ET making somewhat of a comeback?

Purely from a browsing point of view..Is ET getting somewhat rejuvenated? I don't play any more but I wish I could, but even just looking at gtv and the amount of games, combined with the amount of recruitment topics, is ohyourcool's (and ofc a few others) work paying of?
Yes, people realized there's nothing better, be ready for new and exciting shit.
All thanks to ohurcool bestest admin !
every year in january people get bored and start playing for 3-4 months again, that´s my experience past four years. nothing compared to the times when you simply couldnt connect to the BiO, not even at 4 am, but still nice to see :-)
Will never be as active as it was, but just from observing the last 7 years there has been a pretty steady incline in the last month or so
lol think I'll comeback too
flushje my Ireland bro <3
Thanks to cheaters as well...
ET is death
hi flushje
Hmm, may pickup a half decent mouse then and start playing, but my laptop is a piece of shit. Not sure if worth the effort but this game is so loveable

I know, I know what's on your mind
And I know it gets tough sometimes
But you can give it one more try
Find a reason why
You should pick it up
And try it again

You can give it one more try

Find another reason why

You should pick it up

You should kick it up

And try it again

I think it might just work out this time

ill make my comeback in another 2 or 3 or 9 months
getting a baby?

i c what u did there
Aniky, as a best admin ever, with his amazing job has been keeping ET alive for months.
To cold outside, better play some ET
it depends on if their are a lot of belgian monkey players, playing the game
as probably the most skilled and respected guy in the game I can confirm the answer to be yes.
Might be, haven't played in ages myself but I wanted to play a bit again. You should ask fumble though. As the most skilled and respected guy in this game, he is the one to talk to about pretty much anything ET-related.
it's certainly on a comeback. Clanbase died. There's no NA league. ESL doesn't support. And you have two nerds from america running the euro scene. Sounds like there's much hope.
ClanBase shut down due to problems with GGL which had nothing to do with ET. ESL is apparently making a comeback and will support ET again soon. CyberGamer now supports ET with cups, ladders, and an anticheat.

You're going to have to try harder than that.
gonna take as long for that to actually work as it did for capitalism to start working in countries after the fall of communism. loser.
For what to actually work? CGAC is already up and running.
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