Team Russia captain died...

Bad news
Team Russia Captain and also ETCFG captain died...

Fubor tryed to help guy who crashed in the car.... He quckly started to move to the crashed car, but didnt noticed another moving car.... and ....
He gone into another world before medics arrive...

Rest in peace, fubor!!!
"I hope that you will have respawn, pal..."
RIP friend ......
if its real then rip o0
rip in piece
RiP :C

EUNd vs ETCFG always nice match, one of the most enjoyable opponents :(
Dam... very sad to read.
Is this troll? If not, RIP :(
glupio wyszlo
Jesus... RIP old comrade ! :'(
wow, you guys were always fun to play with when you were active...
sad to hear this...

RIP - Покойся с миром Nicholas.
rip friend
dama :-(
Rest in Peace, Fubor. :(
gr8 b8 m8
never heard of that name, but when he died helping another person he definitely deserves our salute
"I hope that you will have respawn, pal..."
kind of a weird thing to say but if its really true, then rip, remember playing with you allways had fun vs etcfg (only clean non bitching ppl around at that time) if there is an afterlife, i wish you the best!
damn r.i.p. fastest of all russian ET players :(
RIP... let him rest in peace!
Rest in peace friend :(((((. Someone should make a tribute
Etcfg were the best guys when it came to having fun
Thanks for the memories
He's captain..... Only he was able to get russian players together..... to play..... now he's gone....
Maybe in next nations cup Russia will not partcipete in cup....
everything is gone....
a lot memories.... a lot splended hours together.... as friends.....
i guess the video is going on youtube very soon
Sad :( R.I.P.. best oppo in ET
rip bud, loss to the community

Wouldn't probably usually care, but he sounds like a swell guy if he tried to help someone out
RIP friend...
:( russia mate
RIP ETplayer
damn thats unreal, ive played against him for years...thats really really sad.

rest in peace
RIP ...
R.I.P In Peace Sleep
RIP, you were a good oppo :)
This Russia country stll alive ? Only alcohol there ;( Btw this vodka is fucker bad ;)
bad news
RIP.. so sad to hear.
sounds like a great guy, RIP
sad news... rip!
RIP! But he died as a hero!
rip fubor but why tryed to help someone?

Life is bitch u live for yourself
luckily some people arent egoistic cunts. Fubor died like a hero.
Stupid fucking idiot. Stupid asshole.
lick my ass u may be raped in a jail
Rip to a great opponent and friend wow I remember playing the whole maplist agaisnt you guys just because it was so fun.
man thats fucked up
shit happens i guess..but fuck
damn sad to hear, specially if he tried to help someone else. rip :(
rip man :(
Rest in peace brother ...
Rest in peace. Respect <3
Rest in peace :(
Shit,just this week pepole talked about the two other guys who died and now this.
rest in peace man..Im quite sure I played a couple of times against you, since we ( mLG) used to get those russian guys every time in our division,just sad.

seems like its a quite of a story in russia,
as found at

By the videos it seems like the car was driving quite fast when he got hit,poor guy. :/
Great guy. Farewell my friend, you will be missed :(

Always good games against them, used to be pretty much the only low-med team that was praccing :)

RIP. Sad news. =(

:( i can not believe.
очень жаль его сестру и родителей
[12:03:21] <FuBoR> they pull at my cat for eggs =)
[12:03:37] <[CB]ohurcool> wat :D
[12:03:55] <FuBoR> aah : ) this is a Russian proverb

RIP :(

All Team Russia great guys xoxo

Sad.... rip fubor!
RIP :( i remember those practises vs etcfg we usually played alteast 4 maps was fun back then.
Great person to play against. Rest in peace

Let’s hurry to love people, they pass away so fast
((((( RIP
rip. really nice oppo
sad :(
WHAT?! OH MAN [*] R.I.P ! <3 sad ;/
riZla widze że już po raz piąty nazwisko zmieniłes xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Rip in peace
Rip old friend. You'll be missed.
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