FUCK IT!!..Powersupply hell..

power supply.. i have 400, need 600:<<

so my mouse aint working.. it aint got any power..

NO computer for me tonight... great.. probably another week before i can use it now..

I hate everyone tonight!

been there done that

ET error by snuble
videocard problem by snuble
need dmr's cfg by snuble

there is © on everything I say!

I demand €500!
Thats what you get publicly announcing sth, that you are looking forward to. Its an easy principle, the more you look forward to sth, the more likely it is, that it wont happen. :P
:< :< :<
is the mouse the only usb-device u have connected ?
nope.. keyboard to, and keyboard is working.

this is how it happend.

we started the PC, installed windows, everything worked fine for now. but suddently the mouse didnt work anymore... we restarted the machine, the mouse started working, but after 2 minutes, it shut down again, so we had to restart again..

now we only see a small glimp of light under the mx518, before its dead again, but when i take the mouse to this comp, my laptop, everything is fine..

My friend looked in the guid to see what PSU the recommended for the items ive got.. they recommended 600.. but the one i got is max 400.. and therefor i belive its the PSU.

btw, the microfon never worked either.. so i think there can be something wrong with the motherboard to.. not sure..
sounds a little like a bug'ed motherboard, usually if the usb-devices are having power trouble the hardest part is getting them through boot-up (afaik).

but gl with it

edit: oh and the microphone and line-in often gets mixed up in drivers/win
thanx for the help mate.

the motherboard and the PSU will be changed with new units :<
You should have thought of that before ...
we hate u 2 np
ok Borat.

Have a nice weekend!
cya @ lan
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