Response to Accusation

Hello everybody from crossfire.

Most of you, if not all of you, have probably seen previous post and youtube video about me "cheating". With this post i wanna inform you that this is 1 big scam, a setup by some players from the community. I will tell you here what really went down and to let you know how matters stand. More then a month ago i have been accused of cheating by some players from team phase. They asked me to send demos and so i did. many ppl have watched these demos and i have explained the only 2 weird moments including the revive part. they have come to conclusion it was false alarm and never continued the accusations after that. untill last week.

At the beginning of last week i got the news that a very close friend of mine was in hospital. I had come to conclusion i was to busy with this cup and i didnt see what was most important anymore. I decided to lay off RtCW and so i told jam i quit raw and asked him to inform bully to handle everything cup related. Since i didn't explain my reason at the time rumour must have spread that i was gonna bail out with the prizemoney or something like that. Which led to some ppl (i don't know the names but they know who i speak of) trying to frame me to make me look bad. With fake logs and a made up bust on their "anti cheat server". Also i have demos of where this so called "Bust" should have occured and yet surprizingly does not show in my demo what so ever. It saddens me that i have been painted the villain while that is totally not me. Infact even after hearing ASUS withdrew their prizepurse due to lack of viewers (which was because of a misunderstanding about previous amount of viewers) i decided to pay the prizepurse out of my own pocket! I prefered not to inform anyone about this and just keep it silent but now i'm forced to bring it to the table. However i am not sure now whether or not i should still do this. But i will keep you updated on that part.

I would like to say something towards WarWitch aswell. Looking at the stream i genuinely think he was really upset and i wanna give him big credits for keeping it up.

Anyway to wrap things up, believe what you want to, i have said my thing and i rest my case.

Peace out
Quote18:04:02 (jam{) hes already done
18:04:08 (jam{) kicked him from raw lastnight
18:04:15 (jam{) for cheating
18:04:27 (jam{) from those avis:D
18:04:31 (jam{) the description however:D
18:04:34 (jam{) the irc logs with nackje
18:04:36 (jam{) thats proof
18:04:42 (jam{) because he mentions something me/playa talked about
18:04:46 (jam{) ^^
18:04:49 (jam{) only we knew :D
18:04:53 (jam{) which means they're real
18:07:31 (jam{) I do think he did cheat ye cuz of what he says in that irc log:Z
18:07:45 (jam{) I know why he did it aswell :D but hes kicked anyway xD
18:07:51 (jam{) just ruins the prizes for everybody now:/
18:07:56 (jam{) what a selfish prick
18:08:30 (jam{) hes still trying to deny it atm to deryn on watsap :D
18:09:29 (jam{) yeah tr00 he shouldnt try to cheat then :D his mastermind plan of using cheat for 2weeks and gaining the reputation/respect needed
18:09:32 (jam{) to play mainlineup :D
18:09:35 (jam{) how dumb is that >D
18:09:40 (jam{) fucking idiot

image: business-cat-meme-generator-thank-you-for-your-service-please-come-again-76e804
private logs, please ban
nackje tryna ruin online gaming for everyone
ah the good old friend in hospital excuse almost as good as the dog ate my homework
image: Dog_At_Computer
my rabbits really ate my homework :/
An unfortunate and confusing situation all around.

Regarding the ASUS sponsorship, I took that on good faith and was honestly pretty shocked they'd want to sponsor the cup in the first place. We do not pull very big numbers for our RTCW coverage at all. We do this because we love the game. This isn't League of Legends.

I feel mislead and duped into promoting things that were never a reality. In the future I'll be A LOT more cautious.
Horrible, really feel for you guys. You put such an amazing effort in to every cast and deserve a lot better than this.
Yep without you and your fellow shout casters RTCW wouldn't be the same, do a smashing job in every game you cast/stream. massive disappointment
kenn ich nich
Maybe ASUS would like to support ET? We have at least 5 more viewers.
You srsly still trying to denie it Playa? :DDDDDDDDDDDD

[01.07.2014 01:43:23] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: ^dplaya (slot #10) MD5Tool Mismatch: GXD2.dll (len=32) [e5e33e0b385add75b54cdc4ecc5014d5(-)] :S
[01.07.2014 01:43:23] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9003: j4mzz (slot #10) MD5Tool Mismatch: GXD2.dll (len=32) [e5e33e0b385add75b54cdc4ecc5014d5(-)] :S

[01.07.2014 01:43:23] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9003: stranglow (slot #10) MD5Tool Mismatch: GXD2.dll (len=32) [e5e33e0b385add75b54cdc4ecc5014d5(-)] :S

Leg jij het ook maar uit.
I never play with that tag. Must be a faker!
Screenshot or log plox
well tbh except the last clip in the video where he shoot 20 bullets into the wall and door, that "bustvideo" is terrible. But how can he explain that clip? :D

Also i dont think anyone knows what is this MD5TOOL violation. In ET some cvar problem could cause this, like setting overbrightbits too high or something.
PB scanned and found GXD2.dll, which is something that shouldn't be in the RtCW folder, I believe.
Cool, didnt know what md5tool does. Well ye, its suspicious, but he can come up with the: "i just tested a hack or used it for a movie" excuse.
He already used the old my friend is sick excuse for cheating.
that's not really what md5 does :D basically md5 is a checksum protocol, every file has it's unique checksum and if the used file's checksum (let's say gay.dll has an original checksum of blablabla but the one this edited file has is wawawa) does not match or the file is matching a checksum which is part of a list of forbidden files pb will kick for that
So it doesnt check files that shouldn't be there? Just checking files that should be there, and check if the file is exactly the same as it supposed to be?
yes and no, pb has a list of checksums to check against, ie. a db or otherwise storage file such as a text, to map it.
for example ET.exe has the checksum of 5f12f1718a84b8fc45aaee609cfc9c43 now if you go ahead and modify your ET.exe, in any way, the checksum will differ and not match the one we have predefined to check against in our db. That same way, we can check for files we DO NOT want to have, ie. we take popular cheats that have been "detected", they also all have specific checksums, so if our scan detects a checksum of the same value as RandomETHacks.exe it'll remove you from the game. Including output of the file that caused it, in playa's case it was a .dll that is not - in any way - part of the game, and more research found it to be associated with a very popular rtcw hack.
Maybe CS:GO has an effect on this. I usually spray walls after nerding CS:GO...(excuses) :D
Sounds like one of those sob stories before someone auditions for the xfactor just missing a dead parent and you're on the money.
+fucking 1

m1tja would suck your dick for this comment
what a shit face community...

again, a small group of homos are giving bad names to all of us.
Stfu cheater
nice read, nice post 10/10
Nice one playa... This is superb!

image: I%20Love%20It%20When%20A%20Plan%20Comes%20Together

image: Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn
We need a detective to sort this out ":D"
i gota say u show an amazing brain doing this post playa{... almost as brilliant as haxing vs phase with ppl speccing or sending the demos where you use it or talk about hax with another very smart guy called nackjee on IRC...

keep the good work man and if u need a recomendation letter in future let me know but i think you wont need it cause the big companys can smell geniuses like you miles away...

My Conclusions are:

1 - you are a SMART guy!
2 - you NEVER cheated!
3 - you are NOT a sad guy who desperatly try to be any good at any thing!

EDIT: Jam{ u have some responsability here... you should have taken pity on him and allowed him to play some games...
i believe you playa! Someone is out to get ya!

Jam bad guy!:(
shut up you bitch you used to defend weslann as well
eat shit :)
So can you explain why you emptied an entire clip into a wall on frostbite?
could be anything from lag to just not being able to press +moveleft
he fall asleep
1. Playa cheated in 2 possibly 3 scrims against phase, most of us knew this before watching the demos, as all his reactions to people coming round corners were a bit ridiculous.
2. Razz flamed him during a game, and then several players told raw they thought he was cheating
3. From them he stopped cheating (at least against us)
4. Bully sent me the hack he was suspected of using to try and detect it somehow on servers. (Bully received this from most, whos well known for cheating)
5. I added the pb checks

I didn't bother pursuing anything because he seemed to have stopped cheating and raw were no way going to let him play an important official after the rumours emerged.

Original bust clip (not made by me):
A better version of the revive moment (not made by me):

Screenshots of the locations hes suspected of wallhacking in (using the GXD2 wallhack provided by bully/most):

Two things to note:
- The wallhack is toggled by F1, thus the no vote in progress spam
- The wallhack is absolutely horrible and removes lots of important entities

image: shot0000
image: shot0001

so even if he thinks the md5 check is someone framing him (which I dont think it is), he cheated at least 2-3 times anyway.
case closed!
the md5 matches the IP he's been posting on CF with. :P
the 2nd clip looks like players are flying through walls wtf?
heh, those two screenshots explains a lot :)
Fair statement, but I need to rectify 2 things.

I did not send you the hack with specifically playa in mind, most told me it was the hack that was most commonly used amongst cheaters.

And no one within raw withheld playa from playing any games. The reason he wouldn't get to play important games is because he's, bluntly put, simply not good enough.
Additional information explains a lot. Purely based on the clips I would say it was hardly solid proof.
How stupid. Bind F3 "vote yes" :-P

Anyway, without any up-to-date Anticheat and even No CD Key required anymore imo more people are cheating, not only playa.
give me a new laptop and we will put this all behind us!
2003 all over again! RTCW has come full circle....
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