cf ;) man kommt zum provozieren und trollen. hat sich nichts verändert
Doch sogar einiges. Früher war es ja wenigstens noch witzig hier mit den ganzen einfallsreichen cF spammern (hi random chicks) ;), heute gleicht es eher einer Gehirnschmelze und hilft nicht wirklich dabei Langeweile zu umgehen... von dem pseudoseriösen Seitenlayout mal ganz zu schweigen.
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