picture in game

hello crossies,

i recently installed win7 on my pc and before i had Xp. when i had xp my cfg was good and no mistakes for me, but now when i execed sam cfg on win7 it happend this :/ so its like my picture was cutted away :/

so anyone have any idea what can i do ?

thanks in advance

image: 4vmYxRc
r_showimages 1

should do the maths
etpro -> options -> something with hud positions dont remember exactly
i doubt its with the hud position, cut i have cut off screen even when its loading.

it must be in cfg
r_customaspect 1 ?
I had a smilar problem with my old config. It was something with my graphic card. I don't know why. My resolution is 1440*900 but when i bought an ATI card, only in ET, I had to change my ingame resolution to something like 1444*900. I don't know why ATI cut some pixels but only in ET.
I know that, then you set your own resolution. Yet I had to add few pixel on x. Dunno why. I don't have that problem anymore since I don't use ATI anymore + don't play the game anymore :x
on youre screen click like autoset or something ^^ worked for me
thanks to everyone but i solved the problem.

i just changed my resolution and it worked :D
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