PB Troll : <

Hello dear friends,
I've got a problem with PB : <.
image: pb_exe

What to do? Its not my antivirus blocking PB or sumthing :(

image: 493201705_743
Sorry, I clicked and didn't fix your problem :(
Of course you have a problem when you were already cought by PB more than once :D
He is Kalli aka Galiathus aka ayhity. He is known for asslicking skilled players and admins. He is also known for being an idiot who calls everyone a cheater eventho he is a cheater himself.

Here his selfbust :
image: rewrer
Here the link to his selfbust:

He also once posted a journal titled "The truth about me" which explained how and why he cheated and how stupid this kid is, but then he removed it, hopefully an admin could recover it but I dont know.

He likes to ignore the fact that he cheated and yet he comments on every single cheat/related journal. I posted this here because your journal is not even cheat related but yet this stupid kid likes to comment on it.
He is like Obama talking about international law, if you get what I mean.
Shots fired.
Wow, you just took the term 'nerd' to a whole new level
I didnt mean literally but you are awesome :D
I lolled, you respond to everything and act like you know everything and yet u can't even write a proper English sentence. CAUGHT DOGFACE
respond to, know everything
Vertel, wat is daar verkeerd aan :D
caught/cought... typos happen
No not at all, just dropping some shit on him exactly like he does to other people.
use pbsetup.exe to fix your pb. if that doesnt help check firewall

problem is pbB doesnt start up properly or doesnt connect to servers so :)
I tried thatpbsvc and it worked, The chick is yours!!!<3 :D
Finally, I had been waiting for a whole day to finally click that hide tag :(
:XD adetnoob :D
Get a real chick next time, photoshopped ones are not good enough to fix your problem.
You shouldn't have even see the pic because you didnt fix my problem so...!
pb_cl_enable or CMD "NET START PnkBstrB"
isn't it cuz of new et_key?

oh ye, and i clicked on that pic ;(
no and im dissapointed!:p
sry man :(

its always the same when you can see "don't click", "don't touch", 'don't eat" - you are going to do it anyway :(
:( ill force you to click next time and then you wont!
hoi 8 : ]
hey m8. still nerding :)?
lol say whaaat?
SAP! Yes im alive : < . Cant even reach my PC lately tbh ://. Well lately im forcing myself to get some time for this ETcrap :)
where u at?:(
started PhD in nanotechnology, playing ET noob pub and this very rarely.
i play some dota2 tho, it's quite fun sometimes :)

you still owe me a christmas present bitch :P
PhD = ? :D
Did you move ? I still got your address and its still waiting to be transfered :D didnt forget :)
PhD = Doctor of Philosophy
Means I will hopefully get a doctoral degree in about 3-4 years.
and yes I moved :)
run et as admin ;)
I do that everytime otherwise I get some .dll error : <
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