Ladder Maplists


I received a PM today asking for some new maps to be added to the CyberGamer EU ET ladder maplists. It doesn't really matter to me, but I don't want to make any major changes if only a few teams/players will be fine with them and the rest are going to complain.

So, for those of you who are active: how do you feel about the current ladder maplists? Would you like to see some new maps added? If so, which ones? Here is what the maplists look like at the moment:

2on2 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • tc_base

3on3 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • et_ufo_final
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

6on6 Ladder:

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • karsiah_te2
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • reactor_final
  • sos_secret_weapon
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

What do you guys think? Again, I'm only asking those who are actively playing on the 2on2/3on3/6on6 ladders as they are the ones who will be affected if any changes are made.

also don't go see the new Transformers movie, it is quite bad

good night
All the Transformers movies are horrible, why would anybody watch the new one.
funny how everytime i say those movies are trash people give me a weird look, like are u out of your mind?

wat do
I dont know, if you think about them, they are retarded ("nicely" done, but retarded...) but they are good to watch when you just want to switch off and dont really think about it..

+ Megan
I actually thought that the first one was decent, gave it like 6/10 (saw it like 7 years ago, I was a kid, maybe that's the reason). But honestly, I fall asleep (not kidding) during watching the sequels. Not gonna give the new one a try.
Watched that movie yday, wasted 2 hours dear god...
Remove delivery from both ladders and add tc_base for 3v3 and et_ufo for 2v2
Tho ufo aint much better for 2on2 but at least it would have more tactical options 8)
can't you set core and elective maps? I thought there used to be an admin setting for that :(

e.g. supply, radar, goldrush must be offered (or core maps) and 2 or so other maps can be offered but not forced (basically the other team can decide not to play random maps if they don't want to).

Pretty sure at one point on I had something like that setup so the more social teams could select random maps to play each other on but the "LOLOLOLOL PRO MAENS BUTSECKZ IRL TBH HOMOS AFAIK IIRC IMO LOLOLOLOLOLLLLLOL LETS PLAY SUPPLY-ALITY"* teams could still play g-rush/supply/radar only.

* quoted from blakjack (GameArena admin), 2007.
add et_ufo for 2on2 ladder
Take delivery out of everything
Take out sos and add sw_oasis_te
If oasis isn't altered I don't think it should be added. The section after the old city wall breaks up the flow of the map and therefore it's hard to play. But it is quite an epic map though.
It's not that hard - it only needs teamplay what most of the teams lack nowadays
I didn't say it was hard. I for one enjoy the map, but that piece after the wall really kills the map for a lot of team and also it doesn't serve any purpose in the map.
What kills it? The little run you have to make? :P could be easily modified honestly
No the fact that if well defended, the allies won't be able to get out of the spawn after the old city is blown.
sos in in the sc mappool and oasis not why should he take sos out?
maybe some teams gona play it more to prac it u never know
What about a changing mappool every 1 or 2 weeks with like 5 maps?
Maybe have 2 core maps in the mappool, but change the other 3 maps every other week orso.
Supply and grush for the mappool it is
Wish you was an admin like 6 years ago. Instead we had shit like delivery played in 6on6s :(
Deli in 6on6 is way much fucking better than deli in 3o3
Deli in 3on3 is way much fucking better than deli in 2o2
You clearly didn't play when the community had tactics and had a half decent aim :C
deli in 6o6 is about allies having two guys that can spam :PPPppPPp
no, it's about 1 rifle and 1 phyzic/maus/reload on defence. :P
If allies got to make the controls... how do axis set up? rifle in the last room, one/two guys watching spawn way and rest inbetween with maybe fops for ammo in the last one?

That map as much as it can be lotto and about one good nade/spawnkill, it offers so many tactical set ups....
rifle shooting in tunnel, there's no 6 players defending button, that's how to lose deli in 6on6 :D its mostly aggressive play not allowing allies to get into positions to attack button.
I think that adding oasis in the 6on6 map list is a good idea.
Remove Beach all rest looks great.
Of course many will say now: "Beach is great!" => that's why everyone tries to skip that map -_-
How does beach work so much worse than few other maps?
Of course it feels quite different to play from any other map but has great distances from spawn to the objective compared to other teams spawnpoints. Quite many different spawnpoints to tactically fiddle with, possible to play effectively as a team for both allies and axis. Pushing/falling back/time playing options. 8)
too hard for newschool ppl with supply/deli super duper weapons :D
Dobut u played half of my gaming time, so lets not go into there.
35 s spawn

too hard for most
it's not supply/delivery/goldrush, that's why it's too hard for most
dunno, frost is being played (atleast a little) with 25 spwan, just as hard to time
set timer input hard bind ololo :D
ikr! tho it's slightly "annoying" in a way I am forced to use timerset, eventho that's not the method I am usually tracking enemy spawn
i would have loved to play more on those 'random' maps. when rakji comes back we can play vs you and derek :)
got nobody to play with tbh. denton (the one I used to play with, not derek :p) is inactive for like two years now :D and even if I got someone to play, they all are pussies who want to play sd/gr only :|
ah crap, denton yeah :( I failed sry

Educated them into good maps. And btw I am also 2 years inactive now :D only playing on doublejump nq servers from time to time xD
I couldn't do that. NQ is killing me. Whenever I tried to play it, I was crying how horrible that is :,( etpro to rule them all!
Mappool is fine otherwise, but erdenberg in 2on2 is really fucking weird, its so bad map for that format. Its purely 3on3 map
2on2 Ladder:


Only active players respond, gtfo hing
suck my my dripping with honey balls
i responded lel u mud?
yes its what females usually say to me
wats a usually
ask yo mom LOL
pls no trol me gooby
We should start playing more reactor/sos_secret_weapon before you add new maps tbh (6on6)

Maybe in 2on2:

remove erdenberg from 2on2 list , the rest seems fine for that ladder


tc_base ( i think its a better map for 6on6/3on3 than 2on2 )


Let's start with playing reactor/sos_secret_weapon and missile more :)
(maybe + et_beach since its a big map and it is in the 3on3 maplist but not in the 6on6?)

I know you can add dubrovnik and oldschool maps, but i don't think people will play that much. Just like timbolina did, a ODC with oldschool maps is fun, he should do it more ^^
de_inferno pls
There you go

image: YxqZiX25F
remove ufo, shit map is shit... cant even be bothered to learn it at any time -D
sw_battery and sw_oasis for 6on6 :)
tc base in the 2on2 ladder but not in the 3on3 and 6on6 ladders

image: lol-face-meme-wallpaper-4

get karsiah into the 3on3 map pool and remove it from the 6on6 one imo
why base should be in 6v6

also I agree with what infa said, have some core maps and change the mappool every 3weeks or something.
It's barely anything else than supply/gayrush and sometimes karsiah if malibu plays....

wolken1_final is something to seriously consider for 3on3. It was officially played last time in 3on3 OC 2006 or 2007. I've been jumping around the map wondering: "why can't this be played compared to some maps in the pool atm?". If I would be one to get to choose, I'd love to have 2 more maps added to 2on2 and 3on3 pools rather than changing one to get a bit of a fresh feelings into official matches..

So my ideas(at least what should be tried out) are
for 3on3: wolken1_final, base/maybe sos_secretweapon/dubrovnik/et_sub/caen instead of base? :>
would be great to get to test more of these in actual matches. Someone make a cup or something with only one of the new maps!
for 2on2: I'd kinda like new maps, but would like to get to play those I mentioned for 3on3 to figure if they'd have any hope as 2on2maps..
Do whatever you want but don't remove delivry from 2v2 and 3v3. I am active player and I refuse this!!!
Gayest map ever.
it's a 3on3 map, you can join in if you'd like to?
goldendunk please
not active, but after 4 years since it was 'actively played' I still claim frost_comp_b4 should be in the mappool again >:(
wolken1_final, Haemar_b1 and drush_b1 have a nice structure and potential.
Is this the same map than wolken1_b1 with minor differences? Damn I'd like to see this map in the pool some day. -__*
It's the same I think, just fixes and final status. It's up on etpro purefrag server if any wants to test it.
Well, here are my thoughts:

I would like to avoid removing any maps, especially not deliv (it's popular, like it or not), unless there's a good reason for doing so. That being said, I'm not opposed to replacing erden with ufo in the 2on2 maplist if the majority agrees.

3on3: Nothing wrong with the current maplist in my opinion. We could add base and perhaps one more map along with it if you guys want.

6on6: Again, nothing really wrong with the current maplist. Pretty much the only maps played are bremen, radar, supply, and grush anyway with the occasional missile, frost, or adler. Battery and/or oasis could be added, but I'm not a huge fan of them myself and don't think they work very well (and probably wouldn't be played much anyway).

Any other "new" maps you'd like to see?

I will look into the various ladder map settings referenced above by Australia biggz, although I'm not sure whether or not they currently function with CG v5.

Another possibility is following the example of the old CB CoD2 crew by starting a "custom maps" ladder. It would feature a larger-than-usual maplist with plenty of unconventional and underplayed maps. Any format could be played, and rules wouldn't be as strictly enforced as on the other ladders. However, you'd be required to create new teams, re-invite all your players, etc...
Why cant you just make bigger maplists for ladders?
Who said we can't? That is the point of this journal...
Ah okey, didnt read the journal properly. Just guessed that those were the options to choose from. Anyways imho the more the merrier. Getting pretty boring to play only 4 maps in 3v3 and 6v6 even though I dont play much. Dont really know if adding new maps would change the popularity of some maps but at least it would be nice to have options :)
Are you guys concidering mp_sub for 3on3? Its a great map for 3on3 and some previous opencup had it in the pool and it was a lot of fun.
It was mentioned a few months ago that some guys are/were working on making escape and sub compatible for ET, but I don't think it is actually going to happen.
Well if they dont do it, escape shouldn't be concidered eventho I like the map in ET. sub doesnt really need editing, it can be played as it is, just add it to 2on2 and 3on3 fall season atleast if its a no go for ladder.
If you add base to 3on3, I'd definitely love to see wolken1 there with it.

Sub might also be cool as webe mentioned, but I doubt it would work just as good as wolken1.

I'd also like to vote for a little bit bigger pools as fanta mentioned. For the sake of keeping ET more fresh!
I'll download the map and have a look. Doesn't really seem to be that popular though.
yeah it seems wolken1_final.pk3 is the right version.(thanks micha) running on

uploaded the map to


remove erden
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