
hello, is BiO still online? or what pub from that list http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/151636/etpro-public-servers you can actually recommend apart from nbs, admins(kapot?) kick for an accidental teamkill.
online but nobody besides kevlar allowed to play there
nobody plays there and afaik kevlar hasn't been involved in it for years
mhm, so basically bio needs someone to make it a decent pub again
Not possible with the current pub players.
kapot is not an admin
me admin?

kick vote op man

everyone did f1
So you are ref there and call kick votes when someone tks you?
seems legit or not?
im not a ref..
if someone tk me 3 times yes ofc i vote for a kick
Sorry confused you with Bobika xD
ja pierdole
mamalukes kurwa:)
yeah i get kicked for the smallest shit as well...fucking kids on nbs 24/7
they racist, damn.
The cannot into kick question mark.
hola senorita
I am sorry for anyone being unfairly kicked. I'll talk to the owner about it.
n00n this is my cat kurwa
BiO isnt online anymore. Kevlar left me to take care of it for 6/9/12 months depending on his work schedule, but I ended up taking care of it for much longer time and since I havent heard a word about kevlar in well over a year now and BiO's free host time ended and I don't have the money or configs that were lost for some reason, seems like it won't be coming back unless kevlar makes a come back.
Our server is populated every night and evening with good playing atmosphere.

check it out.
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