I share new ideas for free

Hi girls & boys from crossfire website !!!

(Yes, as a french lover I always start with women)

image: moustache-madnessforweb
Since I don't have much time to invest in ET, I bring to you ideas in order to entertain nerds behind their computers.
In this journal, I offer to my people a part of my brain and you must feel free to use it.

I don't pretend to have bestest #swag #yolo ideas... well ok I do LOL :x::d:x:/D:d:x::/D

Small cup format :

Do you guys remember these cups we had fun watching/take part in? These cups where you could prove people you're the best runner in ET? the best stabber? the best trickjumper? These cups where aiming wasnt necessary to bring a golden medal? I think it'd open a big gate for new players.
I was thinking about creating a cup like you could show people you're the best driver in ET (ofc I wont play otherwise nerds will be jelly and think ima xiiter). Basically, itd be on goldrush/supply/<insert map with trucks / tanks / helicopter> and the fastest modafucka would win this shit so it involves straffing/movements. You can say it's similar to that old cup style where the fast man was crown BUT it's different because you can drive brother!!!

CastAcademy :

Nowadays, ET community doesn't have an active shoutcaster but I remember back in the days( when I forced United KingdomYMCA`Marcus to let me use his cast server otherwise I would have put his head into a swimming pool full of tea until he suffocates and dies) there were people asking : "How do I get started with casting?"
I think we have many guys interested in casting but they don't know how to make this decisive step forward.
That's why I suggest something.
We would gather all the guys interested and then all of them could (solo/duo) cast a game (preferably a decent game). When everybody had his chance to put his hands on the mic' you guys vote for the "new caster(s)" you want to listen to.

Statistics :

Even if gtv does it pretty well I think they should put more emphasis on stats. I mean it'd be nice if there was a separate page where you could see who's the best killer of the day/week, best aimer, etc. Nothing new under the sun but something more "official" where you can see among all the top players who's da best!

Well, what you guys think about it? As I said, I don't want to lead these projects because I'm quite busy but I could help out if anyone feels like some ideas have potential.

Alright, because this journal is too much serious for me I must end with best joke of the week :

QuoteDo you know if Team Columbia play WC because I think they would need this guy :

LOL ::x:D/:x::D::d:d:d:x:/D/:d:d:x:D/ AHAHAhahAHAHAhaha EHEHEHEHEHEH
If you don't get I think you have brain damage, sorry bro.

image: tumblr_n08ijfhYGC1qzy9ouo1_1280

MarseilleLeFrancis - A CF journalist sharing ideas
so basically you made a new acc just to post on my journal? I feel special eheheheh
You are quite a sherlock.
nice read :)
thanks colonel
you're welcome timbrolina
thx man always a pleasure to share with crossfire community
LOL @ Paper
seems like you're the only one w/o brain damage
moi j'ai compris mais cétait nul :(
About to shave my moustache tonight.
Have had them for ~2 months now, getting bored. And too lazy to trim them.
You should be CG admin.
ET is alive
about to shave my beard tomorrow
stop lying you don't even have hairs on your ballz yet
Ready to roll sqzz and WuT in speedcup if someone hosts it :----0
trop long ; pas lu
really good ideas! someone need to make them real!
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