need command...

....that makes you see like 500 pixels (bad quality, 500 just for instance)

Edit: not talking about changing resolution, but there is a command which makes u see little quarters on the screen
the screen
u remind me too much of the fat profet :<

would help if u could spell!
Get drunk and beat out one eye
good advice! have you tried it? :P
dont low texture settings do that?
r_texturemode gl_nearest(_mipmap_linear/nearest)
you may speak more languages, but my face is acne free
1. owned syno
2. this may well be the very first time u ever said something good about me syno. z0mg this is the happiest day of my life !!

and i knew it was wrong budha just cba to look it up ask rizza for the confirmation shizzle if any1 ever would give a shit

ow yeah and i sux at yerman and french :<<
my swedish is pr0 tho!
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