ET still active?

Sup guys,

How active is ET atm? Does it take years to find 3on3/5on5?
Is it worth the try for new players or is everyone high+ by now?
everyone is med+ nowdays "xd"
Everyone was med+ back in 2008 ....
Well wannabe med+ players are getting rolled by some low+ players.

Overrating themselves as fuck.

ET is also pretty active, if you consider playing 2 out of 3 times against atleast 1 cheater or playing with bypassed Anti-Cheat.

ET has also change in game, since you will be able to walk 15seconds without meeting anyone just to get backraped by two opponents.

but welcome back
are you serious with half your comments or just trolling
Who is that guy?
Hola senor!
You always deliver some quality comments mate.
1 year, 11 months and 19 days

You sure know much about what was and what is
looks like nothing has changed over the past 6 years
you talk about nbs or et?
ET is active enough. There are cheaters here and there, but it's not nearly as bad as BOBiKA is trying to make it seem in his comment above.

We play on CyberGamer EU now and use their anticheat called CGAC, although it is only available for matches on the CG website. There are over 150 teams in the 3on3 & 6on6 ladders with 75 teams currently competing in CG EU ET Season 1.
I doubt the amount of cheaters have increased though. It's just that the ones that are still playing are more stupid than the people that have already quit. Almost the whole of team NL was cheating at some point but only a few ever served a ban.
You saying that it isn't true?
name some players, I am curious<>
Azatej, perfo, tekoa, m1lk,bull,lunatic,xperia,mize,motif,joshua and the biggest : saken
any actual proof that any of those players ever cheated or is it just speculation?
You need to understand that most of this information is long gone and was covered up by all who was involved. Additionally players like Qyz, Mize and Fost disappeared of the scene for a while to maintain their ''innocence'' returning a few months later when traces were no longer solid evidence.
hmm well I highly doubt that perfo, tekoa, m1lk, bull, lunatic, xperia, joshua and saken ever without any evidence it is just speculation anyways.
xperia, saken and lunatic 100% and then you have perfo's ''brother''
Like I keep an archive on that shit.
Dude, I never cheated.
Dude, I wasnt so serious
n30/qyz mise fost lunatic jackie motif xperia rocky to name just a few.

e: It's probably faster to list the names of the people who most likely never cheated.
Bring a bit nuance in your comment please. Most of them never cheated in a match. You've seen them powning on the Crossfire LANs, they didn't need that
And I should just trust your word on that, how can you be so sure? I am quite certain N30 was caught in a team NL scrim using the tag. The N30/Qyz cover-up went quite well for a while with you guys trying to hide who he really was. For the other players ''Well they did OK on LAN'' is hardly an excuse.
I think N30/Qyz only played in NC one season and to be honest, I can't really remember who he was. Afaik he didn't play in any major teams/competitions at the time.

So for the rest of the players, let's call them the more 'famous' players, I can only say they played as well as they did on the LAN(s) as they did online. Some players had been playing from the beginning (RtCW demo 2001), ofcourse they are able to pown and get the feeling of playing a game.

You should trust me when talking about those guys, yes, because I played with them day after day for years.
I'm curious as to which roster you're referring to (there have been quite some suspected cheaters to play for NL in the old days, but all at once?). I used to be pretty paranoid about cheaters but I'd really be surprised to find an NL roster from the past that fielded ~4+ active cheaters per match (which ofc is pure speculation to begin with anyway).
Eh, depends if you count "busted" as "currently cheating". :P Lunat1c, rezhni, jackie, motif, mize, kris, efax, fost and countless of others. But even so, a quick search on gamestv doesn't really show any games fielding more than 2 or 3 of those at once.
exactly, I could understand if he meant some players who'd been busted in the past being mixed into the same squad, but a whole team of people cheating at the same time (seemed to be what he was saying)? no way. :D

"~4+ active cheaters"

e: in fact it's almost certain he wasn't talking about people who got busted, specifically that the team NL were cheating in matches but never got caught. that much is bullshit (depending ofc on which roster he's referring to but still unlikely. :D)
2 maybe 3 (in some matches) players cheating at the same time is perfectly possible.
Definitely. If the team consists of really good friends(usually from the same country, who have played together for a long time) I think it's more likely for there to be 2 to 6 cheaters than just one.
Pretty much. And as I said before even if not all players were cheating at that time they would have been at least aware of what they were doing.
me busted?
Kris and Efax never cheated. I played with them for about 6 months in 2004 before they gained fame and they where already really good back than.
And that proves just about nothing.
I would have to go through gamestv lineups which I can't really be bothered to do right now. Maybe there weren't 4+ active cheaters per match but at least the non-cheating ones were fully aware of their cheating team mates. One of the best examples is that faggot Qyz who is pretty much on equal grounds with AlexL regarding cheating. He was playing with them for several months under the name of N30 (before getting busted again and doing a disappearing act) but none of the match results were pulled.

so I suppose you're talking about this roster? :P because this is one out of two games Qyz ever played. there are some suspected hackers in there (pretty much all of them) so I get where you're coming from, there's no way we can say any of them were actually cheating in the matches though considering the majority of them continued to play on a high level for years after this without being accused really at all. :D
Indeed, just what I was saying. I can't even remember playing a game with Qyz. And for the others; I can only say I trust them, also considering their results (game-wise) on LAN.
there's that too! of the people who were suspected the most (foSt mize Aza Efax perfo etc) I personally never thought they were cheating, especially since I know around the time of them being accused, they were all playing 24/7 and so were in the best possible shape they could be (compared to other top players/teams who played a lot less than them).

ps. hei pensie!!1
It's too late to put the whole timeline in perspective especially now with clanbase being offline. All of this is 5 + years ago and pointless to pursuit.
well it shouldn't be that tough to name the people you're sure were cheaters (besides Qyz)?

all squads are listed there. :P
I have mentioned some of the names above already. Squads listed on gamestv were often not the same players that actually played.

If this was 2008 I would have been happy to have given you a complete timeline with information and connections though.
inb4 "bobkia busted"
ET still alive - cheaters never sleep !!
Man, I'm more and more getting the urge to play a bit again. :(
You will quit again the next day most likely :)
Depends on the people I play with. Afterall it's them, who kept me playing.for this long. I always become emo, when I think of the great times I've had in this game, so maybe I should quit this site alltogether. Still, it would be nice to have a few peeps from the gold old days to play with every now and again.
'I always become emo'

just came for that one -- woosh --
Haha Flemming, alles fit?
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