Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

numbe, matsku, bams, milu yms ilmottautukaa

Also can you please describe briefly what's going on with the game?
QuoteAlso can you please describe briefly what's going on with the game?

read news section. people spend time writing that content for a reason, if you don't feel like reading them entirely just check the titles and matchlinks.
News section seems too formal. I want to middle with common people, get more insight. "gtfo this game is dead" tells me more than "CF spring semifinal time". Tell me stories. Also I'm very lazy.
QuoteI want to middle with common people, get more insight

QuoteI'm very lazy.

image: Successfula
for the other things even worth responding to, Miluu briefly appears on CF from time to time, no idea about the other 3 and not sure if you're buddies with flashdown but he's on steam right now playing CS:GO.
:D thanks
btw do u know does flashdown still play ET? i only have him on FB but hes never online and i have no idea what is he doing, would be nice to know where is Muhvi also :D
I was chilling on some finnish ts a few months back and saw flashdown & Muhvi there I think. :P flash once asked me around the beginning of 2014 to 3on3 ET but I was afk so we never played, but he's on steam like I said so I can give you his profile if you want!
gief pls :) gonna bring them back to ET!!
check pm ;P
helevettiläinen säki oot elossa viel :D en osaa paljoo kertoo ku pelasin varmaa kuukauden pari vähä aikaa sit parin vuoden tauon jälkeen, mutta tiivistettynä: uus anticheat kymmenennen kerran, uus ladderi jossa on aktiivisia turnauksii yms, clanbase kuoli, kukaan ylläolevista tai hermanneista kukaan ei pelaa enää afaik.. suomiscene pysyny aika samana. yllättävän paljo pelaajii/matsei löytyy vieläkin.

meinasikko ruveta pelaa taas!?!?!?
:D haha moro. Kyllästyin lolii ja vähä lomaa täs ni aattelin vähä testailla. Latailin tos just pelit ja vehkeet. Löysin froxen mircist
noniii mahtavaa :D mis pelaat lolii? heittele ircis viestii jos haluut pelailla ja muutenki, samal nickil pyörin siel sillonku pyörin
:D koitan oleskella tuol #envy kannul ni sielt mut ainaki löytää. laitan viestii ku saan jutut toimii
Filtteriiiii, missäs Makizz on? sano sille et alkaa pelaa taas
Ei taida iskee enää, eikä aika riitä :)
wb filu :)
Hi, how r you doin? :D still playing sometimes?
totally fine and you? :)

I am playing but just randomly pubbing around. My pro-times are gone :3
Sienihermannit Adventures - a legendary movie.
too bad i'v lost that movie and I don't think anyone has it because obvious reasons
I have it on my computer, but couldn't find it from youtube.
If you have time to upload it someday somewhere let me know!
I'm fine. "Busy" with the uni :D. That video is absolutely priceless!
Moicca moi!
pelaileks viel? jos ni kom spela
En ole pelannut vuosiin, mutta tätä käyn tsekkaamassa silloin tällöin. Onko teillä joku irkkikanava pystyssä?
ei oikeestaa. idlailen #envy kannul
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