Survey question 13

How did you find out about et?

My brother downloaded it from kaaza somehow and we started fragging
friend made me play this
friend showed me back in 2005.
I started playing way too much he then stated "I created a monster".
google, /thread
My dad introduced me to ET in the summer of 2008. We played together on a Jaymod server run by a clan called LZ and also on some random sniper server - UJE or something. A year or two later, United States of America Karl (:D) and Sweden sotarn got me interested in ETPro, and I found out about Crossfire, GamesTV, etc. :P

Anyone who started playing ET after 2006 is newskool to me :(
psssshhh u still alive?
Yeah and you? :p
yeah, working @ norway atm, going back home to sweden in 3 weeks <3
Funny cause I thought UJE were sniper gods cause they made all the sniper maps but I quickly found out they were really bad and just a bunch of guys having fun :>
LOL @ kazaa.
I was mostly playing UT99 back then but I had the RTCW demo installed on the computer as well. A classmate gave me a disc with ET installed on it (free with some game magazine) somewhere in ~June 2003
Friend showed me this game in about 2005 and I then started to play in some old Estonian server called img. Was also my first FPS game and shortly after played WarRock also xd
used to play on img server aswell, was a member too for sometime. It was a good server :) and warrock might be the shittiest game I've ever played :Dd
my uncle got it from a magazine and i fell in love with the game ever since i first saw him walk by with his glorious flamethrower
Got my first PC from my grandma, I was way young and no money for games so I just searched the internet for 'free games' and found wolf :D. First birthday after got RtCW and been playing both since.
Was visiting Finland Timpuri and he was playing it.
Around 10 years ago when ET first came out I was in 8th grade and my cousin was a senior in High School.
During a family reunion I went into his room and he was playing on his PC, he was a bit of a loner, even in the family so I knew he wouldn't talk to me. I looked over to see what game he was playing. It was a game I'd never really seen before.. was it in the call of duty series? Medal of honor? Maybe a new series? He never said a word to me, but he played the game for 5 hours,all with me watching him play it.
I finally got the nerve to speak up, "What game are you playing" I asked, as he was ejecting the disk from his PC. He said nothing. He simply put the game in its case and handed me the case.
"Wolfenstein Enemy Territory"
As I was looking at the game my parents called to say that we were going home, as I was exiting his room he said, "I play that game all day, it's a pretty new game, if you want to come over and watch me play again you can."
And so began our tradition of me going to his house to watch him play ET.
This continued for months. Me and him became sort of the best of friends even though our age difference, every family get-together we'd rush to his room and play ET for endless hours.
One day I went to his house and knocked on his door. His mom answered the door crying her eyes out, I was shocked because I'd never ever seen her so sad, I'd never even seen her cry.
I asked what was wrong and she said that my cousin couldn't play today. Disappointed I walked home, wondering what would have made her cry.
Later that evening I found out. My cousin had been with a group of friends who had been drinking. They had tried to drive home and ended up driving into a ditch. The driver was killed, my cousin was in the passenger seat and he was in the hospital, the girl in the back was paralyzed and also in the hospital.
The next day I went to the hospital, crying my eyes out because I genuinely cared for my cousin now, and not just for ET. That game really made us connect though. The doctors said that my cousin was not expected to live, internal damage had been far too bad.
As my cousin lay dying on the hospital bed, he motioned me to come over. He said, "I need you to promise me something if I die." Tears streaming down my eyes I said, "I will promise anything." he told me, "I want you to go down to the store and buy yourself a copy of ET, beat that game multiple times over for me, just like we did back at my house." I nodded and promised him I would. I started to walk out of the room when he said, "Wait, I need something else." "What do you need?" I asked. "I need about Tree Fiddy" It was around this time I realized that my cousin was 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era. That damned loch ness monster had gotten me again! I said, "Damnit Monstah, I ain't givin' you no tree fiddy"
Kankerziek ben jij :DD Fullsprint
friend showed me ET ~2007, played only public for like 3yrs, jaymod and nq, before others told me about etpro. :P
searched for free shooters on google in summer 2010 and found et :D
cousin ColumbiaJaunty used to play jaymod so I started rating with him
FinlandtoMi (school mate) showed it to me
my dad tought me ET/RTCW since I was desperetaly begging him to allow me to play shooter games on PC as well :D
saw my uncle playing ET on old-as-fuck computer at grandparents 2003, tried and jaymodded for years and still here. jaymodding.
everyone played cs 1.6; i didnt like it, found et in 2006 by myself, half of year on etmain, about november 2006 i discovered irc and etpro
Read some review in computer magazine called CD-Action back in 2003 (10/10!) but started to play a bit later due to unstable internet conenction.
friends, they all became WoW addicts whilst I got into further touch with ET
just got first adsl in june 03 and was browsing through free games on And there it was!
The fuck.. I was just about to post my story which is almost identical to yours :D

just got first adsl in june 03 and was browsing through free games on And there it was!
thats how my uncle found it! :--D
Was browsing through free games on at 2005 after motorbike crash.
RtCW -> ET.
my uncle gave me my first video game on pc when I was 9: RTCW. Then found out about ET because i was nerd
I just got my first own computer and went on and searched for free shooting game and found ET and installed it and enjoyed just playing on 20 fps default config and hopping on servers with the most player and then realized that you save xp when you play on the same server and join a clan and another one and another and someone showed me 2.6b and here i am.

this was in 1998. Certified Oldschool™
You found ET on Google in 1998? I call bullshit!
friends introduced me somewhere in 2003 when 56k was still the standard...couldnt play at home until like a year later...worst fcking time ever
friend showed me back in 2004
Austria Orch1d made me download it back then .
Ive but played rtcw before on that on Publics but didnt know about ET
Teacher showed me back in 2004
hahahaha ouais! comme si t'allais à l'école toi <3
Hahah petit con x)
4 years ago a friend of mine showed me ET, thought it was cool. Ended up playing on a dutch bot server Netherlands=VOC=.
Then like 3 years ago I started ETPro with sBz', but ended up taking quite a few long ass breaks :(
United Kingdom elvz's dad back in 04? I think

shoutout to the old Bhoys clan :D
It came with some PC gayming magazine every 13 year old nerd bought back in the day. I still got that issue, September 2003 I think.
downloaded it in 2011 after some of my clanmates from rtcw 1.0 convince me to install it ^^

(United Kingdom jam, Germany resix)
A friend showed me the game during a LAN in 2004 ;)
1st time i saw et was in 2007 in my school cuz it was somehow installed on the pcs and during our IT lesson we all played it :D 1,5 years later I bought my 1st PC and I directly dled this game with my little brother together and played on the server **GEC**, GER Rumpelbudde and EA Noquarter on 2.55
dont remember the year, somewhere when mafia came out, me and my cuzin was rolling singleplayer mode @ his place since he had a better comp then i had, then after somewhere in the middle of our singleplayer game we installed enemy territory, our goal was to rank up all clases and leave the server, the first time i did it, i called him @ work all excited and shit. also the first all nighter with my cuz a year later when he was "baby sitting" me, we was playing at night, he fell asleep, i never went to bed. at that time, my cousins clan started organising lans, where ofc i played, i was the youngest in their clan.
after manny lans later, i found etpro, actualy my friend found it, the friend i learned how to play et, learned me how to play etpro, and i called it cheating, when ppl changed configs so they didnt see blood, i refused to do it for a while, then i also put my fov all the way up to 120 =P then after some years the same friend guided me to crossfire and 6on6s where i stayed long after he was gone, big shoutout to Sloveniacronex Europe*Band Of Brotherz* SloveniaInvictus Sloveniaslomix
is quite long but i was a part of a clan or a group of old friends who organised lans and stuff on rtcw so when et came out, we played et instead. instantly got hooked on competing at my first rtcw lan where i was 10 or 11 @2001ish, then when et came out, i didnt notice that im playinga diff game, tought it was a diff mod :) started my first team when i was 13 or smthn. the team started out as punk* later on got renamed to Slovenian Mother Fuckers (SMF) then i changed our tag to {s*f} then we renamed again to {saf} slovenian armed forces, wich eventualy got renamed to s(W)at.
got a cd install from a friend of mine back in 2004. installed and found the euclan public server with all the nerds back then :) time flies ...
late 03 or early 04, played pubs and met my first not real-life friend after like 1 year of playing, Finland -FH-Maani at n0id-(jaymod?) servers, good times.
eXc hoitaa! :DD

varmaa ekat nolife kaverit ikinä jotkut exc pallo soossi ym muut vitun rapajuopot jokka hakkas aina jaymodii samalla servulla ja vittu et oli hyvä servu :D
i was young...
When i was 9 i got RTCW Single Player ---> Played a bit RTCW after ---> Heard rumors about new Wolfenstein (ET) ---> Got it in 2005
Hungary friend introduced me to ET it in 2003
Few years ago my grandpa asked me to find some game for him. ET was my first try in those type of games.
Was browsing through free games on at 2005 after motorbike crash. Didnt try it at first because it was multiplayer only -game.
Friend of mine in 2004

Couldn't play because of shitty computer at home (and tbh when you're 12 you got better things to do). Later I discovered rtcw (multi only as I was too shit to get out of the castle.. Lol). I remember playing beach, running like a pig to grab the documents in order to get the 10 xp points (cause xp=skill). My father layer bought my brother and I Aaron laptop on which I would nerd all day long. Thank god he decided to stop me otherwise I would have become a sad virgin nerd like many people here :s
I saw ET on some kids TV show called games guru, it would come on for like 5mins a day between random cartoons and whatnot showing random free games on the internet. it showed ET when it was pretty new and I liked it instantly because it reminded me of RtCW (which my brother was already playing actively at that point).
Gamezville, YES! Found it the same way, me and United Kingdom Fazz (oldsql) were watching and saw it and started gayming hard, only started palying in offi clans in like 2007/8 though
Started playing ET June 2003. First memory playing Railgun on Skynet servers. My aim was to get highest total XP after all 3 maps of the standard campaign. Started playing competitively late 2004, won my first pocal in OC 3v3 in early 2006 (2nd division), first played with actual highskillers in RtCW in 2006 (when I still had a curfew and some Belgium dude wondered if it was my mum or my wife talking to me) played my first EC late 2006 with team pi (cdap), played my first NC early 2007. Many pocals and titles followed.
perfoheisers plox
introduced to et by Sweden Wizel and another irl friend that i dont remember the nickname of,,,,Played on ETpub on 2.55, name of the server was kings of the field if anyone remembers? Started there and joined a public clan on jaymod called Silent killing asassins ( *$ka*)

Later on moved to etpro and 2.6 when it came out and didnt win shit except meaningless pracs and shitty oneday cups. Met a lot of cool people and had a lot of fun tho, great memories. Havent played actively for 3-4 years now or so, still get nostalgia every half year and play some public and gathers :) Havent played ET for 1-2 years now....
I first played ET when I was 6 years old and it was secretly done at the PC from a dad's friend :D, like four years later I first started playing it actively on jaymod, but got introduced to ETpro by the brother of that friend of mine a half a year later or something. (16 now btw xD)
Friend showed me in 2006, played on !FINE!SERVER then became sniper nerd then etpro then etpub then LoL.
Spread the game in a summer camp in UK in like 2009. Downloaded and installed the game on all the PCs in the Internet room with my brother, everyone got to play it, including supervisors :D We rolled them pretty bad.
friends told me to buy this awesome game called rtcw so i did,then they told me to come over to demo version of ET,didnt like it so stayed pupping on rtcw,got bored and vent back to ET..
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