I'm getting banned =/

QUOTE: "but you are infact getting a gamestv rewiev and all there will get first priority by cb, aka ban"


for this i'm getting banned - plz help me? =/

EDIT: i'm not cheating, that's why I'm bringing this to xfire :/

UPDATE: Anonymous guy said he looked the demo in shownormals 1..
@ 6.40 as allies: I exactly track someone threw the wall he said..
My explanation: The fops shooting at me before I started shooting, he selfkilled.. I didn't saw that, so I thought he was still alive, I shooted some bullets around the stone & then I saw he selfkilled..

plz more explanations if you give me where you see me 'cheating'..
rawwrrrrrrr :D
it helped
somehow i cant stop lookin at it :O
Oh noez they nuked zeh pr0n :(
what did i miss ? :(
animal bumsex
imo you do pretty weird things.. but at the same time play very stupid sometimes.. I doubt it you cheat, could be though :/
whats a rewiev?
i think a report or vhatewer u call it
I think you spell it "review", what retard did he quote? :O
I think you spell it "whatever", what retard did i quote? :O
I lolled slajdan :D
you shouldnt be
just tell the lads your net has got dynamic ip function :<
nice removing my comment..
you deserve that ban , ok bye
i just looked at the demo and next time tune your aimbot better
I just really don't understand what i'm doing wrong that everybody is thinking i'm a aimbotter wtf :| I should let myself getting owned?
you my friend, are a compleet retard..
I track them perfect you say..?
if my name was mystic you would say: damn nice aim dude..
you are just one of the wannabe cheatbusters..

are you saying i'm ecklav? :P lolled :D
what's the difference of hitting where a highskilled player hits & another player? isn't it just that a high skilled player hits more??
Member For: 10 days

End of discussion.
lol @aimbot
haven't watched demo much, but i'd say a humanised bot is quite obvious in first few attacks after warmup ends
clan uNskill is goiiiiiiiiiin dAAWN!
very strange
i waznt downloaded the demo, but think, if he used really aimbot, why would he post here a demo from it?
So he could be more believable?
because he doesn't cheat & want to prove it?
because otherwise I would have posted it.
gg cheats...
where & when and let me explain..
You try so hard to hide your wallhack, but when you got taken by surprise at 6:37 you give it away by shooting at the wall behind which an uninvolved player happens to run by.

Could this fucker please be banned (I mean from the website), thank you.
mmmm what about you hax and try to hide it.
you are tracking at guys , have them in your vision and before shooting at them you just started shooting at other ones.
and shooting better than mystic as an unknown name is pretty suspicious
even scoot didn't make so much hs and he got banned.believe me i played with him every day for the last 2 months. and you shoot better than him gg...

edit: wtf the reply button is broken :p?
and belive me: everyone of my 1-2 ex-clans aimed much better then sCoot..when i heard he is a nice player and very good aimer i decided to trial at snd.. and theni saw he wasn´t a good aimer :X
i saw him some times playing and played many games against him.
moprhii is just a nice long-range shooter and i can´t see any wh-scenes :X
nice argument gg ...
you shoot better than scoot -.-?when he cheated he got evry war highest light weapons.Got more damage than buthji when we played him owned defiance , team nl , etc etc (with hax ofcourse) and you shoot better than him?
i think we just got proof you cheat too
I shoot better than mystic? DAMN SHIT :o)
thx dude =)
this is just impossible, wtf are you saying :PP
I ain't cheating, just accept it?
It's not because you think you are the only clean player, you really are.. =/
in the beginning you shoot aal hs on every player, 2 of the other team say you hax and suddenly you have full spawn the whole time , aren't giving headshots anymore, and doing the most stupid stuff.
how long are you've been playing ET? and in what clans have you been?
going in a discussion with you is useless :/
x, als ge het nog ni wist, ecklav = morphi
verklaart veel :)
X is right, ur long range aim looks just like allu's and even ur close range aim makes me seasick... Im not saying he is THAT good, since he isnt. Just stating that both his aim and gamesense are weird.

lots of weird stuff going on.. u try to hide it, but some things just arent right. Even though hax are "humanised" no program can be as random and specific as humans can be
when i played with him , against him and watched him yes.. much more.. :X
hello ecklav
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