Playa cheating accusation reponse

Hello everyone,

Here's my response to the video that has recently been posted regarding playa, one of our cup admins.
Look it up here:
You will need it to understand what I'm saying.

This footage is not new to me and neither are the log files.

I would first like to comment on the description.

"These are some basic actions but there are a lot more - when checking the demos please note that it is probably a toggle wallhack and perhaps a bot as well"

Anyone is free to watch the demos that have been provided in the description, they've always been available to anyone that asked.
I've personally watched them and saw nothing indicating an aimbot nor have I seen more suspicious stuff than what was shown in this clip.

"In the demos you will see a lot of scanning (looking at walls where objectives are on the other side), sometimes 360 turns, which absolutely no one does unless they are cheating."

It's been a while since I've watched the demos but I don't recall him "scanning for the objectives", nor making 360's of which I do not understand use of anyway (spinning a full circle?)
Not to mention anyone with a mid to high sensitivity could do that, why this would be exclusive to cheaters is beyond me.

Alright, on to the content of the clip. I won't repeat what's said in the clip but I'll give my own opinion straight away.

Clip 1: Not much to say here, anyone with a decent headset could have heard where they came from, the lt might not drop but his footsteps still create sound.

Clip 2: Again sound could have been a major factor, and if there's anything playa could do then it's corner camp, his roots lie in 1.0 where that's pretty much all you do.

Clip 3: One I would classify the most as evidence for a wallhack. I interrogated playa about this one, he mentioned to me he went of his mousepad and could thus not move anymore for a bit after he tried reviving the flying medic. I can somewhat understand his confusion there as well as the medic flew out the window. The way he explained it was not implausible, and in combination with the rest of the demo I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Whether he responded to jam's body behind the wall is debatable and not something I noticed at the time, but when I look at it now, then I'd say yes he did.

No vote in progress: This is something I had also not paid attention to at the time.
But I've since learned how this wallhack works. You toggle it with either F1 and/or F2. Potentially strong evidence of wallhack that I wasn't aware of back then.

Clip 4: Also something I interrogated playa about, he mentioned to me he met the panzer at that very position several times before and thus prefired. Myself and probably whoever has played with playa knows that he's very clumsy. I didn't put it beyond him to shoot a few bullets at a door by mistake. In retrospect I blame myself here for neglecting to re watch the demo and actually verify if his claim was true. I watched it today and he did not meet the panzer there several times earlier.

Overall when I was watching his demos I got more annoyed by the way he played and understood why there were gaps in our attacks and defense.

The text at the end of the video:

As I mentioned before I did not see anything that I would deem suspicious besides clip 3 and 4.

I had read the logs as well, but this is really 50/50. Yes it does seem to be playa but the source here is nackjee, a multiple time busted cheater that we among things recently kicked from the cup because he had tried to squirm his way in to it. I did not consider this reliable information.

I have never said he doesn't cheat, how can I possibly know this unless I was standing behind him while he was playing.

The anti cheat of which I took the initiative of? I had some conversations with most regarding people he found to be suspicious of cheating.
Most is a well known hacker but he was willing to help out and share his expertise on the matter with me. We discussed the idea if it might be possible to detect the hack that he and potential other cheaters were using. So he actually send me his hack. Me not knowing what to do with it and unwilling to touch it decided to approach crmbs (which has a history of programming programs for RtCW).
I asked if it might be possible to detect the cheat somehow. And before I knew it crmbs had found a way to not only detect this cheat but a lot of other known cheats using a special feature within punkbuster. He tested the anti cheat using the hack on a local server and it worked.
Now the accusation towards me is that I basically put playa on alert of the cheat detection as to avoid him getting caught?
First of all it was not confirmed to me at the time that that server actually had the anti cheat installed already. I did want to try it out because I had read that it could cause lag for players. I did not have playa in mind at all when it came to this, which admittedly might have been a bit silly in retrospect.
But if I honestly wanted to protect playa I wouldn't have kick started this anti cheat in the first place and on top of it risk him playing on such a server.
Note this was before I agreed with crmbs to keep the anti cheat silent.
Anyway for some reason crmbs did not reply to me anymore at the time so I decided to approach Nait to ask if the server had the anti cheat installed, and if so, if he could install it on another server.
Evidence that I have kept it silent is that we now have 100% proof that playa cheated. He's been busted by the anti cheat tool.

[01.07.2014 01:43:23] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: ^dplaya (slot #10) MD5Tool Mismatch: GXD2.dll (len=32) [e5e33e0b385add75b54cdc4ecc5014d5(-)]

Unfortunately I only received this information today and not a few weeks back for some reason.

Overall I find that the approach this video maker has taken was not very wise. He could have easily contacted one of the admins that he had some new insights/information and thus avoiding all this chaos. We could have confronted playa with it in a professional manner instead of turning it into a circus show with half truths and things taken out of context.
I'm also disappointed that the creator obviously wasn't manly enough to show his true identity. But I recognize that config out of a thousand and that narrows it down to a very few people, I don't have to think very hard who had the motivation to do this.
some quality wall of text u got over here.
yadda yadda Evidence that I have kept it silent is that we now have 100% proof that playa cheated. He's been busted by the anti cheat tool. yadda yadda
Come on oxy, I expected more from you. If I would have kept it secret how could this clip have been made then?
The demos were given to phase because they accused him of cheating. The logs were given by malmen, which in turn received them from nackjee. Should I have posted those logs all over crossfire or irc then, would that have been wise? Also I can't view the server logs myself, I depend on others to provide me with that information. Like I mentioned, I only received it today. Nothing I can do about it.
Tons of clips were made by sharky, crmbs, me and others way beforehand already. Regardless, my comment was not directed towards you or the actions you took. Merely a tl;dr of the very... self contradicting wall of text.
I'll tell you straight up that I've not seen any of those clips, they've not been presented to me whether you believe me or not. I don't see how it's contradicting but "ok".
I've honestly had enough of this topic now, I said all I had to.
I'm just as pissed if not more than other people at playa, he ashamed us admins, my team and disappointed everyone in the cup who probably won't receive any prize money now.
I'm really done with it at the moment.
Sad, I thought more of him honestly. Hope this doesn't interfere with the prizepools or other cup related things.
im 99% sure the prizemoney will vanish :p
seens legit skilled player
the logs are funneh:

RC Logs:
(19:36:48) (Playa{) i have trouble seeying players ingame
(19:36:55) (Playa{) like 2 days ago
(19:36:59) (Playa{) jam was standing next to me
(19:40:27) (Playa{) alright u have nothing better?
(19:40:33) (Playa{) something with colored models ?
(19:42:02) (Playa{) but this wallhack ur talking about has colored models?
(19:43:27) (Playa{) i need to dominate this rtcw scene this sunday
(19:44:06) (Playa{) need to win this 3o3 cup so jam puts me back in the team lol
(20:42:45) (Playa{) i have to give it 1 go in order to play this cup
(20:42:53) (Playa{) last chance
(21:03:01) (Playa{) so what u think?
(21:03:11) (nack) well
(21:03:14) (nack) some walls
(21:03:15) (nack) and boxes
(21:03:16) (nack) gets removed
(21:03:18) (nack) completely
(21:03:22) (nack) so u need to know what u doin
(21:08:05) (Playa{) shrub?
(21:08:07) (nack) yes
(21:08:17) (nack) it work there, but admins checks pbss
(21:08:23) (Playa{) not gonna use in pub anyway
(21:08:35) (nack) ok try it
(21:08:37) (nack) dont get caught
(21:08:38) (Playa{) just to make it look like im improving lol
(21:08:55) (Playa{) hoping jam puts me in team then
(21:09:02) (Playa{) so i can play normal
(21:10:59) (Playa{) lol it says btw looking for ET.exe xD
He can play a new game with his nice new gfx card
it's either merl or crumbs judging from the wolfconfig i think :) shiny flag ingame, only used by both of them in movies. dno why anybody would want to hide his id to bust a player thought :p
cg_shinyflag 1?
dno what the cmd was. I actually talked with merl about it at some point a few months/years back, cause i wanted to know it :D I think it was him who made this vid! not that it matters much anyways :)

I watched the clip nothing to see move on. Next time add sound.
haha no prize money for clown 2.0
Well i still cant belive that he was really cheating...but if you say you are sure for 100% :x
[01.07.2014 01:43:23] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: ^dplaya (slot #10) MD5Tool Mismatch: GXD2.dll (len=32) [e5e33e0b385add75b54cdc4ecc5014d5(-)]

100% matching to playa, so I guess you should believe it. :D
Ye i know but.. i know playa for a along time so its weird for me...
So do i, but we are only humans.
no hax. are you stupid?
._. is this a Nightmare?
So whats going to happen to Raw? Forfeits? Remove Playa and keep playing?
The attempt to revive the medic through the wall is your proof
Dont defend him Bully, bust this fagget already.
Lol the key of activity on crossfire is not having an anticheat for ET/etc.. Helps a lot :D
the revive and the last action were obvious.
dat last clip, typical.

Another one bites the dust :D
" sometimes 360 turns, which absolutely no one does unless they are cheating."
360 turn, crosshair comes to the beggining.rsly " absolutely no one does unless they are cheating."
Logic: 4/10
Journal long enough:9.5/10
This story changed my life: 2/10
My english: 5/10
I can confirm this is most likely wallhack with a toggle.

What sealed the deal for me is how fucking shit can one be to revive somebody, all cheaters seem to lack the 'skill' to aim on a dead non-moving object and fucking revive it. Oh wait there's a wall, my bad.
vegeta would agree on this
You should not say anything about 1.0 style, cos you have not played it at all probably bully :(
Ye, we do way more than that !
like play mp_base 24/7, throw random nades on the start match at inner compound low, nigger please
But he's right. I've played it for longer than you, 1.0 only involves good aiming, camping, crouching and bad hitboxes, nothing more. You don't need any gamesense to play 1.0, and that's why it sucks compared to OSP & ET.
you hack yourself too
If this is actually true, its quite sad and dissapointing, he always seemed like a nice guy to me.
Only obvious thing was that revining through wall.

Other parts were kind "normal" or at least you can do those kind of things. Too many coincidences during one war? Additionally those two places are maybe the best "preshoot" places in et_ice whatsoever.

am I only one who keeps pressing some random buttons during games?
moment 3 sick revive
I remeber playa was good in 1.0
hai bro dolan
vid_restart bug
I have just one thing to say;

Hahahahahahaha :D

Bully what did I told you?

image: I%20Love%20It%20When%20A%20Plan%20Comes%20Together

image: Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn
Playa doesnt cheat.
and U DO! :_D
whta do you know about me ? RAGER :DD
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