Crossfire shredded ???

Are you guys gettiN shredded for summer?

I heard swiiiruz talkin like he is a pro or smht, but never showed a pic :((( guess not then..

but yeh well, summer is around corner. I have like 5-6kg more to loose, might be a bit more dunno hähä

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good job man
thanks :) !
nice amounts of muscle on low bodyfat, no gear?
training is easy
eating clean is the hard part.

Good job
I would say the other way,

FIRST get your knowledge in nutrition. Feed your body what it needs. Much good carbs, much good protein and then some healthy fats. And people should not even look into protein powders n that stuff before they learn how to eat MUCH food, 7-10 times a day.

The more you get into the training you really start to feel how to work out. Wich angels in different exerices that works best for you..

If you cant do the easy part, EAT you wont get anywhere. And the proteinpowders wont help ya :D

thats my philosophy :DD

fuck my i wrote almost a book with my shit english..
eat clean
train dirty

thats the motivation
i disagree.

for a non working student like me it was hard to meet my daily protein needs with just food. too expensive bro. protein powder is cheaper.
And I disagree back :p

First spend money on food ( buy products that are cheap that weak )
Dont even look at supplements if you do eat food.

Think: what will make your body improve the most?

* Chicken, eggs, minced beef
* whey, casein powders

for me its kinda easy to choose.
yeah, obviously food is bettar, but even eating so much meat can be problem for begginers.

its not like i flame your opinion, i just dont think its the best for everyone to skip protein supplementation. if you have some problems with meeting your macro needs - dont be afraid, hit sups
if someone saying that, he never trained hard!!!!
eating clean is way easier tbh
hmmm i wanna touch you <3
This pic from last year:
image: 7iov
Now I am on diet, 5 weeks out. I feel weak :o (3g protein, 4-5g ch)
End of next month i have 2 natural competition, one in Hungary and one in UK.
I have ridiculously lot supplements (anyway i totally agree with Alexl thats the most important to eat clean, to know what you need, at the right time)
image: 766st
obviously I dont use the fatburners and the preworkout stuff on the same day but i like to rotate them sometime
Are you eatin tho. holy shit you look like a skeleton with muscles lel
I had some bodyfat but they deleted my category and I had to make a drastic diet for 2 weeks, no carbs no fat only protein.
Bit too skinny for my taste, but if you have a better picture of your ass I might change my mind.
I always knew you had a thing for the petite ones.
I like to pound tight butt and these boys here seem to have got some. Weird they're not putting out though, it's not like they have problems posting half naked pictures in the first place.
Looks nice man! GL !!!
is it mens phys competition ?
Was thinking about that but to be honest I dont like that gay category. I just want to train in natural competitions and maybe in few years I can end up on podium.
that looks fucking nasty dude.
Oh dear, throw away half of that supplement stack
explain please
Let me put it this way, did you even try half of those supplements over several weeks/months with on/off times? Then you'll most likely notice that except for glumatine, creatine, bcaas, protein powder, carbs, multivitamine + zma and occasionally some NO boosters most stuff is just a pure rip off
basically all your `exception list` covers all of them. so which one is rip off on the picture? I can give you review which product was good or useless. for example: Scitec HOS was disappointing for me, i will never buy that again.
Anyway as i said before, clean proper eating what is important. supplements are just helping a tiny bit.
Well I can see revex 16 which if I remember right is some fat loss booster which are depending on the product either health damaging or not working at all and hot blood is something that makes sense only for endurance sports and lean boss is just the biggest bs of it all since I know a few people who tried it and didn't gain any advantage by it
revex 16: I dont really believe in thermogenic fat burners, i believe in good diet. but I have money to waste so i give it a shot. maybe it helps 1%
hot blood: pre workeout booster not designed for endurance sports, check the ingredients
lean boss: its nothing special just beta alanine (helps reduce muscle pain etc read an article on it) and chromium helps your body to use carbs better (read article). Ofc your friends didnt gain anything with that because it doesnt do much. We can say the same about vitamin c. Do you take it? Yes. does it do anything? Probably you wont notice anything.
2 much protein dude ^^
The stinky farts are a bit gross, but also kind of sexy. :~>
This face looks so empty...
It's the eyes, isn't it? He's an empty shell of a man, weary of a bigoted and prejudiced society objectifying them as sheer pieces of meat even though they only strive for aesthetic perfection. All he wants is a quiet Sunday breakfast with a significant other, but all they want to do is to touch his abs and complain if he puts on a pound here and there.

image: DBBETFe
Are you hungry?

e: I was always wondering youre just doing this shit for the looks right cuz someone whos beefy is gonna crush your lil ass in a fight
He eats 7-10 times a day and obviously there isn't much room to keep that anywhere, so I can only conclude he also poops 7-10 times a day.

Edit: Between eating, training and pooping there's hardly any time left to get into a fight with someone.
I eat alot.
But i am almost always hungry, when you know what to eat and when and if you training hard you raise your metabolism. Doesent matter how much I eat :)

and your last comment i wont answer since i dont see any reason writing it :)
you should grow a beard
cant get more than this :D
image: 1737392_273005202856601_2109515217_n
but how are you gonna be a famous actor then damn
studies confirmed, that when u are hungry(feel hungry) ur brain is more activ aka. ur smarter when ur hungry
How long have you been training?
well 5-6 years i guess.

But in some periods i did a lot of modelling and was very skinny, like 80-82kg and i am 193cm
How much do you weight now? I've been hitting the gym for like 3 months, no supplements, feels like forever a bone :'(
around +-94kg,

Well you eat more than bro, and yes it takes time.
No need for supplements,
rice, potatoes, oats
egg, chicken, redmeat, fish
nuts, coconutsoil, omega3

Eat 7-10 REAL meals, if you dont gain weight at around 4000kcal ( its a lot of food if u eat clean) then bump it up @ 5000kcal
if that doesent work eat 6000kcal

get my goal? You gotta eat to grow ;)
Well, I've changed the way I'm eating, I'm eating more and better, though I'm kinda lazy to count kcal, I know I should. I'm at 77-ish kg, 178cm, not sure what my goal is weight wise, but body-wise I'd say your structure, maybe a bit less, don't want to look too big (no offense)
Have you ever tried Fasting or intermittent fasting ?
Yes, did it for almost 5-6 monhts for a try. ( perfect when i was modelling and had to be skinny all the time )

The best thing with it is: Makes your life alot easier.
I just ate food between 16.00 a clock to 20.00.

Its easy to get lean with it, but if you want to build and improve your physique , imo its not the best choice.
Guess there is non pro bodybuilder that is intermittent fasting.

Now days, I just sometimes put in a 24-26hours fasting once a monht. Just to chock the body :)
It makes life easier, fact :)

I heard actually that some of the top bodybuilders back in a day used to eat twice or even once a day making intermittent fasting unconsciously.
How many times do you train per week? Any good recommendable training program? (Full body..) havent been training for years, but want to get back to it (just lack of motivation i guess) ;D
training everyday,
im taking a rest day IF i feel my body needs that.

I dont like trainingprograms, I just got for feeling. if it feels like a chest day, I do chest.
If i feel that my legs feel strong today , I do legs, etc etc :)

Same with eating. If i feel my body really really needs a lot a food, then i just eat like a guy who never seen food in a while :D
Sweet, alright.. Back in the day i used to have a quiet decent scheudle, noticed a good difference within 2 months of training, it was a 3 day program, cant remember it tho, i just remember it was diff muscle groups for those days to cover the whole body litterely, i didnt take any supplements at the time
woot said ure ugly
abs, is that spanish?
that spanish as well? never heard of that muscle
thought about uploading a picture but for me it ispretty strange loading up pictures of himself to a gamer's page...

looking forward to summer though!
how bout u send them privetly via pm to me

lemme see that ass brah wink wink
YO! miring your ig is part of my daily routine, never change it to private plz

regards, your no.1 stalker
lol :D hahaha
Everyone keeps telling me I literally have the perfect bodytype for this kind of shit as well. Too bad I am too fucking lazy to do anything about it. I need to get training partner or personal trainer to help me out or something. #FML
good job mate
Hottest guy in no homo :P
i agree full homo
haha <3 miND
god dammit you handsome mother fucker

im small as fuck

image: 7680072817008858575

cutting my body fat % with intermittent fasting the next 2 months..atm i dont have enough protein in my diet so for now just lifting at 7 am with an empty stomach.
thx brow. Looks good man.

gl !
thanks dawg

btw how much cardio do you incorporate into your routine?
right now:
1 hour powerwalk cardio after my pre breakfast 200gram eggwhites + 5 gram omega 3
Obviously a crossfitter
well thats rude
I'll post you my belly and sticks.
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I want to touch the AlexL ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Alright AlexL, now get your RK-95 and free your country from the intruders ! Don't be gay dude !
I'm always trying to gain weight. I can workout like a maniac or eat like an animal. It's not fair.
you gotta eat moar!

Eat 6000-8000kcal CLEAN food, I swear you will gain :)
Pfffff, even more? Are there supplements or certain types of food I should really look for? I already eat nearly constantly.
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