#gMen 3on3 WC: Play your games!

image: 2q38128

Let the games begin!

Every game of the qualifiers have been requested on GamesTV. There is a total of 25!! games to be played as soon as possible.

Here's what should happen next:
If the time and date doesn't suit to you, feel free to contact the opponent's team captain and arrange a date & time as soon as possible, and let Netherlands timbolina or Belgium me know so we can appropriately edit the match on GamesTV!

All of the matches should be played as soon as possible before Sunday the 2nd of March!

Additional rule

In case anyone wonders, when we get to the play-offs, matches where a country might be disadvantaged by high ping should be played either on a UK server if the pings are allright; OR one map on one location specific server and the other map on the other one.
f.e. USA vs BE : either play on a UK server, or one map on US server & the other map on DE/NL/FR/whatever server.

We'll be taking United States of America ohurcool's suggestion and do it this way:
United States of America/Canada/Columbia - UK server
Chile - 1 map on a UK server & 1 map on a US server
Australia - US server
These are of course guidelines and they can be ignored if both teams agree to something else.

If you have anything to add on the above rule, please share it with us. We do appreciate constructive feedback!

Thanks everyone for participating!
Let's keep this game alive for a few more years, together!

timbolina & Kenzi
gL all teams 8]
Is that good enough?
goodluck Buzzer and draakjes!
Regarding the rule for non-European nations:

My suggestion is to do it the way we did in the last ClanBase ET NationsCup, as explained in this journal.

United States of America / Canada / Columbia - UK server
Chile - 1 map on a UK server & 1 map on a US server
Australia - US server

The key is to simply set some reasonable guidelines which can be freely ignored if both teams agree to do so. For example, as Australia biggz commented in that journal I linked, Australians prefer to play on EU servers vs European teams, since 300 ping vs 50 ping works better for them than 200 ping vs 200 ping.

Just my two cents!
Thanks for the two cents!
Well actually that was midas's preference, I guess mostly because he is more used to EU servers. The older AU players were more used to US servers (especially west coast). We also won our last NC match on a US server :P

edit: my comment was neutral in that old journal so as not to annoy midas at the time but now I don't care!
Ah, okay. :D You made it seem as if all/most Aussies felt that way!
haha nope just the newschool EU fanboi kids
well tbh I personally dont care about my ping as long as it is stable and less than 260, but my team prefers to play with 100-150 ping in an american server rather than with 200- 260 in the UK one.
And it is in my opinion more fair to play in a neutral server in this cases, considering if we play in the UK it is us with 200-250 pings vs oppo with 50-70 pings, while on USA server its more like 150 vs 150.
aussies prefer 300 vs 50 ping just easier. But midas' net is shit atm so his ping to euro servers will be 450.
he always pings 400 plus to EU servers (which is pretty standard for WA AU). Default EU ping for aussies with a good connection from east coast AU is 350 at best. Only very rarely do you get 300 to some UK servers and I think I have only seen that once or twice in the last 6 years or so.
QuoteLet's keep this game alive for a few more years, together!

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