Where can I find the CGAC banned players?
first he plays a match with CGAC, then he ask where are the banned players.... what does that mean? :)
I think they'll be published in some kind of banwave posts.
I think they still need some coding work on this:

It's rubbish coded. And works half. I think they will update ET bans there too?
I think you still need to gain some brain mass, since your brain appears to have the size of your dick
people in glass houses have to answer the door,
Karl Pilkington
Frop replied to you, in case you missed it.
Why you say so? Scroll down to see my reply on Ohurcool.
Yes, you're welcome.
Hush, that page is outdated and hasn't been in use for a long time.
If you say: last ban was last month (IN FACT: two weeks ago) = outdated, than yes, it's outdated.
Also your link doesn't show any bans on our screen?
Perhaps you see more as an admin? Just speculating here.

I'll be friendly: Scroll down to the end of list. Newly banned people, so far only COD, are listed on the bottom.
[2/4/2014 6:16:11 PM] Jeremy Klaosen: Outdated
[2/4/2014 6:16:16 PM] Jeremy Klaosen: has been broken for al ong time
[2/4/2014 6:16:19 PM] Jeremy Klaosen: will fix it up again sometime

There is no public ET ban list. Now do us all a favor and take your foolishness somewhere else.
Why foolish, omg check yourself at the bottom of the page. Than see when they were banned.
Ffs you can even check it yourself :s
And indeed it's not for et, as we all knew there was none atm.
It's the way you say things.

"hurr durr rubbish coded works half lol need to work on that more haha look at me I know so much about coding and anticheatz cause I used to run a public server"

Just go away, really. No one wants you here.
Same thing you accuse me all the time for:
"Get your facts straight." => I never ever run a public server.
And yes, I do know more about coding than you do. That's for sure.
Oh, so you've actually contributed nothing at all to ET then. Good to know!

I never claimed to know anything about coding and don't really care how much you know.
Do you really think that reading some random PL website makes you a reliable source of information on cheats and anticheats?

QuoteTherefore I got to stop this crap, and just will be silent again, as I was before.

Yes, of course, of all what was said you take that as your reply.
Nice maturity there.

God damit, how hard can it be to admit you were wrong.

ps: agree, not a reliable source if you only base yourself on .pl sites
BUT I said a lot more. A wise man, wouldn't believe just one person (agree with you again), but would go on investigation the moment he hears such things.
Anyway: I made my point. You knew shit on many ways, nor did you wanted to listen.
On the other hand in all what you've said: you corrected me on two things. I thank you for that.

Wanna know how to bypass CGAC, or will you just ignore me then too?
I thought you were gonna "stop this crap" and "be silent again"... :(
Haha, ok, I hope you know what you're doing this time mate.
I really do...

Cu, in a couple of months again ;)
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