A working Ban system for etpro

Putting alot of think into this, Clients hate punkbuster, hmm If i made the punkbuster server side only so clients did not have to worry about it, Obvious enable it but nothing will kick for stupid things like cvars or cause lag, Would that be better as well?!? God that would be a far greater than my simple ban archive, yes you could hack punkbuster and change guids and ips but with the punkbuster i can do hardware ban so hmm :)
you better change your name to BrainStorm
comment of the day :D
keep up the good work!
sounds not bad
are you serious or just another troll >.>
ofc its troll man, read it again :D

says serveside only -> can hardware ban without clientside -> you have still to enable pb

that i dont talk about pb serverside setup that can do that^^ in pb config duh
well, im talking about all of his posts. Is this dude retarded?
wtf how am i retarded? I've ran servers for years and been able to stop cheaters left right and center! Come back when you can do the same. Fag.
not possible to have an anti-cheat server-side only
since ive never seen this much amount of will about ET im suspecting you are trying to troll us at cf
thats the point xD u cant have server side only and you cannot collect informations like hardware signatures by server side only :) obv troller
Idiot as soon as you connect to a server all your information is giving? Ever heard of i can get it through etpro.. !!!
Start explaining what informations are you getting, coz if you would be able to get all that you would not need punkbuster server right? Don't play so smart, coz your just lying all the time to whole community atm. This is 3rd way to get it to work with pb which I have already said and guess what you are recommendating it now. Guess what sherlock it has already been done so don't play what you know and what I don't while, I have dropped your first idea and 2nd and will also this with a point that everyone needs to have same version as server version of pb supports otherwise you will get it dropped and guess what there is nothing in pb config that you can stop that, otherwise it would be stopped.
Now tell me what you can get throught etpro, coz i'm so interested in this.
Stop the crap ETPro source was never released, only modifications to etpro can be done, however those modifications needs also client side to get those modifications to work, which in your case may be pk3 files which client has to download.
OOOOMMMMG MAN USE YOUR BRAIN! You connect to with a etpro guid! And saying my anticheat doesnt work are you dumb as fuck?! loads of people tested and all said there cheats don't work :L my thread is that it wont force cvars and cause lags ! Please you speak all mouth but where is your contribution! Bitch you don't have one, come back when you do idiot!
Wait what, is that a hardware ban? Dude please stop trolling xD So now ur saying whats obvious that you get, you as server admin get only user info which is parsed to the etpro IAC, pb guid and IP, what from those 3 things is hardware?
i like the word "recommendating" :D!
me2 coz I like datings :D
He isn't trolling, he just immensely stupid :|
Not stupid, Just you guys are flaming because im making something work.
I think you forgot the keyword: 'just you guys are flaming because I'm trying making something work.'

The problem is you have posted numerous ideas and zero of them are actually applicable to ET... I think to some level appreciate people trying tom come up with ideas and putting effort into the game/community, but you are taking it to a level where everyone is just annoyed because you come up with useless stuff every next day and people are tired of it...
What man? This thing actually works and has been tested by various private hooks! Contact zodiac who has been testing the cheats, Nothing has got through.
explain his skillboost
Nice job man! Keep it up! Don't listen to the haters! Ylu have clear, new ideas, and they are just jealous because they haven't thought of it before!
Wonderful. Please buy Punkbuster company / right to change it and make it happen!

I fucking wet myself with the idea image: 1337438065417
Dat gif urg :x
shall i post a cock for you? :$
An actually beautiful woman would do fine ^^
:D google it, plenty of chicks!
What is the point punkbuster if it doesn't run client side?
How do you scan running processes? How do you detect client hooks?
How do you hardware ban someone (other than mac ban) if PB only runs on server?

Stilll trying to get if you are troll or just plain stupid.
clearly u need to have pb folder and u need to have enabled pb. Stuff that kicks players for minor violations etc can be setted throught punkbuster config file. This guy just realized this after 11 years of ET. And again I have to say there were more problems with punkbuster because people did not know how to update it and for that violation you surely get a kick since I have searched lots of ways to disable that. Otherwise there is surely loop going on even if client doesnt get a kick and on end this means server overload.
Seems like you are coming up with stone-age, flawed ideas as if they are brainwaves.
I do believe in brainwaves (Source : Rafek's theory)
Seems they are working :D
pb useless with linux too
Main problem on ETPro comunity is so this comunity do not want functional anticheat and if someone want make something which will detect cheats or will ban cheaters is for this comunity stupid.
Alot players cheating on public servers, also on offi matches but nobody care about that.

Really sad where is ET competition (ETPro comunity) now.
dud you actually send timestamps or other shit to the admins? no? then stfu
ya Et community is very toxic image: Kappa
ur funny ur saying that nobody cares about that? What this all ET admins do in the whole ET history than exactly care about cheating ppl? Besides of tickes of ppl that dont read faq or rules? Ur a joke like this guy is with his 3rd attempt. I like someone do something, but this guy is posting 3rd solution in 2 days already, so this guy doesnt know what to do and still posts journal before doing realy something or set some goal.
sometimes when i'm puzzled i go into deep think too
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