DrBobIkAlot needs team 3o3/6o6

So I haven't really received any offers after my last post so I'll give it another try...

About me:
[x] age: 13 years old
[x] from: Czech (aka Czech Republic
[x] Reliable
[x] Skill: Best low+ in ET
[x] Class: medic/engi
[x] Available: at Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday (+before 21 o clock) + Friday/Saturday 1am+

[x] Last team was BigBalls, played in last Christmas cup ever 8) -> http://www.gamestv.org/event/45095-queens-vs-big-balls/
[x] Cybergamer account link: http://eu.cybergamer.com/profile/248944/BOBiKA/

About you?:
[x] I don't really give too much of a shit, just please be cool, and have fun while playing

Contact possibilities:
[x] Crossfire pm
[x] xfire: mambabobika

Have a good night crossfire!

On more serious note, if you think you're worth of playing in the best jaymod clan ever, apply -> http://eu.cybergamer.com/team/176833/BigBalls/

btw, There isn't many teams obviously, if someone needs backup or someone to play with, just lemme know, I dont care anymore.. just wanna be in shape when darki's back (and also that I could finally carry stokkie xD)
this guy is best nbs admin, take him.
gl decent gaymor
Skilled players are able to play on NBS on Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday after 9 pm.
QuoteLast team was BigBalls, played in last Christmas cup ever 8)

image: article-1189996-0065E91A00000258-851_468x442
Is that that fucking Mystic Meg woman? Night terrors.
stop kicking guyxs from nbs which played already ET when you werent born
I was the same day ET was made. So bad one, try again
So your birth took several months? Must be one hell of a fat child to get out 1 mm per day
Well, your offensive comments are getting worse every single time.

Take a break and come back with something new and funny! :)
changing your age 5mins after you posted your journal to 13 cus scared to leave it at 14 or 15 :XD

this was funny now stfu ;s
I had it at 17, but thought 13 would be fun because younger fucktard like you would comment :D
it was 15, but nice try
Ask any admin if they can see what it was before editing, it was 17 ;D
No need to be embarrassed, you can just put 15years, its alright:))) Its already past 9 for 2hours, go get some sleep already, gnite lol
i like how you use other people insult that were aimed towards you and use them once again at your own expend to prove nothing but that youre still a fucking retarded under aged cunt this game is 16+ someone should notify your mom that youre playing videa gamez for mature audience and the irony of your name is way too funny some stupid kid whos like "4/20" i smokee pot guizz look at me my name on crossfire is marijuana huehueuheuhe fucking attention whore
Crono has spoken.

All hail Crono!
salaseura sai mieleni, sieluni ja ruumiini
ET on salaliitto.
kyllä ​​ystäväni
;DDDDD took the bait XD Knew you or taliban would comment. Nice mom jokes btw, really mature as you just said yourself ;d

I bet kazim teached you how to post a comments, holy shit lmao.

PS: I dont even smoke, i just like the name. But i know thats not allowed aswell in your opinion.
So u just changed ur name cuz marijuana sounds better? Thats... Nice. What was wrong with base and what difference Does it make since everyone still knows ur base and calls u base? Is it becouse of the WH crap? ...or u just wanna be cooler? ..or u trying to fit in with the Dutch? (or finns?)

thefuck is this guy
and what are his true intentions

ps, please, If u change ur name to that atleast know what it is
for the love of god
you wanna be my mom? Ive never seen someone asking so many questions about a name, get it over with.Im pretty sure you will do fine picking a name for your childs later, But this is just ET, dsnt really matter what you take, but i like the way you are thinking.

Quoteps, please, If u change ur name to that atleast know what it is
for the love of god

LIke i dont know ?XD not like it matters, cus what your wrote there is nice logic, It doenst make any sense at all lol.
Im Buddha.
Hello my child.
"PS: I dont even smoke, i just like the name. But i know thats not allowed aswell in your opinion." you are such an autistic poser

image: IOn4oVU
''Does'' my eyes look red ;XD

add me on xfire, would be easier to post this picture instead of going to my profile every time again :)
nice logic ... even if i had you or not on xfire i would still have to go on your profil WTF? youre so fucking slow beside ur pic is saved on this site so whenever i feel like writing something over it i do it
his age says enough
that wordplay is absolutle terrible -> saying exact opposite of what tosspot saying-> tosspot saying im saying the exact opossite -> this attempt to wordplay is truly epic.
you got schooled by the master, dont take it as offence take it as a compliment ;) for me taking a few seconds to write this way past the bedtime of all of you nerds. boom

13 years old

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