[LoL] A very touching story

Hi brothers from another mother!

Since its been +2weeks I haven't posted a journal and also because i received 1,337 messages in my mailbox from people wanting a journal I decided to make one. If you cried while reading "Snatix dedication for gaming" You will call your insurance because you will get flood made of tears in your room.

It's a story so it starts with...
Once upon a time...
QuoteAn old retired colonel decided to stop FPS gaming but he needed a new challenge. That's why when some of his university friends told him he was needed to own some noobs he couldn't refuse and joined them for some games. Once he reached level 30 he wanted to compare his skills with other players so he started to play ranked games but he underestimated the other gamers. After a couple of games, the gates of Satan open and he joined the lowest division in the game (Bronze V) as people like to call it elo hell. The man who used to own noobs oppan gangnam style felt very depressed and believed he was always matched up with worst gamers/afkers/feeders in the world and this would be the reason why he fell so deep. Everybody was making fun of him and he had noone to teach him...
But one night, the old gamer remembered that he came from the very special internet forces Europe#follow.et and he never forgot something : skill doesn't appear during a full moon night. It's something you get born with and sharpen day after day (take note xiiters) by playing like a real man. He stopped making excuses and started owning. The CF community advised him some champions he could own with and he began practicing them very hard. After hundreds of games, the man became stronger and stronger not even a bus could stop him. He carried noobs instead of blaming them, he backed them up like noone else. Sometimes even 3v5. Climbing the ladder step by step with always the same mindset : carrying lowbies to the top!
This bright day has come my friends...

image: silver_1-510061efab32cd096791a8d62bf63b39

Good bye bronzies, it was a pleasure to fight with you.

Moral of the story for people talking about elo hell, and I'm sure there are some since everybody isn't diamond like finnish superstar FinlandHirvi or belgian owner BelgiumiGloOw or MaltaKillerboy, this shit doesn't exist. Of course, sometimes it's just too much you cannot carry but if you deserve to be in the upper division you will be one day or another.

Oh also I wanna change my LoL nickname any suggestions? I was going for LeFrancis since a fanboy took Francis but if somebody has a better idea.

Silverly yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - A man shining right like silver

e: first, im plat
Silver :D
This has potential
when adc knows lantern is clickable, yes image: Kappa
accepte mon invit pd
accepte mon invit mon colonel :{d
ich kenne nicht dein nickname :D!
es le meme que ici
8/10 would read again
nice to see someone who spots my real journalist skills
ofc francism8, youre the only reason I still visit crossfire once a week or so.

hows lol? still bronzie ? :d
going straight to my nerdy heart man
no i reached silver after hardcore prac hard eheheheh
huehuehue gj
level of your trolling journals is falling down but the chicks always saves the day :P
anyway nice to see you alive :)
i think its because im very mature now :s
he was bronzie the bear in div 5, now he's the silversurfer
Enjoyable journal! Good luck in Silver. Some say people are behaving worse than in bronze because they think they actually are good at the game ;>
Can confirm, S5 here
<3 jessica nigri
Problem? Bronze V checking in
i started from silver at the end of s2, and never been in bronze and hope I never will ;p
i've started in silver 5 or 4 on season 3, ended in gold 5 to get that gold frame and elise skin. went through all gold on pre-season and ended in platinum 5 recently. now im back in gold1 after 10 placemenet games. aiming for good platinum league or maybe diamond hopefully in s4 q8) good luck in silver, now it's gonna be easier and hope you will reach at least gold this season!
LeFrancis you are the man! lots of love :)
thx man means a lot for MarseilleLeFrancis
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