A way to stop aimbotting

For etpro 3.2.6 ofcourse!
Just found out something really cool with a pk3 i tested! As you know im trying to find ways to stop cheats
And this is my result.
ok client connects to server with aimbot, they get an unpure cgame failure due to the pk3 (meaning they cannot connect)
but because wallhack does not require this, it sadly means wallhack is not detectable (meaning wallhacks can connect)
so i have something that partly works?
Is that a good thing!?

If people wish to test this then they can by going to the i7 Gaming Server,
image: b_560_95_1
even if im retired i didnt mind playin vs xiiters back in the days, they brought some challenge for me
Dude, I understand your enthusiasm and everything, but so far, your ideas have been pretty much outdated, already tried out and thus useless. This = same. Just wait for CG to develop a decent anticheat. Patience young padawan.
But man it works to stop aimbot? Isn't that good enough! Wallhackers can be banned, also wallhack does not declare a persons skill, it just makes them preshot some low leg shots
Partial solution is never a solution. You are so eager to turn this cheaters issue into something better, we all get it, we all want it. But partial or non-working solutions aren't the choice to go man. Just wait for CG to develop. :)
snowstorm is a cheater himself trying to act like ET's messiah
Lieing bastard! Go die with your photoshop bullshit :L
you could also do a file, which kicks and bans all players.
you would get all the cheaters at least!!

And then fuck 'em over and format C: them and ban ip range!
Yo cybergamer have declared moving to silent mod so when will this anticheat be coming? cause silent already have anticheat!

EDIT: there was talk of them moving to silent mod. And we all know that we don't want that!
retarded wannabe
Kalli stfu your the one complaining about anticheat? WTF you retard xD
there were files announced about tzac2 without ofc some stuff, if you rly wanna do that go to that and not making pk3 files...

Besides there is AC for all modes called punkbuster, adding new md5 hashes would more solve problem atm than this pk3. Just sayin, if its outdated doesnt mean it doesnt work
Have faith. If ET is going to be resurrected to some glory it had years ago, an anticheat will come. Silent isn't the way to go, they'll figure it out soon.
nice enthusiasm, keep it up and dont listen to the ones disencouraging you. You are doing a good job, and if that pk3 would go on with everyone, at least there would be no aimbotters at all. And thats better than nothing.
And if the CG anticheat comes out in 2030 we will wait till 2030 without anything to stop any cheater at all?
Keep up your good work mate, cheers.
Keep that pessimism about CG anticheat to yourself. Sure it'll be out soon enough. One thing is enthusiasm, other is working on ideas that would actually work. I'm not disencouraging anyone right now. Always open to new ideas, so far though, "old as internet ideas" and now this. Not going to work.. sorry.
I'd rather something to stop wh and not aimbot if I had a choice of either x)
Have you tested your methods (lol) with linux cheats too?
thers maybe 1et player who has linux
You would be surprised how many people got linux just for undetectable cheats.
playing vs wh is easy, if ur good like me
even aimbot
coming out of summoner's rift to post that? lol
sup with the arrogance
At least with wh off they'll be just as surprised when they die, I don't like people seeing me :(
indeed loL! dunno what they bitching about :(
would probably work also in cs:go
i doubt it works with everysingle cheat but a good effort. love you xoxo
cool, but i also doubt it works with every cheat available. Also most players just use wh i guess, it gives so much information, and makes aiming so much easier. You see exactly when will the guy pop up and where, you can pre-aim at his head and hit instantly without any delay + your decision making will be much better with all the information you see with wh.
Then if you see a wallhacker, Report him and he gets put in the master ban list. Simple!
can you explain this master ban list and everything afterall? Ur saying about cheaters and community baning them with evidences, ok i get that. I wanna know about serverside more not about that bs.
Wtf, this shit doesn't work, I just played against this guy called Artstar and he was still aimbotting like crazy
cool, i will respond to you since you reply too yourself thats cool m8
Give us a way to shut you up.
Snowstorm = mkks right? Nice try, but you're aimbotting = busted , what are you trying?
he is trying to claim clean again -but he didnt mentioned this solution didnt work for his aimbot
snowstorm = retard
I ain't mkks wtf? And robert stfu you idiot! Ever since this anticheat started coming you started to get angry :D afraid of losing the cheats i see <3
what anticheat? all you do is post useless journals
What anticheat!!? WTF DO YOU EVEN READ THEM, Go to the places i say and you will see but noooo you sit and try flame! It just pumps me with laughter at your sad cheater ass :D
You sir are utterly, utterly retarded. I hope you get banned soon. Clearly deserved.
Oh my god! Build an anticheat mr robert :) do it if you can.
I won't and I won't pretend I'm building one either
LOOL COME AND SEE FAGGOT :D bring your cheat too
don't man he wants to bust you ^^
btw. +1 Averoph
oh dear god...
Works.. Whats the problem? mr cheat.
Works? :D You got no clue what you are talking about right?
Who's to say a aimbot (or a cheat itself) needs a pk3? Sure if you download a full package with shitloads of features (such as textures glowing and shit like that), it requires external stuff which a pk3 can provide.
But i am sure a "competitive" cheat (private, wtv), doesn't come with all this useless stuff.

This idea is so bad that i wonder how you even think it could work.
How would u do the detection? Based on filename? File size? What if someone changes the name or the size? You surely can't force anyone of having few extra pk3 on et / etpro folder, considering some public servers even download them to your hard drive.

Please genius, enlighten us.
And i dont even play this game, FUCK ME RIGHT?
OmG right let me explain because it was tested! AIMBOTS require A CGame To load up or built in dll. This is checked by the new cgame downloaded in the pk3. So when you connect to the server with the cheat cgame, the server does not see it as a pure cgame from the pk3 and kicks the player from the server with the cgame mismatch message!
And download a pk3? A 1mb pk3 and you cry about that? Ok Ok Calm down, we don't all have 0.1kbs connection. Maybe if you tested it for yourself you can see but i have tested it with people and it has so far worked!
Dear lord, you are even more dumbass that i originally thought.

A aimbot doesn't require a different cgame.dll, in fact it HACKS the original one (those kind of cheats are detected for a decade), because as you said, it will report as unpure (etpro does it if the server is set sv_pure 1 or something like that).
Afaik (not a expert talking here), the aimbot change memory positions (that cgame can provide them to begging with). That way, it becomes undetected because etpro doesn't have any reliable protection.
TZAC worked because it watched some changes based of patterns that X feature would require Y memory changes.

You didn't find any gold mine my friend, in fact etpro has this kind of protection since the beginning.. What kind of cheats are you even using? Free cheats from 2005? :D

edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_engineering read this, maybe it will enlighten that peanut brain
Lol Name a aimbot that use's your method because i have tried various aimbots and hooks which have all received the same message, Please name one and il test it..
We can't know till we test :P saying is different from testing mate. because i tested a undetected hook that was used even for tzac and it was disconnected so lad come on name one?
No idea since i haven't tested, but for example: palehook or even that old chaplja bot (fuck my memory... can't remember the name... eth? smth like that) should do the trick.
Palehook is dead now due to adawolfa been gone, sg_hook was a better replacement which has been tested and failed to connected, used the same as rshook and netcoders new hook, ETH32 is detected by etpro even with its offsets, it would kick the player after 30 seconds even if he was able to connect but nope this still stopped the connecting.
Explain why Artstar is still cheating like crazy when I play vs him then?
Hmm maybe because your and arstar havn't joined my server and your a lieing little cunt :) explained.
WTF, why u call me cunt when I just get annoy by artstar using big cheat :/ I help you by reporting that not all cheat is detected yet, so you can maybe scan wtf
No your trying to say that the anticheat is not working. How can you say that when you havn't even played on the server?! If someone is cheating report it here http://etantiip.boards.net
sorry, i didnt know, im not say your anticheat is not work, but say that maybe artstar is using something, thats why i think of reporting him :)
Lol ET already checks cgame checksum you retard.
This isn't css, internal hacks wouln't work in ET.
They probably all work on dll injection.
well its clearly client side pk3, that maybe stops cheat to work^^ and ofc not all cheats. But since I don't remembe that bani has released etpro source, wont even test it^^
Keep laughing bitch, your type will be gone soon :D
ET has been infested with cheaters for years nothing will change now.
Hmm this is a change? It takes out aimbotters/human aimbotters!
thank u for saving ET
Not ET, etpro.. All other mods have anticheat :D accept this..
Great Job, this is exactly what a lot of us have been thinking for a long time! When is this going to be added to leagues / publicservers so I could actually play cheat-free games again? Snowstorm for crossfire admin.
Well when the admins decide but we know they will never make that decision because they are all handicapped players. They delete my threads about anticheat! I never know why :)
Laugh all you want mr no brain! I still don't see your anticheat software?
even im not that stupid to find out the reason why they doing that.
Im devastated by the admincrew actions, maybe its time to change the admins!
ofc they do if your funny, yesterday saying about baning ips, today u already did anti aimbot pk3 which will be tomorrow added to leagues. Bro pls xD
a day and i think of more things than you can think of in 2 years. Wow! Who's the smart one here?
like i said make AC then, no need to talk about smart stuff if you dont even know how IP's works, which you have totaly prooven in previous journal.
ppl buying this troll?
No? just sitting here laughing my ass off
You're just super worried that it will detect your aimbot!
Stfu cheater, go make your own AC
Trolling am I?
Its not a troll, The Links will be updated Soon.
hahhhahha just got banned there in reason using wallhack. bbthx
gj baning best et player nerds!
aha automatic ban by server :D
first cheater in your master ban list ^^ didnt know its working for wh also what you think? since reason is for wallhacking^^
the fact is he has mental problems and person like him shouldnt do anything to keep et alive.
He wanted to play against me on valhalla and after beeing killed 8 times arow he was so strustrated and banned me ;)
and to that kind of guy I should trust xD wondering what kind of pk3 is etc. thats why i dont want to even connect untill I get it uploaded somewhere.
Quoteaha automatic ban by server :D
you have to download a lot of pk3 files like "banlist.pk3" i think its may be dangerous for pc.
It is uploaded somewhere :L and yes it was, he used a cheat from 2004 probally, not hard to do when you do b_anticheat "6", Will kick most cheats.
I didnt know that, tell me more about this.
Well its a cvar based by etpro themselfs, worked in like 2006 but now the cheats are more advanced.
Thanks for enlighting all of us.
well then we just found out it doesnt work
or/and u banned the whole polish ip range lmfao
Not true :L it did work. your wallhack worked as i stated it could but your aimbot never aha!!
damn i want some of that snowstorm that ur on if you know what i mean :3

anyway dont sweat it, even tzac admins made more mistakes then you did:
You lucky one! Im jealous i wasnt banned on slac and tzac :( but i think SnowStorm has right to ban me..
best design
laughing about snowstorm that ur on xD about other we know why ban was there^^ dunno why ur putting this out while u had just to proove you have a brother.
ofc it does you caught me in your imagination.
Lol i even noclipped out the map and you started shooting at me :D
ohh so you are the person who should be banned. You cheated!
Serverside command and you never dismissed that you wallhacked so hmm.
You surely have Alzheimer disease. Why even am i talking to you o_O
But how can anti cheat stop server cheats?
that was something done by rcon, so no one has access to server cheats :L
But likes of nbs and that dont use this so cheaters can use what they want :L
with forcecvars, tzac had that even if you changed something it forced you back and announced it in console. Also possible with config :)
Clever fix, don't listen to all the whine. Calling it an anti-cheat might be going a bit overboard, but atleast it should stop most C-game dependent hacks that are out there. Until someone recompiles and re-releases them atleast..
Well done! :)
yeah it stopped a nexus i tried (so probably all of them) and a leaked etbot (probably an old version, so dunno)
Come on get over yourself you're not a coder = you can't make a working anticheat.
Didn't need aminute
Use your brain, You don't know me And obviously it is working so :) Jog on!
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