a cup of tea?

hm, just browsing crossfire atm with cup of tea, and I was wondering - how much do you drink cups of tea per day? me - about 4-5. you?

image: lipton_100

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drink milk so u grow faster, god damn singer
nie nazywaj liptona herbatą
1 in the evening (red tea)
Always wondered why Eastern European co workers drink tea without milk
ofc you drink without milk :) clean is the best
Never really understood the hype of tea with milk, seems all the same to me.

image: 2169924-kappa
green tea and some are good with milk.


image: howtomaketea-1
Indeed!, milk last! I hate when people put milk in first
With Coffee, milk in first is better anyway! With regards to biscuits, do you guys have foxes in this hellhole of a country? Choc digestives are reliable, but foxes are the best.
Fox's make a beast of a biscuit for dunking, the crunch creams. When that cream hits a hot cuppa and the soggyness fills your mouth ohhhh yeah.

That didn't sound good, but it is nice :D
Original all the way man!

There are basically posh chocolate digestives
Got a pic? Can't find what you mean
Fuck! Just found out they don't make the biscuit version anymore, just the bar.


2nd pic is the biscuit
Ah, those badboys!
You're supposed to drink coffee black :-(
foxes bisquits
thought the same :P
what is milk stir and how do i add it
I hate it when people leave teabag in the cup, when you can just dip it. Faster and exactly same taste.
1-2 minutes? not enough. and milk is meh. rather slice of lemon
tea with lemon and honey is the best way to drink it ever
you can also add a little bit of cranberries :p
none never, no tea or coffee
coffee only about 3/4 a day
water all day long
usually about two. i have that yellow label too but i prefer a ceylon or an earl grey
About 6 on average, some times more or less. Usually green tea (can be with orange and ginger, lemon, berries or something else maybe add a little honey or cinnamon) :)) Otherwise depends on my fancy, got a few different loose tea here for a teapot, good ol' bag of PG tips or some Twinings when I stock up

image: TW_collecion_inpage

I likes a good cup of tea I do.
The main question is, what is the best biscuit to dip in to the tea! I'd say bourbons or chocolate digestives followed by custard creams.

Twinings <3
Rich tea are best with butter on :)
ow that pack looks nice
Usually around 2,5 liters of tea every day, don't know how many cups that would be.
Mostly green tea with lemon or any kind of fruity red tea (right now I have wild berry flavour om nom nom)
1Liter Water with 10 bags of Black Tea ( Ceylon )

pretty awesome and you dont need so much sleep :PP
only vodka
Vodka journal!
Prefer mine neat (depending what it is) and must be chilled in the freezer for at least 1 hr.

Green tea infused vodka supposed to be good tho! ;)
Usually 1-2 at evenings, used to drink coffee but I gave that up, get enough of that at work during the day. Been trying lots of different flavours since I haven't drank lots of tea before, Earl Grey mixes have been good. Worst I had was some lemon tea from Germany Nazi-Lidl, with triangle shaped bags.

Recently have been sipping lots of these

image: category_BB_laminkuppi_classic

It is a mini-soup, lots of different flavours, works as a snack too if you are a little bit hungry.
That phrase "Nazi-Lidl" made me giggle way too much :D
It is actually commonly known as "natsi-siwa" in Finland, Siwa being a normal store, Lidl a yerman version of it.
coffe + 2-3 tea :-)
around 10 cups of coffee, black no sugar. sometimes 1-3 teas instead of coffee per day, black, lemon and berries.
Tea without any milk is the best way!
Depends on the tea! : )
they always drink it like that in china, and without teabags too, drinking that shit 24/7
lipton yellow label best
I love a good cup of earl grey, I used to drink it too much, but I've found you appreciate it more when you limit the amount you drink (like most things) old sport.
Green tea is the only way to go.
unless u wanna go to sleep
i drink cofee instead of tea
5 cups of coffee instead of tea
thé is for fagets
dont buy that teabag crap

get it in leaves:
image: Jin-Xuan-Oolong-Tea-Milk-Oolong-
+1, way better!
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