So we're all very happy about that there is new Anti-Cheat and so.
But how does it exactly work?
Silent detection and ban waves once in a while or what?
It scans your whole PC for external programs you're using while playing or?
There is for sure 0% chance it could be "modified" for pub servers?

Is there*
I know, I just have huge headache so... ;(

e: Everyone so happy because of an Anti-Cheat but we actually dont have a clue if/how it works or will work for ET, that's goet
nobody really knew how slac/tzac worked either but were pretty happy to know it has silent detection (means nothing. :D)
it does mean something though :p
does it give any info as to how an AC actually catches cheaters? no. silent detection just means it doesn't automatically ban people. :D
no, but I still can't see how it means nothing that it has silent detection? It means a lot in terms of making bypassing harder for coders, and in catching significant amount of people on the same bot
I get that, if someone was talking about how easy/hard it was for coders to bypass then yeah it has some meaning, but I was specifically replying to bobika's sentence:

QuoteEveryone so happy because of an Anti-Cheat but we actually dont have a clue if/how it works or will work for ET, that's goet

nobody knew how TZAC worked, people such as bobika were satisfied with knowing it had silent detection but actually had no idea how it _caught_ cheaters. it's just a hypocritical thing to say -> criticising a new AC and the people who use it for being naive yet he and everyone else were no different while TZAC was still around. :D sorry if I mislead in my first comment.
oh okay, I get your point now. he'd probably be happy just knowing this new AC uses silent detection too though!
that makes him a hypocrite for his comment on those using the new AC, though. xD
We did.
That's why it was bypassed after day 2 when it was launched. (tzac)
those people thought they bypassed it, sure. :) but a few weeks down the line there was a banlist of 300 names.
Haha, I don't even think he was playing ETPro yet back then. All of these public server admin heroes act like they know everything there is to know about busting cheaters just because they've kicked some obvious bot users from NBS a few times. :P
sad but true. people think TZAC was bypassed for the entire 3 years it ran, when realistically the only period where people were cheating without being caught would've been when Croatia chaplja abandoned the project. =) 6 months before it shut down? hardly day two. :DD
Like I spammed before:
Chap knew there was an active bypass.
And yes, there were a few bypasses. Most were for COD though.
If you guys see me as some asshole, who keeps spamming this so be it.
I just find it sad, how bad you guys are actually informed while you were so 'close' to that 'project'.
When marcus took it over, not sure what happend then with Tzac. Only know that chap did his very best to sabotage it, which I find it was his right, while Ohurcool will announce I know nothing.

He doesn't like when i say: "I predicted this shit before it began". Warned you guys enough, tried to spam this shit out of this forum.
I only got flame, now see what happned: Tzac went down, and for a brief period cheaters were 'ruling'. Look at Chillax for example, cool guy, but he couldn't resist it. As did others...

Anyway: that's history now. I'm happy what you guys did with Cybergamer.
QuoteWhen marcus took it over, not sure what happend then with Tzac. Only know that chap did his very best to sabotage it, which I find it was his right, while Ohurcool will announce I know nothing.

well you already got the order wrong in this so I'm not surprised people think you know nothing. :D

TZAC was running fine, chaplja had recently received payment and the promises that he'd have some sort of "salary" for the coming months if he continued work on TZAC3 - which he originally was planning to cancel. he agreed but after New year 2013 he disappeared. still receiving payment and assuring via Skype that his absence was nothing to worry about, YCN (Marcus) and ohurcool stood by for another month letting chaplja stay distanced from the project while TZAC was pretty much left running without him.

his reasons for 'hiding' were supposedly because he hadn't paid taxes for TZAC. that's what he said, at least. who knows if it was actually true or a lie. regardless, chaplja began sabotaging TZAC even before YCN had taken over the project.

he returned a few months after new year and attempted to shut down the TZAC domain, this alarmed the others involved in supporting TZAC & chaplja (those who paid him, and hosted his software completely for free) because without saying anything he was suddenly trying to shut down the anticheat while still receiving payment. do you still think this was right? he got paid monthly from December 2013 and for the following months until YCN took over the project - but he did absolutely no work and THIS was the point where TZAC became completely bypassed. not before.
I doubt he will be bothered to read this, even if he does he wont comprehend it.
Yeah, not like it took you fucking months to ban nazty, right?
At least he only bans the right people.

9 times out of 10 you ban someone because he tripled you and you're an angry little kid.
I cant ban anyone.
Yeah you just spend 16 hours of your pathetic little day on NBS constantly kicking people.
Does he really do that?
1) I was downloading games from steam, since I reinstalled my PC, so I just had my PC on for maybe more than 32hours
2) Im ill, so Im at home, sorry for that! (I was sleeping in my bed and watching movies:)
He was banned less than two weeks after the CG match he cheated in. I'm sure you would've banned him immediately after the match was over though, right?

How many cheaters have you banned again? And how many anticheats have you been involved with? How many cups have you run? What exactly have you done for ET that makes you think you can be so critical of me and my fellow admins all the time?
I've never ever mentioned anything about cups, you know I've supported you all the time in this :p

Because cheaters were feeling so safe, that they cheated on fucking GTV and shit loads of people saw these matches and what have you done? You just let them all play again...
come on now man.. :D people keep saying this "they cheated on gtv 24/7" stuff and blaming ohurcool & co for not dealing with it - the big problem here is not the admins dealing with it, it's the players who think that a player will be banned just because you submit a damn gtv link with the comment "watch this, banworthy". game supervisors such as ohurcool have A LOT on their plate and the little they ask is that when someone submits a demo or gtv link, they add timestamps too. how many people do you think submitted demos in the neccessary way?

also for "You just let them all play again..." - this isn't fair at all to the CG ET staff if you're referring to the players who were banned on CB being unbanned now. they CAN'T ban people just because they were banned on another league, that's why some people were banned on ESL but not CB and vice versa. this is just an unfortunate occurrence, nothing that can be pinned to any game admin. there is nothing more any of the CGET staff could do than they've done already.
Yeah, pretty much what Artstar said. I've explained all of this to you multiple times already, so I don't really know what else to say if you still don't understand. I guess it's easier to just call everyone cheaters and flame all admins than to actually make an effort to contribute.

That conversation basically sums it up with you. Not sure why I even bother.
Chap admitted it later on...
Also he knew about one particular bypass, but he literately said: "I don't have the time for this".

Not sure what you're talking about. I think you should talk with him for once, and see what I'm talking about.

Literally every comment you've posted in this journal is nonsense. Maybe it's time to go back to your public server and let the real admins handle things.
There were several Bypasses.
but agree, the first two 'well-known' bypasses were pretty fast found by chap (or people who pm'ed him, not sure who eventually did tell him).
nobody "told" him. he worked solo. :D and there were no "bypasses" the first cheats made for TZAC (SLAC, 2010-2011) were ALL detected and due to the silent detection the coders creating cheats were completely unaware for weeks as to whether or not their cheats were able to bypass the software. the coders at the time (Germany Pansemuckl, Finland PALE) who had been selling cheats within the ET community for years suddenly were unable to create anything to bypass chaplja's AC because he was so good at what he was doing.
Since you won't believe me, contact Honary Gaming.
Ask for the founder: Antwan van Houdt. He'll explain some things to you, which will blow your mind in how easily it was to bypass Tzac.
With some luck, Timbolina knows it too, only he doesn't have the programming skills to actually put it on paper, as Antwan does.

This time I'm really asking you nicely: Ask him pls, you'll see that what I've telling you (great part of it) will be confirmed by him.

Edit: he'll say stuff about:
- #lotte.priv, the ones who cracked Tzac as first
- He will confirm my 'flash-story' which you guys don't even believe it, while you just had to test it -_-
- With some luck, he'll prove some stuff about how bad Tzac was in it's binary validating, and you just had to use stripped binaries.

WAITING ON YOUR APPOLOGY. Or you can act though and say: why care about a dead project.
Anyway, just ask him. And hope he comes with proof.
I know "Antwan van Houdt" - that's Excite and I've spoken to him about this stuff more than once. #lotte.priv "cracked" TZAC? they used a cvar unlocker. xD they did it during the time when nobody was being caught (silent detection) - then a couple weeks later there was a huge banwave and they were included. they were caught on the screenshots first of course. it sounds like you're easily fooled by anyone who knows some things about programming.

no offence to Excite but he was an outsider to TZAC, and most of his "theories" were proven during the decline of TZAC (end of 2012 & remainder of 2013). as told in the comment above by me:

-tzac was pretty much finished during this flash experience time of yours. it's pretty safe to say had anyone attempted this stuff during the peak times of chaplja's AC, there would have just been some huge banwave again of retards who thought they cracked the code.
I and some Tmoe polaks were never banned though.
because chaplja had already left the project. do you not understand? you are totally correct here, you and some other people cheated on TZAC and were not banned, because there was nobody to stop you. TZAC as an anticheat was running without the "owner". it's kinda like kicking a football into a goal with no keeper.
So basically you just said (more or less): Marcus didn't do a shit towards the AC from Tzac?

Edit: Just to be clear: May i use all of your replies?
So far you made a few us a good laugh.
TZAC was the first time (to my knowledge) that Marcus ever even looked at AC software. he still managed to set up some methods to catch guys like wiaderko, lesti & weslann among some other names nobody will recognise but yeah, TZAC was pretty much nothing without chaplja. Marcus would agree to that if you were to ask him.

that's why it was a damn shame chaplja decided to sabotage the project while being paid to work on it. =)
But ok, I appreciate your opinion actually.
that's cool but what exactly is there to laugh at? :P I've been pretty straight forward in this whole discussion.
Nothing special.
But one more thing, and then let this rest. I'm trying to play again, once in a while. In fact I never intended to play this game again. Therefore I got to stop this crap, and just will be silent again, as I was before.

Anyway the 'one more thing': During the whole period when Tzac was online, peaking, Marcus-time,.. you were able to use the 'flash-story'. In fact, the first time I've read about the 'story', was on a polak site, translated by google. Took me a while to actually comprehend decent what it all meant. Then Antwan and some 'others' came, and explained it pretty good to me, perhaps Antwan not, I just have 1 official post of him explaining some things pretty basic and that was post Tzac -_-.

That's why I rage(d) at Tmoe/fanatic all the time. Ofcourse nobody ever can prove he used something, but you're smart to get the picture.

Sadly, I tried to find the .pl site days after my first visit. But I couldn't find it. But I didn't care much, I knew how to bypass it.
Then I came into forums, and read alot about the back scene of Tzac AND chapja.
That's why I knew a couple of things, were Ohurcool still doesn't want to believe what I said, eventhough it came out.
I even told my former leader a few things what was happening/gonna happen with Tzac/chap.

But pff.. the moment Ohurcool didn't listen to me while he was in my eyes THE admin in whole et. I startedto make sure, he'll get mad after every single post I make.
Just to make a sad point.

But I rest my case, he's gonna flame me even harder now.
AND tell me again: i know shit, while he has some ideas, which he thinks are facts, which are so full of bs.
Can be proven black on white. For example the flash-story, which he never believed, is true. You, Artstar, just actually admitted it, it was around for example.
AND I'm not even talking about the binary validator... -_-

QuoteYou, Artstar, just actually admitted it, it was around for example.

I didn't admit that. :P the first time I heard the flash story was from you. I wasn't involved in TZAC and I never tested cheats myself so I have no idea specifically what was possible during TZACs downfall. however, I am aware that people with new methods of cheating were less likely to be caught because chaplja had disappeared from the face of the earth. :)
SO when was that, if I may ask?
Are you starting to see why I lol'ed? ':D'

chaplja disappeared at the beginning of 2013. TZAC was running smoothly, without any active bypasses from 2010-2012. the one time people thought they found the cheat TZAC (SLAC) finally couldn't detect, a banwave came in and caught over 300 people. after that cheaters just declined. =) people like Excite (Antwan) wouldn't agree to that however, I had a few conversations with him and he seemed to believe like 90% of the community were cheating. that's just pure paranoia. :P even during my most active times in ET I've never faced that many cheaters. even in 2009 when there was NO anticheat.
That's cus you need to get more on forums like cheatzone, deatcode, netcoders,...
And some other unpopular sites, which I won't mention due to some reasons, which I don't want this post to get deleted, or get hate from other people.
You'll be amazed how much time people still put in this game, even-though they said this game is to old to put some effort in.

I agree with Antwan. On the other hand, you're also correct when you say: that's pure paranoia.
If you just ONLY look at the code, at how the hitboxes work, how spread works. And you see guys without resetting their spread do ,after their 10th bullet is fired, 3 hs. Then yes, it's weird.

And chap didn't disappear we had a few conversations approximate 6 months ago.
I can be more precise if you want, but I need to dig up some logs on my other pc?
One thing is for sure: With Tzac you were ALWAYS able to cheat.
You just had to know how.

And last time I say this: You could from the start cheat by running it from a flash. YES, you had to do something different after the second big ban wave (at least I thought i was the second, it's been to long). But it never stopped working.

Sadly, some admins didn't want to listen to this at all. And deleted the post. Their bad.
Same thing will happen to CGAC, unless admins listen to it for once.
I don't know badkip, nor do I know other names of him on coding sites.
Seems to me he does quite alot on his own, and just ask question on SO if he has a problem.
So I hope he's different, and doesn't have an ego about his projects. You always have to assume your work isn't bullet proof. That's standard when coding anyhting on Security.
QuoteAnd chap didn't disappear we had a few conversations approximate 6 months ago.

he did disappear, 6 months ago is the period where he was creating cheats for TZAC. I mean what I said at the start of my post: "chaplja disappeared at the beginning of 2013." :P this is the single reason YCN took over TZAC. because after chaplja took the money he was being paid, then attempted to shut down the AC without warning anyone, someone had to make a quick decision to avoid losing the anticheat mid-season. imagine you paid money to do something, and then they disappeared for a couple months with no reasonable explanation? you'd kinda get worried wouldn't you?
asked that in that other thread... no response or flame or ban... dunno no one seems to care
CGAC scans memory, just like UAC and every other anticheat. Cheaters are banned in ban waves. It will not work on public servers.
How frequent waves? Like TZAC?
Is that a serious question?
Quote It scans your whole PC for external programs you're using while playing or?

UAC scanned MEMORY. the same as PB, the same as TZAC, the same as every AC under the sun.
How the fuck could I know, just asked, thanks.
because you're under the illusion that previous ACs have done that.
He just fucking replied to your question. Get a fucking break.
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