future of gaming - what you think

hi guys, been watching today TURBOT vs PHASE and actually felt a little bit nostalgic.

My questions is quite simple, as the new games are mostly shit.

Do you think that we will ever experience a new game that will be as great as ET, RtCW or even CS1.6 (say whatever you want, it has this something that sticks player to it, and sometimes I also like to turn it on and shoot some headshots)

"As great as..." refers to:
Importance of teamplay,
Importance of gamesense (importance of brain),
and this "something" that makes me want start playing ET each time I recall playing it with friends

Why games like that arent developed anymore?

as the new games are mostly shit.

Come on play BF4
if playing a unfinished game isnt shit then ok !!!
Vue la gueule de ta config pc c'est sure que pour toi il est pas fini ! C'est comment de jouez en low details sur BF4 ? :D Tu m'étonne que tu préfère ET.
xD ma config pc de cf à 3 ans voir plus !! tkt pas aujourd'hui mon pc peu accueillir bf4 sans aucuns problèmes , et tu n'as cas regarder tout les poste fait par DICE pour s'excuser de tout les problèmes et bugg au niveau bf4 et dû à leurs relations avec EA !! Le jeux à était vendu pas fini , pas besoin d'envoyer d'attaque personnel mec , tout ceux qui ont acheté ce jeu ce sont fait niqué , moi le premier !!
basically a game with classes and quake engine :D
et doesnt have any sposor its just free game no one want to put cash for et maybe a millioner xD!
Well, 'we' will never experience a game the same way.
And you forgot to add addiction and peer pressure to your list of greatness. Maybe that's what you meant with "something".
Quote "and this "something" that makes me want start playing ET each time I recall playing it with friends"

Look at the word "recall", i am not playing any game since 2011 actively ;p hardly say I play any game now.
I think you misunderstood what I said, I saw the word. At this point I believe it's pretty much impossible to experience a new game the same way as these old games, mostly because of the circumstances at the time of a player's most active period.
yep. most of us were younger when we had our most enjoyable moments in ET (or any other game). fun times can and do still occur, everything in the past just seems to be so much more golden. I get a taste of those old funny as hell memories when playing with old friends still, that's what I reccommend to others. if you want to have fun times again you're gonna have to make it happen yourself. :P

@janusz: do you not have contact with those old friends anymore?
I have with many of them, were talking sometimes @ xfire or somewhere else
nice to hear. :) playing with people I know and like is the only reason I still play games at all! I do sometimes wish some people would be back again, but at the same time, I feel I might be wrong to believe things would ever be the same again. :d a) I'm differen't b) they're different c) we've probably lost the common interests we once had. though it's always worth a shot and you can easily get on exactly like you used to! :D

e.g. I spoke & played with Catalonia uniqee and Chile casek early last week (uni I didn't play with for like 4 years, casek I didn't play with for closer to 2 years) and it felt just like it used to, only the surrounding crowd was different. :P
thats true, it is ofc that your mates makes this game great for you, you wouldnt play alone probably, but I was talking not actually about the friendships, but just about the fact that the quality of nowdays games is much lower than ET, most important factors are graphics, cool animations, thats why games are 1. easy as shit 2. you can get nystagmus and after 4hours you are done with it :D thats why I dont play games anymore, becuase I am getting bored after several hours, while I could play et for years :
Unique engine.
Well I doubt that since world is moving faster than earlier so new games are coming by two to three years cycle there will be no this kind of "emotions" towards some game.

And as you get older I think 95% will play less than they played at their earlier years.
I hate to see games like Starcraft, LoL and CSGO being so huge. I played all of these games and I've never been able to relax while playing these games. These games literally spread cancer with all the retarded kids playing. These games made me rage a lot more(especially LoL). When I played ET I had the most fun and relaxing time. I didn't rage(of course I could get mad but it wasn't the same as now) or feel that I was wasting time with kids, trolls and retards. It was easier to meet cool people here and get along together.

Oh well back to the topic. Unfortunately I don't think that the ET community will grow but I don't think it will die either. The lack of sponsors and popularity wont attract many people. And I don't think there will be another ET. People said that ETQW, Wolfenstein 2(or whatever it was called) and Brink would be the "new" ET but they all failed to deliver. If we want a game with the points you mentioned I think it would just be a new version of CoD, BF or CS...
Tbh I remember raging much more on ET (played etpub last year) than on LoL where I play with "decent" people (Gold level so they know the basics of the game, whereas on a public ET server you always have noobs who play terribly bad/don't care about obj, etc.). LoL matchmaking makes things a little be easier I'd say.
Hmm I don't know. I'm only silver so that might be why people act like that. When I was playing ET I didn't really care if we lost a map eventho I did my best. The fact that you lost didn't matter. If you play LoL you either gain or lose LP which makes people rage if they lose. I started to rage more the older I got which is kinda weird imo. Also the people around me act like retards. I don't know how many times some kid told me to kill myself or something like that cause we lost a ranked game. That rarely happened in ET. Afaik the most offensive thing I've been called was a noob or a nolifer.
Mmh, fair enough.
No offense but it that sounds like you have never played ET on a good lvl competitively? Ofc it can be omg super fun & no pressure if you are lowballing, same goes for LoL, CSGO or sc2. If you are playing to compete though then I cannot imagine you saying that you didnt care if you lost ?
And yeah ofc there are no kids here in ET since the game is old as fuck but the sheer amount of idiots here is the same as in every other game if not bigger.
Well thats something else. I did feel some pressure when playing with my team in some official matches but it wasn't like we blamed eachother if we lost(same goes for team ranked 5's). But playing alone I never felt any pressure in ET while in LoL you get called out for the slightest mistake you make(just my experience).
Because there was never any ranking system in ET, it would be exactly the same if there was one.
You can get players back, you can get new players, but they won't stay for a long time.
This game is repetitive, the community is fucked up(im part of it ofc),..

You go and play random 3o3 on IRC, you connect to the server and it's fucking supply and adler/grush (sometimes deli if u play against base). And 6o6 is just nothing else than Goldrush / Supply 99%

I love some of these maps, but it gets boring after playing one or two rounds, still the same all the time... Wanted to make a "small" competition with smth like €15-20 for someone, who will create atleast 2 maps, that are going to be played in ladders, but cba since these people will only fucking moan about everything like I do

And no, we won't see as good game as RTCW/ET/CS 1.6 if there won't be game based in WW2 and on quake engine :D
old players find it hard to stick around mainly because those they were once "close" to in teams etc are now gone (moved on to other games or focusing on real life) - so it's fair really that they don't feel like sticking around with strangers. :P
I don't even remember how many YEARS I have been asking for someone to create an SW_Railgun. Minor changes would have made that map perfectly playable.
New FPS like BF COD etc are shit. Never try it.

I'm currently playing a game named Rust, its a surival FPS online with craft stuff. It's only in alpha so the game is gonna be improved. Of course ET is unique and nothing will replace it, but I felt some good things on Rust too. Having a lot of fun with friends and this game truly requires team play. It's also very intense when you shoot ppl/ wanna blow someone's else house cause if you fail you can lose all your stuff in one bad decision.
I don't know if its gonna be as good as my ET but i'm having a lot of fun atm and I think it will become a fking good game:D
FPS genre is dead. All the implemented game mechanics are noob friendly these days removing pretty much all skill from the game. Also all the game engines are fucking shit; the last decent FPS game was Modern Warfare and that's a modified Id Tech 3 engine. Currently e-sports has been shifting to moba games which is fine I guess since the genre is not fundamentally broken like FPS is these days. The only problem is that shit games aimed at the masses/noobs/scrubs (LoL, World of Tanks etc.) with a lot of financial backing get to be played. Fact is that these games have no in depth game mechanics whatsoever often heavily influenced by RNG. World Cyber games was a complete jokes for years where so many trash games with big price pools were featured. Best example was World of Warcraft PvP it makes me cringe even just thinking about it. Just because a developer throws a lot of money at a game does NOT make it a good game.
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