ET Allstar cup

Maybe it is better to make this Allstar event not based on regions but make it some kind of draftcup.
You let the captain make the teams and let them chose players 1 by 1. With a team limit of maximum 3 players from one country it will still be an allstar event but then not based on region. even the NA players can sign up then. I know it is some re-organising, but i think it will be worth the effort.
So you can see atleast an equal fight, not like this bash for west Europe and players like wesslan attending this event.

tldr: Draft based allstar event.
i think we should just let it like it is now... and afterwards we can still do a draft cup like you mentioned...
This is an ET All Stars. Not an ET Draft Cup.
Its gonna be the same players playing but then just in a different format with better competition.
Then it wouldn't be an All Star event anymore, but a draft cup.
Well, rather a good draftcup then a 1 sided allstar event.
So, why wouldn't it be an Allstar event anymore? For me its just about having the best players playing a cup together/against each other. Having a draftcup with all those top players could be considered as an Allstar cup just as much as the Allstar event we are about to have. Just as Testi said, you would probably see the same players playing just in different teams with probably a way better competion than it is right now. You could even go for the same rules, everyone can signup that played atleast 1 Eurocup or w/e. Anyway nice afford with that cup and gl with it.
This can be done another time by someone else perhaps?

This ET All Stars event is aimed at the four different European regions.
Sure someone else could do it.

Was just curious that you said it wouldn't be an Allstar event anymore :)
Could be an All Star event, but not like this one which is aimed at the different European regions. I could perhaps host one after the summer (think everyone is kind of inactive during the summer).
Would be pretty cool if you are up for such a project once again. Anyway, lets see how this cup goes :)
Although it is too late to change the way this tournament will be played, but they are sort of right - having a pool of "all-stars" for a draft is better and more fair, at least with current signups. I personally feel that it will be a big upset if west will not win, while having many strong players left out and other regions struggling to field competitive lineup (at least on paper - I might be proven wrong at the end). But maybe another time.
Indeed, I agree.
tldr. Draft based allstar event. And weslann sux

u missed that dude, u arent good in writting summaries right? :D
Honestly, don't think it makes any difference. Same people would sign up and the same people would probably get to play. Only difference with drafting is that it's easier for a captain to pick all his friends instead of people who deserve to play. With the current voting system atleast it's somewhat more fair and balanced. Not saying you can't get all your friends to vote for you. But it's atleast less easy.
Well, someone else should do this after. Timbo has already organised it so let it be.

I agree there are some questionable players in some teams :_D kinda makes it some-stars rather than allstars but still timbo done what he could with the signups given. Just let the tournament be, and possibly host another one later on with your idea.
Idd, I'm still questioning team West's rifle.
I actually expected this reply.
IceQ pls you're losing your touch
Then how about you do the touching for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Don't see any teams with NA players happening because apparently having a high ping gives us an "advantage".
other than rockstAr (when he was active n good) , I I don't think NA ever had any player that deserved to be there..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
monkey? anim?
I'm absolutely sure anim, joker, End, and matt can shit on most of the people in the cup. Haven't played enough with the rest to know.
good one :D
anim joker end matt kardon ceres. went undefeated before, why not again? throw monkey in there for matt since he'll probably never show up imo. anim can play mid lane, joker will frag, end will be withdrawing and fragging, monkey will be french, kardon will frag csgo, and ceres rnadessss. ez pz.
i like this role
as much as you like kardon?
anim? monkey? axcess? rossko? ceres? bliss? sandbag? bdmatt? vader?
rofl ceres over me :$
Yet again I rise above you niggah
Ceres has played for a lot of top teams, while you're the newschooler. In general I'd say you're both about equal skill (based on stats from the last time you faced - he outfragged you by 8, while you outdamaged him by a few hundred), is much more focused on objective. From my experience playing 6on6 with both of you, Ceres is always there to finish my plant or defuse, while usually you're across the map fragging - and sometimes even when I ask you to finish it or you're very close to it, you choose to frag instead.
foreigner deciding who's newschool and who isn't. errrrr merrrrrrr gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd. on the serious though, please either slit your wrists or leave the internet <3 you make NA look noob by even being on the same webpage as us.
Monkey is so good he deserves to be named twice!
Il est en amour avec moi je crois
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) deez nuts
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) smells like fear
last PL allstars worked like that and it was pretty fine except for OFC missing people
if someone makes a draft cup, you can be sure 90% of comments will be flame that it's only for the "highskillers" and not giving chances to newbies. :) this is a good example of something that would keep the topscene healthily active, one day of every month was the plan but the rage from the community was just too much. the only thing (in terms of draft) that can be held without being flamed to death is one that allows players of all skill levels to play, which of course would throw the whole "allstar" idea out the window.
So basically no matter what you organize people will always be unhappy.
idk if it was u or some1else but some1 hosted a draftcup where the captains HAD to chose also lowerskilled players and sth like that would be nice since this draft cup was one of the best imo.. eventho players like lightning just took his friends :P but there r always people like him
Sure, I want play too :-)). This cup can not miss name Klobby. Muhahahahah :-))
Let's do a draftcup agaaain!
usa undefeated 2013. TOO FUCKING EASY
undefeated 2014 as well.
wasn't the season and didn't have my mouse still undefeated.
but every time canada asks for a rematch, you guys pussy out, and now you forfeit out of the cup before you've even had to face a decent opponent.
some people just can't mentally handle the truth. he's like Teddy from Shutter Island.
you see kardon in that lineup? no. no engi smg no win (no offense to bape who i assumed tried to play engi smg). besides, no real season, that's like winning a pre-season american football game, who gives one shit
U$A #1
you're delusional as fuck foreigner
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why wesslan is approved to play
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