cgac just here to stop the paranoia?

Think its actually true since Finland pupup0x actually proved it

Finland pupup0x Wednesday, 19th March 2014 20:20
The only reason I did this was to show people cgac is useless program. In my previous match I had the same cheat running on background, not giving me any advantage but with one command I could've enabled everything. I did that to see if it would detect anything silently. It didn't. Now I tried to see if it even blocks the cheat usage. It didn't. The cheat I used is approximately 6 years old public multihack that even pb detects.

I wish the community happy games and let the paranoia start! Sorry for everyone (except kapot, you're a retard) in Team Malibu for using you to prove my point. Had to be someone.


got the feeling some ppl have figured this out already some time ago x)
When you change the install directory to something else, but it still installs the program to program files (x86), you know this program is totally bullshit... the coder seems a total amateur.
gg, had the same feeling x)
are you really surprised? there haven't been neither any bans nor any updates (ET related updates) since CGAC started to support ET.
probably that's because it's still in its early stages...
No I'm not surprised. The way its coded would say it will never do much
It doesn't change anything to the fact that there is nobody cheating nowadays compared to few months ago.
idd, but if some players (cheaters) are reading this, they surely start cheating again don't u think?
this is why I don't understand why would someone try to screw up the "stable situation" at proving something like this
Surely yes. But also point proven and finally this explains sudden breaks from various players when the ac game and after some time coming back and playing the same way as before. :)
You dont believe this, or? :P
Im just mad to see always the same people talking about cheats and blaming what some people have done to help this game.
Not sure if you're aiming at me with this tho.
no man :)
TZAC ftw!
It's quite ok that these fresh players such as gizmoo(if you see this - no hard feelings) use cheats, since the scene is so little and there would be only too few challenging opponents left without this opportunity cgac for example can give to them. And don't blame the ac. Kids who really want to waste their time will definitely use their weekly allowance for a private hacks even in a dead game. Think positive guys, and enjoy the challenge! :O)
Too bad nations dont receive taxes from those private hacks. At least I believe so. GREY-MARKETING
knew it, I took advantage of this secret :-)
wow... so new... admins so open for this... atleast they cancelled this match after a short time..
Check your pm nigga
i did and sorry but i dont even have et installed...
Hoping for a swooping bustlist. Probably won't happen though!
yep :( u waitin to see mirror and igloow there
Waiting for Finnish legend Finland Hukk tbh
wut?? no wai mirror !
it doesn't change the fact that everyone is a massive faggot.
skill only
cunts cheating in a dead game to prove that AC is useless are cunts.

just stop cheating fucking bellends then no one has to rage over an ac
Yes, its way better to live in a dream world where cgac is valid anticheat and there are no cheaters anymore, right?
now serious, u must be incredibly stupid if u rly think, its better to let cheaters cheat safely with cgac proof or u are cheating :PpPpp
thats not even close to what i said. i was trying to say that i cant understand players using cheats, cuz thats just stupid.
I also know that a cheater-free-ET is never gonna happen because stupid people never die out
brb quiting ET

best regards, Purska
#KPKP clean and leet gg vittu
Mitä tirisee? :D
This proves nothing except that Finland pupup0x should probably work on finding better ways to spend his time.

All that happened today is a player cheated and was banned. The fact that he cheated while using CGAC and was not automatically banned by the anticheat does not mean that it isn't working. Even if the AC isn't busting players every day, it helps us in several other ways as well. Besides, the purpose of an anticheat is not necessarily to prevent cheats from being run altogether but instead to simply help identify and dispose of the players who do make the decision to cheat. Look at TZAC: 95% of the bans made were manually added by chaplja himself in waves. Many players felt "safe" while cheating, sometimes for several months, but were all still caught in the end. Not saying that CGAC should be compared to TZAC (because let's face it, no anticheat will ever be as good as SLAC/TZAC was in its prime), but it is a valid point - lack of bans does not imply inefficacy.

Also, I'd like to remind everyone that before CGAC started supporting ET we didn't have an anticheat, unless you count those modified .pk3 files from our friend United Kingdom SnowStorm. Surely we can all agree that a seemingly weak anticheat is much better than no anticheat at all..?

Paranoia will exist regardless of what happens (or doesn't happen) with CGAC. The large majority of cheat accusations made nowadays are simply the result of this mass paranoia that has existed ever since TZAC started going downhill. I've seen enough as both a player and an admin to confirm this. There are too many people in the community who are incapable of losing a match without accusing the other team of cheating. I am a medskilled player at best, yet I've been personally accused multiple times of cheating in IRC wars simply because my teammates and I did better than our opponent expected us to do. There are not nearly as many cheaters in competition as some people would like to think.

The truth is CGAC is primarily geared towards CoD4, and there's nothing I can do to change that. It is also still in its very early stages, and the developers are currently busy with school and other things as well. There is absolutely nothing I'm able to do to speed up the process of the anticheat's development. I am not going to apologize for helping find yet another AC for ET just because it hasn't magically rid us of any and all cheaters.

I know I've said this many times before, but if anyone has any ideas for an alternative method of preventing players from cheating, feel free to share them. The democrew is still around and would be more than happy to continue to contribute by reviewing demos and such. Send us GTV matchlinks with timestamps of suspicious moments, and we'll take a look at each and every one. If you prefer to play IRC wars instead, simply insist on using your own server, record demos, and store player IPs from every war.

It actually makes me a bit sad to see how much happiness this "news" seems to have brought some of you, as if you are pleased that CGAC is not as strong of an anticheat as expected. I certainly miss the days when anyone who even vaguely associated themselves with cheaters was flamed to shit and virtually excommunicated from the community. Times have changed, I guess.
Oh no, now they need to find another way to blame CGAC :(
med at best? bitch pls ohurhigh
no u

P.S. I promise I will do what you asked by the end of the day (my time). :P
alright thx a lot :)
We should use common sense as an anti-cheat
Well, we have american, canadian and a polak as admins, who all played at lowmed level at their best, do you expect them to have some kind of common sense or knowledge of the game? Just not going to happen.
you dont need to be a skilled med+ player who made top teams to be good admin man !!
tosspot wasn't a league admin, so who is retarded now?

edit: lol nice edit by you in the last second
you for sure man !! tosspot wasnt league admin but for a guy who played less than our actually league admins , he was the best shoutcaster ever , know everymaps good and stuff , so you sure you need to play on top teams to know the game ?
Atleast they're not hypocrites!
Didn't understand who you are referring to, me or some ex-admins (of CB?)?
What does our nationality have to do with anything?

You couldn't even handle being an Assistant on GamesTV without abusing your rights and acting like a moron, so I suggest you resist the urge to spew such nonsense about real admins who are actually contributing like me, embarrassed, and szczurek.
the biggest difference between TZAC and UAC, or for that matter CGAC now, is the fact that.. even with its silent detection and very long breaks between ban waves, it showed results. CGAC does not offer this. UAC never banned a single person apart from, Opiate, which was just toying around with old public hacks. Results are all that matters to these people.
I agree, the paranoia over cheaters has always been way excessive in this community, people accuse left and right all the time, the reality however is, that there really isn't more than a handful of cheaters out there, maybe 2 or 3 of which are actively cheating, 2 if at all, that is participating in leagues. Bottom line: Give people results and they'll stop bickering. It doesn't matter if it's just 2 or 3 bans a month, because clearly you won't be getting more than that, but even so, those 2 or 3 bans a month will give these people somewhat of a reassurance.
I'm doing all I can to help keep things clean and active. The fact that CGAC has failed to produce results so far is not due to lack of effort on my part and is not something I can personally change.
Quote I have can personally change

brb searching for new help

Dunno what you're talking about!

gj :D

do the same to my paper hehehehe
I suppose you banned pupupbox, he's been a well known cheater and cheatsupporter since like 2000 :d
It's funny to see caej or powi supporting what hackers say when they are the first guys whining about cheats since like 2000 :d
Personally this was the first time I've seen pupupox cheating. And didn't even see him cheating here, didnt watch the game. And of course I support him if there is a big point in it? Or are you saying its completely bullshit he is saying? This topic is only about making discussion about this. Also, ppl been telling "we used AC so how could we cheat?" Well I think this sums it up pretty well
He was 100% cheating and has always been friendly with cheaters and those involved with the production and distribution of cheats such as Finland pale.
Yup I know that. But as a player and a part of this community he hasn't done really anything to hurt this game so I don't seriously hate him(like him as a person and played even some offis with him - and no he didn't cheat on those and I believe he has never even cheated in offis) . He has never been a try-hard guy trying to win and achieve something / boost his skills with cheats. He is/was a harmless guy and now he is banned, doesn't hurt anyone and of course he deserves to get banned for cheating :P tl;dr = hupo himself never been a threat for ET community and I agree he needs to get banned cause of the stunt he did. If you knew him you would know he is just a harmless guy and now he is out of the game actually. W/e it doesnt even matter :P
I'm just stating that your are pathetic because once the ppl you hate say something you want to hear, you support them
Well you can say pupupox is a cheater all you want but he has never played with cheats to actually winning something :P I don't care if someone cheats in public or random irc wars. I have never cared about those and actually thought CB shouldnt have taken the control of whole ET = meaning cheating in public shouldnt be enough to ban from a league. But that's only my opinion. And hupo's been always somehow a friend of mine. if you knew him you would know he didn't do it to win something :P and yes he doesnt care if he gets banned and ET scene isn't hurt one bit if he gets banned so I don't see whats the big fuss about you are making. So your whole reply turned to dust. Any else arguements?
Hypocrites and liars!
Yes. Truly.
Yes, he's banned.
"In my previous match I had the same cheat running on background, not giving me any advantage but with one command I could've enabled everything"
he used to play with cheat as program like nexus, so he had to turn it on before opening et. that means, if he didnt even use it, program was injected to et and cgac should catch it easly past month since we know its an old public hack.
"This proves nothing except that pupup0x should probably work on finding better ways to spend his time."
actually it proves that: u didnt update cgac banlist for over month or this program doesnt work and u trying to scare cheaters again. Both make u looking ridiculous.
Believe what you want. I have never made any promises about CGAC. It's not my fault that you fell into the paranoid delusion that everyone is cheating and are now upset because your high expectations have not been met.

Why should I even bother replying to you anyway when all you do is act like a troll who thinks this sort of thing is so hilarious?

pl nejm Wednesday, 19th March 2014 14:55
didnt watch, but dmg says enough, it must be a nice show. good job :D!

hurr durr cheating is so cool good job man nice show lol gg
ofc its a great job, he did it to open people's eyes. i dont understand whats wrong he did (i cant even call it cheating, while he told everyone, he used to play with illegal programs now and before when people didnt expect it) and u act like u only defend cheaters atm.
btw didnt u say smth like it's gonna be serious anticheat with banlist updates at least every week?
I'm not defending cheaters at all, and I never said that.
Btw didnt u say smth like its gonna be serious antichear with banlist updates at least every week ?????????
Quote by ohuradminBesides, the purpose of an anticheat is not necessarily to prevent cheats from being run altogether but instead to simply help identify and dispose of the players who do make the decision to cheat.

But is it identifying and disposing of them?
Not seriously here to flame CGAC - think it's great it came. nice system to identify players in officials. Keep up the good work. Topic was made more likely to get some conversation going on! And tbh it does prove it, guess it didn't take that much time and if you are bored and don't care if you get banned why not to do it? :( and yes I hope it will start giving bans at some time, right now it's used only to identify players. I wish gl for you guys to get it done! And of course ppl are showing happiness about these "news", meaning cheaters will get eventually the skilldrop when it actually starts working? :)
didn't read
All pupup0x did was cheat in an obvious fashion and get banned. Even if he didn't post his findings he would still have been banned. What an amazingly smart individual, top of the gene pool that one.
the point isnt about if he cheated or not (because that was obvious to the eye), but more about cgac not even detecting a really old cheat
and if you dont know hupo, thats probably the last of his concerns
Well you don't know him, he surely didn't cheat to win a game, just pointed out the "uselessness" of the AC. Still great program to identify players!
This, exactly, also how the hell did everyone expect an anti cheat that only jusy started supporting ET a month ago to have over ten years worth of cheats on its list? Fcking lol.
Noone expects it to have over ten years worth of cheats on its list.
I didn't expect it to have any, except maybe a few et to cod4 converted cheats (due to the cod4 converted idtech3 engine).
pimp this shit AC kurwa
With ESL we wouldnt have this problem now imo, Ladder + decent Anticheat ESL Wire, Timbolina was trying to get them as Supporter, no idea why nobody is now interested anymore on it, for me only ESL can save the Game.
Well ppl found CB much easier to use in the past and that's how we fucked up ESL ladder's and therefore ESL dropped their intress in ET totally. We, the community fucked it up
Wasn't it because they wanted to change the the challenging on their site for offis?
dude you were not even born yet
This is not true in the slightest. The decline in activity that ESL ET went through can be attributed to a simple lack of care and effort on their part. Regular spring/summer/fall/winter cup seasons were skipped or announced way later than usual, cups were run for the top 8-16 teams only, etc.

It is NOT the community's fault that ESL no longer supports ET.
It is true? Why would any league make cups happen / support it when all you hear is shit talk of the league itself and ladder activity was always near to 0? :D I do think that some of the ESL admins should be changed maybe, but still.. ESL didn't ruin us - we just fucked things up. I admit it - was avoiding ESL ladders cause CB was way simpler to use + the map pool was better in CB. Don't really remember that well but 2v2 mappool was fucked up nicely! It is the community's fault - I wouldnt give a shit about a game as a league if they don't play the league's ladder and keep avoiding it in any way possible. CB was simple offer by that time. I don't know when you started ET actively but when ESL was there I actually liked the cups more there. Think ESL had even less drop outs than CB had. And yes ESL has had always a major tournament for top teams only in 6v6 but who cares, at least the high skilled scene was alive by cup sections. I'd like to play some other cups also than just one league's season thingy, playing one offi per a team sucks pretty badly. + the standings could actually change a little - beat them on other cup and stuff, so equal skilled teams could have little bit more competition than just the one game during a season. I know I drifted a way little from the subject...

And I don't think noone has any grudge of your efforts. Maybe you should have offered your admining in ESL rather than just let them wait to announce their revival cup? Meaning if you didn't have anything personal against ESL maybe you could have wanted to stay as an admin no matter what league we are in.. And about the revival cup: Yes I agree ESL should have never mentioned about the revival cup if they were not sure to even arrange it. That was a shitty call but then again our community been an ass for ESL so why should they even care? They are the biggest and they got the monopoly to do what they like. Logical. (Yes I think ESL wire would have been better yes I'm an ass and CGAC-big-expectations-now-a-dissappointed-hater) And yes this is not meant to be any kind of offence to you. You have done much for ET and thank you for that. Just think your reply was mostly bullshit.

maybe the cup thingy was like that in the end :-) but that's only logical. ET had CB at the time so i believe they didnt feel the need to offer something for everyone
There is always going to be "shit talk" no matter who is involved or what is happening. If a league really bases the decision of whether or not to support a game/community on the amount of flame that it will bring, I think they should reconsider running cups and ladders at all.

Ladder activity was low because ClanBase ladders were more user-friendly and active, simple as that. In ESL, the system does not allow a player to be in more than one team in the same ladder and actually prevents you from joining any team for 5(?) days after leaving a team. I believe this is true for all games on ESL, so it's understandable that they won't change it just for ET, but that still doesn't make it a good reason to abandon us entirely.

Is running ladders the only way to support ET? Certainly not. I always liked ESL's cups and participated in them with my own teams whenever I could. But as I said before, they stopped running their regular cup seasons. Imagine if ClanBase was still around and decided to skip an EC/OC season. How do you think that would affect things? I wouldn't be very happy with CB myself.

When ESL realized that activity was declining, they started running tournaments such as the "Storm Assault" and "Evolution Challenge" instead of cup seasons. These were for the top 16 or so teams only, and the rest of us were left with random one-day cups which were poorly organized and hardly received any promotion or coverage at all.

While I was glad to see ESL possibly making a comeback, I personally had no desire to join them for a variety of reasons and would have teamed up with Crossfire instead if CyberGamer hadn't come along. I understand if I seem biased, and I probably am a bit due to my loyalty to ClanBase, but I hope we can all agree that promising us a "revival cup" then doing nothing at all is a bit of a sad move on their part.
Good reply! I understand your points and accept them. Yes ESL had the shitty program for ladders and yes CB was more user friendly idd, sadly :P Only if ET was so alive ppl didn't need more than one team for a ladder.. like it should be. Anyway ladder activity is a huge part.. too bad seasonal ladder didnt work out in ET :(

Good luck with CyberGamer. I'm still having wet dreams someone would start a fan project as ET2 or splashdamage would start some kickstart thing for new ET. Honestly thats the only way to the salvation! (kickstart = make a budget which has to be fullfilled by donations and start making it.) Could mention a lot of games which have started from kickstarts and been a succes. Would ET get enough donates? I think yes. Will splashdamage ever do it? No, sadly
Thanks. I think it was Netherlands Frop who once said all we need is for some millionaire to become interested in ET and invest a shitload of money into it. :P
Haha don't think we even need a millionaire when they once made this game free for all :P kickstart + a little cost for the game (10e/copy?) would give them a little win win situation anyway!
Anybody can do a kickstarter; doesn't have to be SD specifically :P
well still it needs a big team
Not necessarily. Or you could get a team with the money you get!
ESL abandoned all of us and blamed it on lack of activity. They basically said ET and its community aren't worth the effort any more and dropped all support for our beloved game on their website.

Then, they decided to make a comeback with the promise of a "revival cup" in the form of a ODC. A poll was held to decide the format (since no one in ESL has any actual knowledge about ET), and we were told that they were "preparing the event right now" on the 20th of January. Here we are exactly 2 months later, and not only is there no cup but there has been no word whatsoever from anyone at ESL at all.

Contrary to what you might think, I was pleased to hear that ESL was returning to ET and hopeful that things would work out. I even waited several weeks to announce CG EU ET Season 1 so that their one-day cup could get some exposure first. But hey, it looks like we've been abandoned yet again.

Anyone who still supports ESL and truly thinks that only they are capable of "saving the game" is either very delusional or simply has some sort of weird grudge against me and my efforts.
i think you are the only one who doesnt want esl
Did you even read my comment? I was happy that there was a chance ESL would make a comeback, but it is not going to happen because they don't care about you or me or ET.

Quote by ohurcoolAnyone who still supports ESL and truly thinks that only they are capable of "saving the game" is either very delusional or simply has some sort of weird grudge against me and my efforts.
QuoteAnyone who still supports ESL and truly thinks that only they are capable of "saving the game" is either very delusional or simply has some sort of weird grudge against me and my efforts.

Dont get me wrong i respect ur work for the game, i just think that we cant get an better ac like esl wire, thats why i was hopefully waiting for esl comeback there are no insults about u or the other admins and btw i didnt know the story of esl in the past so its now understandable for me.
No worries. It would be interesting indeed to see how ESL Wire would affect things in ET. If it does miraculously happen, I hope they are ready for the bitching and whining from the guys who expect nothing less than banlists of 10 players each every week. :P
I think nobody even in the slightest has a grudge against you and your efforts. The ones that do just want to annoy you, but they don't hate you for all the work you put into the game.

But yes, I agree. Very strange for ESL to never get back in touch with the revival cup.
i dont want it

Where there is Paranoia, there is KB.
there are no cheaters anymore, cgac banlist proves it. u can die in piece
lol nerds crying hahahaa
i dont care about your eurocups or opencups, but people should finally start trying to get rid of all cheaters on hirnlos ET Public. THIS is way more important!
who are cheating there?
random people aiming at walls
/record and post at
already one player banned by ac ?
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