QuoteTo All Our Customers
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all of our current clients. Over the past 6 month we have experienced several attacks which severely inhibited the capability of our network and infrastructure leading to downtimes and several system failures. Following these events we have also had staffing changes which then have resulted in poor levels of support. Although there were external factors that had led to this, the main reason was due to my inability to dedicate enough time and resources to fixing the problems and attending to client requests for which I take full responsibility.
Following these events YCN is now no longer in a position to offer our clients the level of service that I feel they deserve. In addition following drops in sales YCN is also not in a position to maintain its hosting infrastructure.
I have therefore decided to permanently terminate YCN Hosting and all of its' hosting infrastructure. This will come in effect on the 31st of January at which point YCN Hosting will cease to host all services.

At this point I would like to introduce FragWise (, a new Game Server Provider who will be taking over a lot of services that YCN Hosting offers. FragWise will continue to host all remaining contracts which YCN Hosting will not be able to fulfil as well as allowing the use of existing clan pay credit. Furthermore FragWise will aim to maintain the same prices that are currently used on YCN Hosting. FragWise is actively developing their infrastructure to support all that YCN currently hosts and more however some services may not be available upon the initial migration and affected users will be notified shortly.

FragWise will be owned and operated by Paul van der Knaap, a good friend and colleague of both myself and YCN Hosting. Paul is heavily involved within game server management over the past several years, having done active development on Enemy Terrotiry itself with his release of version 3.00 as well as maintaining his own community project Trackbase. More recently Paul has been helping with the running of YCN where he could and has been a frequent contributor to our support. I believe that with him behind the wheel of FragWise, that he will be able to offer unrivalled service with as well as an innovative hosting platform that many providers would be envious of.

We are currently working on simplifying the client transfer process to FragWise however to minimise the risk of any data loss we strongly urge clients to register on the FragWise website via the url: and post a ticket requesting a transfer. You will then be assigned with a new server on their platform which you can start using straight away. Note that your old account and servers will remain accessible and online on YCN Hosting until Wednesday the 29th of January. This should give you adequate time to transfer your files and switch to your server at a time that suits you. We urge you to start moving your servers as soon as possible.
Any clients with contracts that expire before February should contact FragWise as soon as possible if they wish to renew your services
QuoteUnfortunately some downtime and transition is inevitable, as a result I would like you make you aware of the following:
• Game Servers: IP addresses will be changed to 213.108.30.* range. Any services on the 213.108.31.* or 213.108.29.* will become available a week after the transfer for any clients that wish to switch back.

• Voice Servers: The IP addresses and ports of all TS3 and Mumble servers will be changed to the 213.108.30.* range. The transfer will occur between 21:00-23:00 on Thursday 30th of January. We will attempt to preserve all configurations, users and files.
• Websites: All webhosted clients should register on FragWise and contact support as soon as possible to keep web hosting services.
Again I would like to apologise to any clients that have received poor services from my-self over the past several month. I would like to assure you that with the hard work, effort and dedication that Paul has put into the previous projects that he has worked with, that you are definitely in good hands at FragWise.
I would like to thank all our clients for their custom and loyalty over the last 7 years and would like to wish you all the best with your futures at FragWise.
Evgeny Yakimov
Owner and Managing Director of YCN Hosting

CF4 BBCODE OP image: 2180588-kappahd
so whats goin on ? shorter version pls
Date: 19th January - We are now open for customers.
Date: 20th January - What our customers say - It is a little bit more expensive than I used to, but it's worth every penny because the support and quality is great. RSev

I'm no detective but either their support and quality is SO great RSev commented within a day of the company launching or RSev isn't a real person. Don't get me started on Dennis92NL, he might not even be dutch.

Shame to see Marcus & H3ll go :(
<3 we're still here

And a few others noticed those comments too :D
good, i was afraid id loose you to0.. wich reminds me, you guys never figuerd out my alieses during the summer trolls did you :D

Smells like chaplex finaly Ddos-z0rd the shit outta ycn, revenge is sweet*
EYJohn Hero!
Huge thanks to United Kingdom Marcus and Netherlands h3ll especially for everything they've provided for ET players and everything they will continue to do to help support this great game and community! For those who are unaware, here is a short list of just a few things that YCN has either been heavily involved with or supported entirely:
  • GamesTV
  • TZAC
  • a ton of BNCs, including those used by the ClanBase crew
  • a ton of voice servers, including the Crossfire community TS
  • a ton of game servers, including *BiO* and 3 GamesTV matchservers
  • pretty much every ET LAN ever
Not to mention the shitload of time, money, and effort that Marcus has personally given to help keep ET alive for the past few years. He is a cunt, but he's a wonderful cunt. (<3)
:') Fuck you too
i can offer u a job in my potatoe factory so u wont be homeless this is a very serious offer
it's np bro, I have a real job
Including Poland lan, that's what I call dedication
You forgot to add.. Making chaplja so mad that he decided to bring TZAC down and kill the activity of ET drastically

Not sure if troll.. :P
Or just stupid? Seriously I dont have any clue - I wasn't here when that happend :P
Hehe, it's not really worth discussing now anyway. :)
their servers were shit anyway
Well, too bad they are leaving. They did a great job for ET!
And the most important question: Is my bnc going to be ok? = marcus
Already off YCN, np bro
even on polish lan msh100 still did a job with hosting lan servers xD
on a shitty PC with no real router :( It's why it was so shit (oh and it was like 40oC)
just 38, no fuzz
38 OUTSIDE, right?
Like 60 inside :D
Who's that Paul involved in ET?
owns trackbase afaik. YCN were involved with trackbase (they hosted it for a while I think?).
Oh I see, thought he had a nickname/was somewhat involved in cf!
He runs TrackBase.

edit: Artstar was first. :(
The baddest muthafucker around babyyyyy!
Don't tell me you are this Paul.
sad to hear, was very good support for ET.
Gotta thank EYJohn and Starzi for hosting ETW maaany years ago, u guys are the best! and h3ll is a solid guy aswell, have fun whatever your doing nowadays cos I dont see you online often :P
ETW 2.55, first ETpro serv i ever played on
ahah i remember dat shit nice memories
Thanks for all the good things you have provided for this game.
Marcus <3
No worries, Marcus will save the day even without YCN <3
marcus is a legend!
Lets all play csgo already.
Need 5th for f.o.m btw!
Thanks YCN
THank you ycn for accepting the money we thrown at you, you feel like a brother to me eventho you are a she and eventho marcus worked on u and edgar and h3ll, i will never forget the first et server i bought, it was from ycn, ycn you will be remembered rest in hex's my friend and hope u find some decent ping on the other side <3


End of an era!

EYJohn, hoAx, Starzi and Marcus. The real faces of YCN! Past and present.

I think this might be another nail in the coffin for ET. As far as Fragwise goes, Paul is a pretty stand up guy and I would happily trust him with taking the services over from YCN.
perfect moment for a comeback, mr. potty
I have given it some thought. I have recently been playing on publics for a map or so just to look back at what a sick game this was! As far as playing competitively goes, I highly doubt it.
I think thats the main reason for everyone to not come back to ET :( Instead of just trying to come back & help the activity :( :p
I wouldn't care enough about the activity of the game tbh. I have moved on myself :(
the nails in the coffin were smashed in ages ago, the people playing et now are the ones who don't really care how bad the activity gets. :D all seem to want to play purely for the enjoyment, like rtcw has been doing since forever.
thats what its all about right?

the enjoyment :D
Upload TS recordings bro! I miss the days when people used cf TS actively :(
why arent u playing anymore ? :-)
I am playing. :P

e: btw I wasn't trying to be negative with my comment, I meant to say that nobody gives a fuck about "ET is dead" anymore, we don't need some sherlock to come and point out to us that the game is in bad shape. the people playing now (myself included) are those who simply play because they enjoy ET for what it is and not for the amount of viewers it once had. :P
I've always played ET to have fun but yeah, I know what u mean :( Back in 2006-2009 it was a lot more fun for me :--)
ow fckng great... so RTCW servers r off? cause i cant see any section there (fragwise) or what ever for rtcw... quiting if we only can get german servers for rtcw... IM SERIOUS! :D
phase/dogyard isn't hosted by YCN. :) NL hosted too!
We haven't set it up yet on our panel yet. Since it's very similar to ET we might be able to get at that before the 30th so you can move your current contract to the new platform.


Sad day,thank you guys for everything you done for ET :)
sad to see the end of YCN. :( because of all the friendly faces in YCN over the years this feels like someone I know is quitting. I remember when YCN first launched and they were recruiting people to sell servers, someone I knew back then called GunRus (United Kingdom Gunny) suddenly started trying to sell me servers 24/7. good times.

h3ll Marcus starzi <3
I still have some overload shirts and sweaters laying at my parent's house with the YCN logo printed on it. Thanks for the support back then, and for all the support you have given for ET even though it has been declining in popularity :)
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