6on6 NationsCup 2014: Controversy

It has recently been brought to my attention that Canada Canada, led by Canada Tomun, has recently used a player who was not allowed (United States of America Detdet was playing under the name 'Canada ritoo) in their match against United Kingdom United Kingdom. GamesTV match: Canada vs United Kingdom.
Action has been taken: United States of America detdet has been disallowed from playing on Team USA.

image: 2gtnrsg

Belgium ChilAx
It is sad to see Canada's NC run cut short by such controversy.
Well maybe the admins can do something about Tomun in the next NC's :)
who and why was he disallowed?
anyway, it's funny, it's 2k14 and ppl still using players who are not allowed
rito wasn't there so they took detdet (usa) as a "merc" :)
it wasnt even a controversy lol only you really gave a shit about that lmfao no one actually cares like at all? detdet was far from carrying this game and it didnt change the outcome in any ways thing is we were short on players, didnt wanted to delay it cause it was lost no matter what

image: stop_snitching_snitchin_rectangle_decal
USA is still in the NC. So i give a shit about that yes.
We forfeit. There, nothing changes lol.
Sure, why not.
Why should you forfeit? You used your wildcard this sunday, and scheduled a new date?
Hard enough to get US players to show up and play, take away one of the better players and they have even less reason.
Well everyone in usa / canada knows whats coming.
tell em son, rules are made to be broken

thats womens faces
Seems kinda harsh reaction. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to change the result of the game to forfeit victory and ban detdet from playing in next 1 or 2 games? And yes, you should give a shit.
Well, UK won, so change the result of the game? i can't even change it if UK 4-0 won.
Can't you just ban him from next 1 or 2 games? Nowadays it seems hard to even get 6 players, like Canada did. Banning a player from whole tournament could make the scheduling situation even harder. But still, I think there is no point of punishing anyone since the opponent agreed on this. Nothing personal, just pointing it out :)
Yeah i understand, but no he's not allowed in this whole NC.
Okey, none of my business :p I edited my last comment a bit also just after you replied.
use your brain for once before you post such bs
why always them xD
it wasn't Canada bN this time
detdet good faker sucked as much as I did
Canda breaks the rules and americunts get punished
chillax forthe supreme court judge
image: nuked
It's co-captain United States of America detdet dat breaks the rules (+ canada) . But canada lost vs UK so i can't do anything more about that now.
captian of canada allowed this, hell even enemy allowed it, they even playedthe match knowingly what is going on (after rup stage), that is the 3circumstances where it is allowed to "break the rules"

detdet didnt do anything wrong, you did..

i dont really care, but seing how you evne made a journal about it for fuck sakes braging about it,,,,

you should unban detdet(what a fucking stupid name, detdetboom sounds better) and appologise about ur mistakes publicly, create another journal.
yeah, detdetboom way better name :D
on this point ur right ^^
LOL didnt even notice the difference
Anyway i've heard that ET don't exist in Canada.
Who The Fuck is playing as team Canada for all these years ???
team.uk razz [Warmup]: just get 6th don't care who
team.uk R0SS [Warmup]: dont care that its not him, just want to know who it is :-)

image: a7b
Team Canada Canada didn't have a 6th because rito noshowed and just wanted to get this game over with. Kinda funny how Team United Kingdom UK didn't even care about it, they just wanted to play ET instead of taking a forfeit. Props to them.

Instead, it was some United States of Americanerd who has a hard on for me going through server logs of every game played on that server. Then again at least you're doing something valuable with your time, dropping out of college to be a full time admin and all. Oh wait, shouldn't you be making sandwiches or something?

image: VMjAUYG
>trying this hard to make this about me
>thinking I spent more than a few minutes checking the server logs and telling the cup admins

I am flattered
i, and the rest of america, disown you and you might as well deport yourself. worthless, as in, you have no worth, no value.
Thanks for ruining my favourite sandwiches bar :s
How many people would have had a hair into their sandwishes from that homeless-a-like bear?

Damn son, cut it off!
Pretty sure this was a plot by Team Estonia to ruin the United State's chemistry after getting completely dumptrucked last year.

Sucks to suck.

PS: Tomun should be banned for life for knowingly using smurfs. Actually scratch that, don't want him to off himself.
Such controversy indeed. How about Team UK having 5 players in their NC roster where half of them ain't even using CGAC during NC officials?
Although I am not that old ET-wise, I still remember shit like happening every year and nobody even tried to adjust these rules so these things can't happen anymore...
Why not give the teams the responsibility to decide? You know like the agreement on servers and pings. If the opponent agrees to play, then what's all the fuss about it?
Not for nothing a NATIONScup. I just decided to remove detdet, i didn't punish USA for this.
But you punished Canada?
Did I? they lost to UK so nothing changed there
you can flip em the finger or give em the red card,,, or hehehe hers a funny idea just kick detdetboom from the nc
LOL he's playing in team USA, and he'll 'merc' in team Canada?? U serious about this? I made this decision not alone btw.
i dont really care man, gj witthe cup & ty for the cup
In the soccer team of switzerland are also albanians playing.
just look at team-germany

gr0ss living in netherlands
s1LENT speaking polish only in background
stownage = true turk

stownage = massive turk
yes he is also 1/4 arabia but speaking turkish with his parents only tho and he even has a turkish passport nice team germany gg
labber nicht .. Achi kennst du die Wilmsstr in OB- Lirich
ja kenn ich wieso
Look at this Greek faggot. Flaming our Turk and Polak all the while he doesn't speak a word of German himself.
what about cgac and cg or was it played without cgac cause people got still some weirdo problemas?
no offence at all to the players offending ChilAx-be but what he did is absolutly right.

where is the point in letting players from another nation play in a NC???

so u guys want if there arnt enough players on from your nation just let any other guy play?
then its not a nationscup anymore ... but CG season 2
Maybe because the opponent agreed and said they didn't care if they used a merc. It's understandable if UK said no merc, but they didn't because they wanted to play still. Just give Canada the forfeit loss and call it a show match. It's 2014, the game is on life support and hard to find available players, stop caring so much. I'm surrounded by nerds and fucking retards.
Still ME that decide the rules i guess, you can't play for another country, and absolutely not for 2 countries!
you are absolutly right... as i said below ... if they agree on a showmatch everyone would be fine.
but faking a player (rito) is definitly not agreeing on a "showmatch"
so where is the point of a NC then? so if we (austria) cant field 6 we just take ppl from another nation... as i said its no NC anymore.
if they wonna do a showmatch ... i think everyone would be fine with it !
but to fake another players is totally different... he played under the name of rito !!!

rules are rules and thats it ... doesnt matter if its 2003 or 2014

" I'm surrounded by nerds and fucking retards."
and fucking retards thought the same when i read your comment
Good decision chilax! Canada /= USA

or wait..

maybe detet is fat so he is allowed to play :{D
good decision
rofl. Team UK didnt care at all, you should of asked them if they wanted to have a punishment. Also tomun should be banned from all ET activities and I for one refuse to participate in anything tomun is allowed to play
Tomun would kill himself if this happened.
so Canada fucks up and we're punished? yes, makes sense. i hope america goes all kinds of freedom on europe and just flattens the fuck out of it.

(except swedish girls)
Get that stick out of ur arse already and get a breath outside your room already... jeez
Coming from the guy the that sounds like a turtle
Hah what a shock to see u here, its like, u browse this site 24/7 just to be ready to reply as fast as possible, and if i was u, i would rather get a medical check, cus something is very bad with ur hearing and hell, maybe smth else as well silly boy.
a whopping 8 comments in 3 years. You caught me red handed. Why don't you come on vent again? I want to hear that amphibian voice of yours one more time. Once you lose your virginity you can start replying to my comments.
Guess u are too late for that, better luck next time!
show us a bitch you've fucked. end the controversy. let freedom ring.
now now, calm yo tits boy.
? i work at the largest communications company in america. want pay stubs? i make more in a month than you have in your life. I'm a fucking baller and you're a frail little toadstool. facts are facts.
cry baby, thats what u are :p
this kind of mentality explains why most european nations are bankrupt and the ones who aren't have elected right wing groups who want to dissolve the Europeans pathetic attempt to match the American economic might
more like a player from USA broke rules and was punished for it, which hurt their team. USA isn't being punished at all. when you dumbasses were caught smurfing anim, Team USA was removed from the cup, and anim was banned. are you saying that Team Canada was punished for USA fucking up then?
I truly hope you never get the chance to contribute to the gene pool of humanity.
Avi for team AUS, I know many Aussies IRL.
i truly hope you get eye cancer
Chilax shall be hearing from my attorney in the coming days. These capri wearing nerds must be stomped. Banning Detdet while not banning Tomun for life is a travesty of the highest level.
Well canada is not in this NC anymore (they lost vs uk) . And i can't ban any player. I just remove detdet for THIS nc.
Yea but the point is we don't have another rnade in USA and most likely this will be the last NC for this game, UK said they didn't care if it wasn't a canadian so do i have to bring ppe back? ppe is available last i checked.
balde detdet and not chilax
if he is dumb enough to break the rules and dmg his team its not the fault of an admin
i'm golfing with 3 lawyers coming up in two weeks, i'll see what they have to say as well.
this happens when comm0n is not playing,
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