glined wtf

so here we go:

- what's about this glined. what is it? why cant i enter
- what has kamz to do with that?
- when can i enter
- who made this glining: kamz or irc sups or smth like that?

well kamz just pwnz teh irc couse he has a friend which was a irc op, but now his friend got g-lined from irc and issnt a irc op anymore thx to kamz oO and kamz is allways in a war with vs #clanless-et kthxbye
kamz's channels shouldnt be entered anymore.
Mijjn chan was gelukkig maar glined voor 2 dagen xD Q was er nog enzo, wss omdat hij geen chanlev in Q had :P
mja kamz moet je niks mee te maken hebben hij is echt een kenker rat. En ik ken het weten !
this guy is a hacker, an overtaker and a retard.

i don't get why he still isn't banned from everywhere in the internetz
Maybe because it's impossible
Maybe because it's impossible
o shitz you guys got me there!
- when can i enter

- NOT... Just join #clanless-et

However, ask KAMZ
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
and you guys call me spammer... -_-
Go whine at quakenet forums, ill bet they move your topic to the kiddy corner ! (same as they did to kamz topics :P)
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