ET All Stars Current Sign-Ups

With only 3 more days to sign up for the ET All Stars event, some regions are still in need of players who are available to participate in the tournament.

Here is the amount of sign-ups from each region:
North: 7 sign-ups (still needs a captain to sign up);
East: 16 sign-ups;
South: 8 sign-ups;
West: 19 sign-ups.

If you are available to take the position as a captain for the Northern region, please contact me on CF. Also, if you live in the southern region and you are available to play, contact me also on CF.

How to sign up?

You can sign up by sending a PM to me with the following information:
- Nickname;
- Teams you played or are currently playing for;
- Captain: YES/NO.

image: 2wmhtw8

Regarding donations:

In total €149,81 has been donated to the ET All Stars event prizepool. I thank everybody who contributed to this! If you are interested in donating please hit the Donations link on the bottom of the journal.

Sup with you north folks! Sign up ladies!

Btw add another 20,19€ from me into that prize pool, will send it in next week as I'm kinda on the rocks this month already, you got my word
this guy 20,19€ xD
"€149,81" + 20,19 € = 170€
20,19 - 3,4% donations fee from Paypal
will send in 20,90€ so it'll result in 20,19€
this game is so dead, it cant even host all starz cup :D
most of the people playing in top teams atm havent signed up to their region. ;P
Are there that many top teams around now? o0
if you consider the best players from phase/sick6/turbot/team PL(+wiSe)/NL/DE/FR(+PHA)/SE/FI/UK and so on, there's more than enough for a healthy allstars tournament but the majority haven't signed up, that's just how it is.
oioi, didnt even know there were that many top teams left in ET.

there aren't that many but simply looking at gtv or cf news would mean you wouldn't have to ask such questions about the scene. :D
I knew about the NC, but seems most of the "top" players from the NC have signed up, and gtv always shows a bunch of teams, idk who they are :P
shhhhhh, i have to spread my fatalism as much as possible!
Is there a list of players who have signed up?
on top of that he wont add usa / canada , great cup.
dude, noone cares about murica.

lack of canada is sad tho :< SHAUN<3
Avi to play for North, pmme
SupNa got this
Well according to signups we got a situation here; UK/NL/BE/GER in one region, countries which are most likely most active/skilled atm (+ PL and FIN maybe). Imagine whole UK NL BE GER nc teams signed up that gives you around 20-30 skilled players already, whereas South struggles to get any decent players with only France being "active" lately. It's not 200X year where Team Italy, Spain, Swiss, Croatia etc were active and skilled enough to compete against that top teams with players like acozz, xylos, winghaven, gifty etc

Maybe you could think about making it West and then Center not South Europe. So Germany + NL or BE would be in Center Europe together with Italy, Austria, maybe Czech etc, and Team West would be a composition of UK, Portual, Spain, France, NL or BE. Would look more fair imo. West got llike only 6 countries now but 4 of them are top teams in this NC, whereas South/East got shitloads of countries where only like 1-2 countries per region are top teams in NC. Dunno why Fins haven't signed up yet, nuggan,phyzic+4 finns is a strong one.

Just an idea to adjust the level of this event.
That seems like a very good solution might we not get enough sign ups.

I will wait till the sign-up period ends though.
Can't speak for all Finns, but the timing of this tournament is pretty bad for us. School year has already ended or is just about to end and work places are starting their holiday rotation for the summer. Besides holidays many are just starting their summer jobs that might not allow them to be available for this tournament. From what I know, most of the current Team Finland won't be available to participate in this because of the timing, but hopefully North will still be able to field a decent lineup.
No offense meant, but. Aren't most people at work during the day (e.g home latest 18:00'ish?). Would think that would leave enough time for a match or two later.
Depends on what kind of job you have. Most of my summer jobs I've done factory/storage work and worked all kinds of different shifts (mostly 6-14, 14-22, 22-06). Anyway I think that the holidays and summer time have more effect on the low sign up numbers, but I mentioned it because I know that at least a few Finnish top players aren't able to participate because of their jobs during summer.
I see, ah well. We'll figure out something in the North!
I'm working night shift (22-06) for example, and I know many others among us finns who can't participate. Hopefully the tournament will get proper attendance anyway. Summer just a bad time for tournaments - I wish they would time these for autumn/winter/spring - - anything but summer..
some of us have traveled to our hometown for the summer -- or maybe a completely new city for summer jobs, meaning no gaming setup therefor no ability to play ET if we wanted to
please, get laptop :D
16 sign ups? Lol no competition for me.
uk and ger

nice joke ( =
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