Goat Simulator

It's going on sale tomorrow, can't wait <3


Game Of The Year 2014, can't wait to become Devil Goat or king of all the goats <3
i saw everything at this planet already...
Did you see Demon Goat, king of all goats in space? :D
not sure if i want to xD
jest też opcja gry żyrafą :XD
Why am I not surprised that you watch PewDiePie's videos?
I actually don't, that's the 1st one I fully watched
I do watch PewDiePie what's wrong
He is embarrassingly unfunny. :P
Dunno I find him quite entertaining, not his every videos, but some :P Also i'm not watching anyone else on youtube, can see a lot of new games or so in his videos. Discovered Dark Souls aswell which is an awesome game, i like watching him play some horror games aswell.
His videos are cringe worthy. The people that watch them are probably the same kind of people who play League of Legends.
Only just found out about that PewDiePie dude, apparently he became a millionaire from his youtube channel.

Is this real life.jpg
Sounds like internet to me.
Yes correct, it is all about timing though. He is mildly funny (mostly just makes stupid/loud noises) and was probably just one of the first to create and edit videos half decently = internet fame.
There is a lot of youtubers that are making HUGE money from it. It isn't about when they started but what are they mostly talking about. There is loads of guys from UK that are doing all kinds of FIFA videos (mostly Ultimate Team) and have cca 700.000 subscribers and are making shit loads of money out of it.
Some guys that are also streaming on twitch make a living that way. And not a bad one either.
I wrote a whole essay about how youtube has turned to shit in recent years but unfortunately it got deleted. I thought that by now most people would have adblock installed but apparently that is not the case. And even then how many of these FIFA channel subscribers are actually going to purchase something they see in the ads?
He is such a fucking moron and his fanboys get so butthurt as well. The value he adds to his videos is literally 0%
I watched maybe one of his videos and really didn't get it how does he have so many subscribers... But that's like ET and hitboxes....
I'd agree with the guy who said "Women and children.".
Also people who generally don't really know better and just fall for whatever's popular (elitist hipster opinion I know). But just click on a random user commenting on a Youtube video, chances are they're subscribed to 50+ Youtube channels with 1m+ subscribers each. It's the type of people who fall for trends in general. Whatever the mainstream media throws at them, they'll eat it up.
He gained his succes with his evil tactic to abuse tags, for example if you type "cat" to google I wouldn't wonder if Pewdie's video pops up and the video probably has nothing to do with cats.
I don't get why everyone hates him so much. his mass fans call it jealousy but to me it just seems like misplaced hatred. :D most people can't see that he's a lot more normal than he comes across whilst commentating these games. I've only ever watched one of his gameplay videos, I can't say it was for me - BUT, I didn't think there was nothing humorous about it!

the only other videos I've seen of his were these:

#1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mRnnp41eSg
#2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-KQW-cSpoc
#3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd_4juHPDaM

he didn't seem that bad. :(
Well I don't hate the dude, that goat game actually made me laugh but not necessarily because of this dude.
What the fuck.
saw this at my friends place like 2-3 days ago :D
almost fun game for 3 minutes
et has a new son
looks fun i might buy one
this looks awesome!
mongols can find it interesting for more than 10 mins
You can fucking become devil goat with thing that shoots baseballs on your back xD HOURS OF FUN
it would be interesting if you could become the axis goat with a mp40
WarWitch would play the shit outta this game
great game 10/10
It's not :D Played it and it's fucking awesome (found out how to burn people)
how big is the overall world there?
Quite small but packed with lots of options (and goat mutations) and it might possibly expand (tunnel to another town is there)
shut up and take my money!
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