Never busted cheaters


Make a list of guys who you think have cheated in ET but never got caught. I'll start.

1. Belgium mAus
Biggest cheater in ET history, anybody claims he wasn't using aimbot in his early times in A+R (and even later) is stupid.

2. Czech Republic mArv
We all know the story. :)

3. Sweden jONAS & wizzel
Blatant aimbotters.

share urs
1. Netherlands outlAw
2. Sweden Weslann
3. Sweden AlexL

lol nvm
Weslann best et player
Weslann never busted. 2013 too long ago? :D
xperia with his 81hs


image: 81hs
good connection
only 81? rapz did 90 twice in a row
jONAS did 126 on supply in 3on3 vs. us 8 : ]
That's a 25% hs percentage with a 45% accuracy., I'd be suspicious too if that happened against me.
Everyone called mAus cheater, until he went to lan and destroyed everything
Tell me more about lan proof.

For example phyzic not have, and nobody, apparently speaks of him
I don't know him and never saw him play so I can't comment on that.
You actually know that these cheats are desinged to be undetectable even when you have spectators behind you?
Built into other programs like mouse drivers and stuff.
You didnt see but there are dozens of people who have seen, and if you don't know or have never seen he playing, which is the motive he is cheater?
What was the player in the middle lan would use cheats and no one noticed, does not make sense
50 people standing behind you and you would be cheating? LOL
Thats what adze said
phyzic who I was talking about, never saw him play.

mAus: Yes, he could use hacks. I'm not saying he 100% did, but could.
Remember a video footage taken from mAus playing on CPC or CDC whaterver, and the servers go off for 1 or 2 seconds, but his crosshair keep tracking the jumping guy :D
You can say that any player in the world may have already used, decent evidence about that is little or no one.
I dunno nothing about this video xd
Can't find it. It was on Bremen Axis spawn 2, the guy was jumping out from Doc way balcony, mAus was aiming at him, then suddenly laggs out, guy keeps falling and his crosshair keep tracking.
stop living in the wonderland already.
stupid you
do love that comment at the end, wonder why mystic was never seen as a cheater considering maus went to and performed at more LAN events than he did (not that I thought mystic cheated).

Just seemed like maus was a bit 'newschool' and raped a couple of teams, sure he could have cheated but has probably proven that he is that good since offline ;)
If you have ever saw mystic playing or played againts him, you know that he hasn't had that extremly good aim. I'm not saying he was avarage, but he had just slighty better aim than anybody back then. What made him step out from other pros is his unexpected playstyle. Not selfkilling when everybody expected to, coming to your face the same way and stuff and this with combinated with very good aim made him what he was/is.

mAus came from nowhere without ANY experience at all and made godlike stats againts well know players by then. Having 50% accuracy with SMG on Official matches is kinda suspecious, isn't it? ( and I mean after shooting 500-1000 bullets )
Also the vid when he's tracking 3 myLegends players on adlernest. His aim switching from player to player, that's aimbot my friend.
funny it comes from a guy who cheated himself hEhE
That kinda proves the point even more.
Maus is gone anyway, never thought about him as a super-duper player, maybe cause i play 3on3 only. If u think he was aiming like aimbot, go watch more actual stars like r4pz (who is btw maus' brother) or phyzic (who is considered the best et aimer atm)
None of these guys comes even close to mAus in his prime
maus in his prime was beaten by razz in 3on3s ;/
Rofl, mAus was the best aimer that has ever touched this game. It doesn't take a genious to realize that.
u judge it by accuracy or headshots?
Neither of them. Just watch him aim. His tracking was insane, even under pressure situations. He was probably the only one, who could make other pro aimers look like tools. Also one of the few players, that could carry a team.

Ask the other highskillers he played with/against, most of them will agree that he was the best aimer ever.
He's not playing anymore, so what?

I still think he was cheating for long.
The point of this journal is to see whos getting accused.
i thought maus got busted?

and everyone I thought hacked actually ended up getting busted
cheers man, where would i be without you
I made you the player you are today.
No, I don't think so. It was "his brother" or whoever.
Nobody could ever show evidence that he was aimbotting, however watching him play in A+R kinda convinced me that he's a cheater and the countless avis I saw.
What's really suspecios about him is that his aim was way better when he showed up from the darkness.
Marv isn't written with capital A, and yeah, he wasn't cheater.

1. Poland tworzyq
2 Poland jumper
3. Sweden alexL aka gay

also I'd like to include my good old friend, but he got busted
Poland sosji
sure, i count on ur oppinion
Quotealso I'd like to include my good old friend, but he got busted

so did alexL
alexL has been busted gibbing through a wall @ supply iirc
Ah, heard about it but never saw any proof XD
alexL has been caught several times you newskool scrub
sosji was busted? damn
jumper is playing et like 10 years and he was the best in 2010/11 when slac has been working retty good. also for 6 years i know him, he asked me like 4 or 5 times how to install et right.... i doubt, someone like him could run any kind of hack.
Never seen any actions by jumper that could be counted as hax
maus must have been using aimbot on lan also ;ss
nuggan, jonas, dialer, krein, fuchs(before 2k11), senti, maus,
you must be joking :P

ich weiß was im 1. bsturz team abgelaufen ist :P
vom 1. Team wurden doch letztenendes eh fast alle gebusted, oder liege ich da falsch? :P
i think you can expand that list. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
why shall i add myself :/ :D
werent you and fuchs friends? this basically confirms that fuchs cheated before 2011 without any doubt -- that would be quite shitty if youre friends
well imo when he made his comeback and started to play for my team, I can clearly say that he didnt cheat, the 1st 1-2month after his comeback he wasnt that good but then he became better and better and that with slac tzac w/e

but I also speced some games from him from 2k7 2k8 or sth and it was sometimes rly weird :D so i "think" that he cheated at the beginning but in the end he never touched a cheat for sure
:) yeah I think he's been clean all the times I've played with him too
senti der hurensohn war busted, was hab ich damals gelacht. Sein etBot war einfach so obvious, scheiss Zigeunerkind.

/sign für fuchs, hat definitiv mal gecheated - ist aber n netter kerl :)
jup hast recht^^ und das mit senti bust hab ich gar net mitbekommen
Da warste wahrscheinlich noch in deinen ET-Kinderschühchen :p
Sein Bust ist lange her.
aber ich hatte nen guten informanten der mir alles gesagt hat^^
einen Informanten, soso, du Schlingel du!
waren schon lustige Zeiten, hehe
wie hieß denn dein bruder nochmal...ich komm nicht mehr drauf? hab mit dem früher schon gezockt, da warst du noch ne eizelle...war ein guter mann und immer zu nen paar spielentscheidenen ramboaktionen fähig...nicht sonderlich gesprächig allerdings :d
jou...früher war alles besser :<
aber dann kapier ich net deine aussage
Quotehab mit dem früher schon gezockt, da warst du noch ne eizelle

er ist mein jüngerer bruder und ich hab eher mit et angefangen :D und er hat meistens gaymod gespielt und nur etpro während er für mein team gespielt hat
hm schade dann war das nen anderer, hatte gedacht die et-community ist klein genug als das es von jedem nick nur einen gibt ,)...gab mal einen zur damaligen zeit bekannten und ziemlich guten aerox der stets auf einschlägigen pubs am ownen war...etpro wohlgemerkt...dürfte so um 2004/05 gewesen sein...
zigeunerkind XD
Pretty sure nuggan was banned at one point.
No, never. You're probably thinking of someone else.
really? idk about marv but the
Interview with mAus during 2009.. atleast he admitted that he used a hx "for only few hours"

QuoteHave you ever tried a bot back in your noob days?

I used a bot 3 years ago for like a couple of hours, and I was thinking what is the funny part about cheating? Nothing. Imo 99% of the crossfire community used a bot once.
im the 1%
LOL u aint even the 1% foo ur that nigga that plays ET in the desert ur like the 0,01%
inb4 drama
in b4 u jealous .
smak aka tintti, aka smaku?
nope smak =/= smaku and smaku got busted several times if I recall right.
oow.. thanks! :D
United States of America ohurcool
This is true; nobody can teamkill that effectively without some sort of help
Apart from a big part of the community having been busted at least once I can't tell anymore whom I'd accuse.

What's the story about marv btw? Think I've read about it once or so but forgot much. Wasn't it like him always disappearing when they were planning on joining a LAN tournament? I'd like to know the story. :)
He never really dissappeared before LAN, he just wasnt able to go.
He quited playing ET before each LAN for 1-2 months.
He didnt quit playing. He only enjoyed playing with the people he's played it (which means TLR/amenti members) and when they knew he's not going to LAN, they easily pracced with guy who will go with them, but he still played 3on3s....
heh lol tupid journal :D

Ps. ensam & sample comeback this sunday :) maybe me too!!!
Swani and vokki
Never busted cheaters
didnt know u had been busted already :S
U were busted, kirugi. Long time ago, invoke? :p
actually i was swani back then when that happent!
Ah well dunno, got to 'know' you as kirurgi - epic pubbing back then.
maybe xav? kinda hard to have a read of him, all i remember that he dominated pretty hard at times
and then become shit :D
He fucked up his connection so he hit way worse!
never saw him under 40% acc at any weapons

i remember him rocking alone vs fintastic 5 while everyone one of us were having a hard game
There was a few months when I was playing a lot of 3on3's when I'd shoot 40-50% every game. Even when we played the Belgian overload a few times with bF and things weren't going great for the others, I'd be having great games and doing most damage by a wide margin.

I'm not the best player in the game myself and I know xav played A LOT of 3on3's everytime he was active, so maybe he's a bit like me? Maybe he had a long period where he had free time and could really maintain his aim? I think most of us would be a lot better if we'd have that time.
well he played rifle so aim wasnt really the key there.. more like lack of walls.. even remember back in parodia days them saying he's fishy
he was kinda a whiner/stressing ppls ( if u dont know him enough ) on teamspeak but ingame his playstyle were always smooth and slow

not saying its hard to get a decent accuracy, and ye i think he was never rly inactive as maxuh
ofc when u play 3on3 only u increase ur aim :d u get kinda stronger or at least thats what i felt
best riflenade preshooter in ET history.. fun games vs. him in certain def positions :l
everyone knows mAus and butchji cheated before they were famous, lol.
question is - does it really matter? I personally don't believe any of them cheated, but even if they did - only them and maybe really close circle of friends, know the truth, everything else are just speculations/bullshit based on what, personal feelings? Just stop worrying about such things, it will make your e-life easier :)
I was just curios which names come in mind by some people.
yes and no
just an interesting topic to talk about tbh
1. Kitt
2. Nejm
but but hillsong got more than vs Germany cre than me and also im fucking unstable :S

also i played with every anticheat from nearly day 1 and even used a window mode during the lovely UAC time <3

hope you are joking :D
Ofc i was joking :p
coolio.. got scared :P
Sebastian 8)
off the top of my head:

Belgium xAeee (ettv of him shooting through bushes in a baserace game was a joke)
Iceland phyzic
Finland a few of KRP/mM during their hayday, players who disappeared after tzac came out :D
Quotea few of KRP/mM during their hayday, players who disappeared after tzac came out :D

Shit story!

#1 gizmo
#2 Webe
#3 hunter
#4 fuchS
gizmo is just a nerd but im pretty sure last when we played baserace vs you guys (fins) webe was cheating
hunter got busted and even served a 6 months ban or so
also made journal stating everyone sucks and hes da boss and all
the whole team of him played like low+ on LAN
bad info mate :DDD ive never been banned or busted :D
you sure?
it's not like I'm really accusing you but I thought you were serving a 3 months/6 months ban like 3 years ago
too bad we can't check clanbase anymore since you instantly could prove me wrong...
i've never got banned cuz i got fakebusted by killerboy, who hated Poland tbh, my cb and esl accounts are clean, cb is dead so u can't check it, but ESL is still up, i've got nothing to be ashamed of cuz i always played clean
hm, okay...
gotta agree on that Poland hate thingy, yeah
hope you're speaking the truth about the "clean" part!
thanks for the kind answer :-)
phyzic, xperia, adze
adze is best player ever!
Polandazpiliqueta image: Kappa
scow busted already
His CB ban was for "playing with cheaters" then "returning while banned" a bunch of times, not for cheating.
he was still cheating back in 2007 with Netherlands phunk and Germany Kr3y
indeed, and everyone denying it is a huge douchebag
agreed lol D:
If n-plane is that Moriji Mochida guy, hes obvious :)
he is. he will never be busted though since he's ohurcool's devotee:

Quote ohurcool Saturday, 8th March 2014 01:18
I personally don't believe that he is cheating. -> There is no evidence that he is cheating. -> He is most likely clean, and everyone accusing him of cheating is simply paranoid (as usual).

we are just paranoid :)
He is clean. You and those other guys (kitt, symbol, Testi, etc.) really need to get a grip on this embarrassing accuse-everyone-who-beats-us-of-cheating habit you have.
vincent, i have been saying that he is cheating for ~ 5 months now. this has nothing to do with our defeat against him and the other rancid langouste.
It is him, and he is clean.
i had to record this crap with camtasia since my fraps doesn't work.

after 1 min into the match ( i found this. cba to watch all of his matches but i am pretty sure that there is more to find.

very clean
United States of AmericaForeigner
CanadaForeigner (heuheuhueue)
and everyone from Portugal low+ max cheaters

Sweden nackje
:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD still traumatized by the unfortunate ownage that took place months ago R.I.P in pieces LoCkheed cwel's & co
I play this game since the beginning so I can notice pure hax. Btw plz beacause your "some" friend who play with u told me that u cheated & u confessed it. gg
yes better wiretaps that shit next time go go gadget detective of deez nuts

beside a lot the faggets in cwelheed & co are cheating haha Polandskyline PolandIGI PolandROOX and many other shitty Poland

ps. i play this game since the beginning too and i can tell when someone's a little frustrated
Do u really think im cheater?
If u could give me even one demo proof, when im use wallhack, aimbot or anything else, ill send u 100 dollars, ill promise to all of u. GO!
But, till that time u need to stfu.
I wonder which friend told you that he's cheated rofl, crono doesnt have many friends in ET community :XDDDD
Hah every fucking time I played you in the past I could see you being a field ops trying to get to the enemy spawn just to spawnkill. Seeing that you've played 10 years now makes me wonder have you realized that there are other classes too in this game ...
Nope, still the same. Even in 3on3s
so what ? I play just for fuckign fun its not like 2004 "serious" game now I wanna enjoying vs lemings like you why u cant understand it ? normal game is boring for me now, btw who are u ? dont care - go away.
Well if you think getting 5 times full per getting once to enemy spawn just to get one or two guys with support fire is satisfying or more refreshing than playing normally I feel sorry for you bro. All hope is lost
Yes its true my sad bro
nackje clean though
I'm not sure if you're serious there m8
i forget Canada rockstAr even when im not 100% sure about him XDDDD
how dare you try to soil rockstAr legacy
better get him back
he's dodging CGAC
Norway Zodiac
Norway RaZieL
Norway zenon
selfbust gg wp
GermanyGermany! :)
Poland syriusZ
SwedenTites, sometimes when you die, and spec him you see him do 3 hs instantly, and then you continue speccing him and he's hitting nothing untill no one specs him anymore.

oh and image: sojuicy and
Germanybutchji at least on pubs and not always - but he did
"butchji at least on pubs and not always - but he did"

that comment on him lol, it's known that he used to cheat in his early times, no need for the whitewashing
Estonia LudA
Russia JOkE
Poland sOme
Netherlands overschie
Netherlands juA
Belgium zeto
United Kingdom Jinosta
weren't luda and jua busted anyway? zeto however was
zeto was busted, wans't he? I remember him playing with wallhack.
Well, he had been cheating even years before he actually got busted. Thats why I included him. :p
Actually cheating, at least aimbotting on lan isnt that hard i guess. You just have your cheats built in your mouse driver for example... not like that 5-10 guy who stand behind you can notice those micro movements with the mouse.
i think most cheaters use no recoil now
whole bsturz team
whole desert foxes/team sweden (slajdan,nuggan,alexl,dr pepper, jonas, wizzel, fuchs etc...)
+ lots of polaks, some finnish (KRP) , some german random zero to hero faggots (jaN, scorch etc)

i think there were alot of cheaters in the med+/high area and not so much in the high/"pro" area...all of the busted cheaters have always been "good" but never elite players and im sure there were alot more who have just never been busted
alexl and dr.pepper are known hackers and were busted on several occasions.
all of krp were pretty much busted for cheating in public servers including me
I still remember that ensam's clip when you're tracking while being afk :D even if it was a troll, still funny
no troll, etx
Did you guys ever used it in officials? I could swear atleast one or two of you did back when you played against us (nkNn / angelDust). Lots of people loaded up their cheats against us because they assumed, before the start of the game, that we were cheaters.
All I remember is Braundorf and nades everywhere. I guess that's to be expected in 6v6 Braundorf, but you guys were incredibly on point with all the nades. Don't think a single shot was fired that entire game :D
they are from Austrai not Germany (Scorch, jan)
Germany sTOWANGE, zentic, valaR, Techniker, Fendah, Phazor, Specula, genShi, znArk, mztic, ohzor4, TimeN, Knutbert
Austria joiii
bist scho a Knuffel, ne? :P
wie ihr euch darüber freut gehackt zu haben FailFish
da nehme ich mich mal raus, clean4ever
valaR, znArk, TimeN und Knutbert (?) hatten allerdings busts :P
Knut hatte Bust als MaMMuT oder iwie so geschrieben :D
aja stimmt
M4mmuT war's, glaube ich (auf jeden fall das haarige Viech! :P)
mAus illuminati of ET
Probably forgot a few and I don't remember which ones were actually busted and banned.

Fost, Mise, Rocky, N30/Qyz, Perfo, Jackie, Zak-, Saken, Aza, Motif, Xperia, Lunatic, rezhni, modus, joshua, abort, hayaa, joop, sem, m1lk, wukas, ovie, chizz6l, tele, motta
lemme help you Mark:

busted (public/nexus), busted (several/nexus), busted (offi/etbot), busted (several), bro busted, busted, busted (nexus), busted (nexus), not busted, busted, not busted, busted, busted, not busted, busted as santje, not busted, not busted, not busted, not busted, can't remember the incident, busted, not busted, busted, not busted, beyond my times, think he got busted ealier (alter ego)
Thanks they are still all cheaters though :D

I had PB screenshots of chizz6l and faggot friends cheating on three separate occasions. Also some screenshots of xperia wallhacking a long time ago.
Wasn't the chizz6l from quite some years ago busted at least twice while still serving a previous ban?
Uhm yeah probably I don't remember all the details anymore; 2008 would have been a better year to discuss cheaters.
That was Sup3r. Back in the day chizz6l got busted for using a nexus mortar cam on a public server though. We got kicked out of semi-finals or finals of opencup because of it. Also, when that cracked ETbot was everywhere, there was a demo of him which was deemed suspicious. I don't think he got banned for that.
chizz6l and co. were a bunch of cheating kiddy faggots in an ocean of cheating kiddy faggots. Really nobody ever gave a shit about them except they continued playing while most others quit.
That's not what happened. If you are saying "chizz6l and co.", you are basically talking about everyone in bF and nkNn and then you are just talking bullshit. He did great at many LANs with bF and even illumise and me played a lan with nkNn. We only did bad against YYT, but our players were our friends, not the best player available for that position. We had a great game against nOu, who were winning against the top teams online at that point in time.

All the others in nkNn quit, but I continued to play with bF as an inactive backup whenever they needed a replacement while chizz6l kept playing actively with bF. The game was still rather alive during this entire period, not many top players had quit the game yet because there were still LANs on regular times. We might not have been a top team, but we could certainly give top teams a fight, especially if undead and Lunatic were playing and never had problems finding opponents. I mostly had to perform undead his part when he wasn't there and that went great as long as I was sort of maintaining activity.

So go insult someone else, because with the term "chizz6l and co.", you can only be refering to either nkNn and/or bF and I loved being in both teams.
When I say chizz6l and co. I meant before he started playing 6on6 actually. But when I looking at those teams lineups I can safely say that most people there have been caught cheating (~75%) and not just ''one time''.
I didn't know him before that. That's like along time ago though. Like back when Hatred still played and when mAus wasn't all that known yet.
Also, some of the names in your list are pretty ridiculous.
I've played with most of these guys and I'm pretty sure that most of them are clean. I know some of them used that cracked ETbot for awhile during random 3on3's though. I think I'm the only one in this game who never used that bot, seemed like almost everyone had atleast tried it once back when it was cracked. Only guy in that list I found weird at some point was modus. He'd kill me in 1v1 more than I expected, but after watching replays it just seemed like it was more equal than I suspected and that he was simply just shooting and moving the exact same way as me. Hence why playing against him felt so off.

Most of these guys probably tried nexus or ETbot at one point, but that's about it. I haven't tried either one of those, but you'd be surprised how many known players have actually used them.
I can assure you that none of them are clean and most of them are serial offenders.

Ow I want to add some more less known names: Illumise , hit , phunk and circus (the last two were actually confirmed busted + banned if I am not mistaken)
Well phunk and circus are just scum. Even hit, who I like as a person, is a cheater. Simple as. I've known chizz6l and illumise for ages, I've met them both and I still see chizz6l now and again. I've played different games with them and they had the exact same aim in those games. So I can assure that, outside of those few months in some random 3on3's when I wasn't there and when that cracked ETbot was everywhere, they don't cheat. Some of the other names on your list are just decent players, nothing more.
Hahaha those dutch+danish whiners. I guess it must be frustrating to barely win when your whole team is cheating :D
Yeah a lot of them are friends and played in teams completely full of cheaters, many unmentioned names there as well. If someone ever played with AlexL or Dr. Pepper I can assure you that there is a 95% chance they were cheating as well. A lot of these players did cover-ups (best example N3O/Qyz) for their team mates or did disappearing acts for 3-4 months when getting caught (e.g. Fost, Mize) and then returned when most people didn't care anymore ore the ''evidence'' was lost or couldn't be used anymore.
that hein faggot. and i think it was a few others, but it was like 8-9 years ago
ahhh yes hein ofc... forgot that retard :) blazer/spekter also (Can't really remember if I write nicks correctly), but didnt really matter since they were bad even with hacks
wonder that nobody has suggested Polandnaga or Finlandtorspo yet!
torspo was a beast but from what I remember inconsistent :D
:D man it's always giving me a good laugh to see such ridicilous comments by you every single day
why you always mad at bobika :(
:D you know why, there is no reason for me to type it
What about FranceOkko?
LOL okko
him and France mirage (maybe) were the only clean member of T4Ce
okko was cheating from time to time :D
doubt it he was just a braindead rambo aimer
true that, i should have mentioned both, but I was like torspo was busted, wasn't he? He had crazy wallhack actions.
no he wasnt that cant remember any wallhack actions either
I do remember many journals back then around in 2006 with torspo cheating on telenet with .avi-s to prove it. Later he was shooting people through walls in some official match during warmup
they did that warmup shooting on purpose, as a joke
fragus 100% pelna geba od maja
fragus 100%
that was kinda suspicious, he came from jaymod with instant medskill.
and 90% of people who started playing official games this year.
Tahmorez :DD

Cool topic anyhow! Nice to read people's thoughts.
Pretty sure there were no high skilled players cheating when I was around (except for the random newcomers like gnajda trash and some others who lost their EC qualifiers.) Too bad I cannot remember names anymore, seems like a long time ago. :(
Long live:

znark, zabija, fireteam, linux, b4/delivery only.
ahaahahah those cancer maps
don't forget that czech guy called Speedy Bozar legend
He's clean man :D
The finest of braundorf_b4, good times. You dont seem to join IRC anymore, only LoLfagging?!
Nobody took him serious though. More of a gimmick than an actual player, not even that good either.
this. I gotta laugh any time I ever see someone accuse Bozar. :D he's one of the worst players I ever faced.
zabija was a member/customer of nixCoders since way before 2008. I think chaplja even confirmed that at some point, people just didn't mind as he was shit anyway.
what about GermanyboNg!
never got busted whatever believe what u want
Macht ihn jetzt aber auch nicht unschuldig. Er hatte auch n etBot, hat mir arClite damals selbst gesagt. Waren noch n paar mehr Namen, aber whatever. :p
erzähl mir von irgendeinem der keinen etBot aufm rechner hatte :D:D:D:D:D:D:
Ich. zlOl. lowqualityshiat :'D
dachte, boNg stand auf mal auf ner Liste, da hatte er aber wohl eh schon (zum. für ne Zeit lang) gequittet... täusche ich mich da?
naja, selbst wenn... wer von eurem Team hat denn nicht mit etBot (zum. für ne Zeit lang) gespielt :p

Whoop whoop

Thank you mate :)
Netherlandss1LENT and Netherlandsgr0ss gg bb
almost missing the times when some retarded boi got busted, went on crossfire and made a thread with 12345 smileys and greeting his friends while saying he plans on quitting ET
... just to return a few days/weeks/months afterwards
maus, i dont want to believe that he never cheated on ettv :D

xperia, oh god, same story but only during a short period :P

dont remember others names that were clearing cheating but never got busted, not good enough to be mentionned
All I know xperia & co use(d) some commands which made your ET crash if you'd minimize, but reduces/removes the recoil on luger etc badly

other than that not really :C
not an cheat If i remember it removoed the animation I believe on the luger so It was "easier" to hit ^^
recoil? When you're getting hit or when you're shooting?

Because when you¨re shooting, you can reduce it (or almost erase it) by simply binding weaponbank 2;com_maxfps 71

There is a cg_drawgun-esque command that also basically only puts the picture of the gun on your screen and it doesnt move or anything.. but would have to go to to search for that :D
Yes he is talking about gun frame thing and it only removes the animation. It doesn't lower your recoil, just make to look like it.
A lot of the guys I tought were cheating have been caught. I think most people only cheat for a short period but never all the time. So even the ones that didn't get caught, they probably did but only for a few weeks. Most obvious guy was that Res guy from Israel.

I thought Monkey was cheating when we played hide and seek. Still think he was. Also I didn't think phyzic was cheating when he played a few games with us, but then I played a few 3on3's against him and I could suddenly see why everone would think so. But when I played with him again in overload, I just realized that he is really strong at certain points. I think he plays with a massively low sensitivity, almost like a turret. He also knows what teamplay is, so overall great player and nice guy. Don't think he is cheating.
Fuck you, either that or you need to tell me your headset. I had the best hiding places :(
its highly possible that I had someone in your team telling me where everyone was :D
You can't even comprehend what high skill is and how to get there. Only story that I know is that you've been playing at med level for 7 years and you're still shit. Now you're accusing players who aren't even around to defend themselves, just so you can lie to yourself and say that everyone better than you was cheating? Fucking scum.
mAus: spec any lan
marv: I assume you mean the fact that he didn't go to lan with us? I guess you know his reasons better than we do, wow.
Lance Armstrong is clean, you fucking haters who never got to his level.
Great analogy there, buddy.
I dont understand why anyone would be a cheater apologist for players of a game that has been riddled with cheaters since it was released.
actually, I have same amount of TdF wins as he does, so I am sort of on his level!
Haha, wow. Someone has never been accused of cheating. Isn't this how it always goes? Don't take it personal, especially if it's not about you. Good that you defend your friends though, that's a good thing. I've also commented the same about some of the people I played with who have been accused of cheating, but you don't need to get so mad about it.
Hahaha how mad you became :DD
I have played ET for a good amout of time to decide who hacking and whos not, because what you are talking about would been true if I was a jaymod player. What you are talking about is bullshit and defending your pal like everybody would do. Nobody says, yes I played with this guy for X years and he was cheating, that would be bs.

I have played vs him many times and saw him playing many times, even on LAN and I still think that he was cheating for long, maybe not through his whole "career".
You have nothing againts that video on adlernest, and if you say that's not aimbot then you are a fucking moron. And the LAN video where his aim keeps tracking the falling guy where he laggs out for 1-2 secs.

But then everytime I mentioned his name alongside with the word "cheat" you come cry like a little bitch. Could be because he was giving you fitness lessons to lose wieght, can't think of anything else.

Oh, so mArv told you he couldn't go because personal issues? I'm sorry then, I'll remove his name from the list. LOL, don't make yourself look like an idiot.
Every sane player left on this forum is most likely laughing at you, didn't expect anyone to accuse mAus of cheating AT LAN :D My dear god, how do you get along?
well.. he should actually post the video..

are you still cheating? when i watch your matches at ettv people are mostlylaughing at your hax..

have a good day son
You noticed all the people accusing me of "cheating" are mostly lowmed skilled and don't have much if any clue of how to play 3on3 properly.
I could have mentioned your name, but then you were busted before and nobody knows you above medskill, so.

and I haven't said he was 100% cheating at LAN, all I said it's possible.
dem mouse cheats man, dem mouse cheats :s
I remember EGU LAN in Poland back in 2008, when Poland Aima made 48-50 % acc in couple of rounds :D people got mad and checked his cfg n everything, after they couldnt find anything they even changed his mouse rofl :D (they thought he could've loaded cheat from his mouse config or smth), he still played the same though. later it turned out that he was on amphetamine during those wars ;P
I was high on painkillers and antibiotics when I was on LAN, I knew I was taking the wrong pills! Though I guess 40-45% acc in some games isn't too bad either considering I was hallucinating.
haha np for Poland Lesti!:D
on the same LAN he was so drunk during his game that he fell asleep between the rounds @ warmup :D and in one of the rounds he felt from his chair, because he fell asleep during the game XD he still played not that bad though:D
Lol, atleast I was able to stay awake between games. I just remember those games like it was a dream. I don't even remember talking to Gifted during the games, but appearantly I did. Really trippy experience.

Just to be clear, I wasn't addicted or anything, I just had an invasive surgery a bit before the LAN :D
Aimbot isn't tracking or moving when you're 999, what kind of shit hax does that? lOL

How is that thing an aimbot? He has a low sensitivity, opens the door and he tracks the first guy who he sees, then he notices the last one with obj so he tries to kill that one... So?

And marv had personal issues with his parents + school/work.
Good to know that you are so much into aimbot developing, testing and working in general.

How is that thing an aimbot? He has a low sensitivity, opens the door and he tracks the first guy who he sees, then he notices the last one with obj so he tries to kill that one... So?

I don't even want to reply to this part of the comment. You have never saw pro players switching targets. But then download an aimbot and try it out yourself with bots or some of yours friends. Make an avi, slowmo and you'll see familiar results.
I'll upload a video later if you want.
Watch any of his LAN perfomances, he tracks exactly the same.
from one of my previous comments:
QuoteI have played vs him many times and saw him playing many times, even on LAN and I still think that he was cheating for long, maybe not through his whole "career".

And no, he doesn't. His aim was much better in the first first couple of months when he hit the pro scene, A+R for example.
"was much better"

What the fuck did I just read

point me to games with A+R on ettv, because if his aim was much better, I want to see that shit
A+R vs underscore (and vs. myLegend) for example. If I remember correctly it was his FIRST official "pro" match. He ended up shooting out more than 500 bullets a map with 50% accuracy on adlernest.

He barely did that in TLR times.
There isn't such a match on ettv, so gg bb cu
Too bad you are not oldschool enough so you couldn't see those days on ETTV.
Easier to shoot vs n00bs. Even I can get 50% accuracy vs underscore.
that underscore with Winghaven, Aeq, Logic, Nonix, phobeus, CS4f1 and many more 8 years ago was pretty strong and was considered top 5 team back then. They managed to reach nice heights
they defeated team-beta/rize badly for example with the same LU they played vs. A+R
underscore and myLegend were like qualifier teams lol. of course he'd own them more than when he was in TLR, the opponents you gotta face when you're in the #1 team are just so much stronger. plus he played with smarter players (Clown, Wing etc) who probably made sure he couldn't play some stupid rambo style 24/7, they'd want him to play together with the team -> therefore he'd focus a lot less on ONLY going for frags.

can almost guarantee his positioning in A+R is different to the spots he got put in with TLR.
Quoteunderscore and myLegend were like qualifier teams lol

Quote6 years, 7 months and 27 days

what do u know anyways LOL, underscore used to be a top team 8-9 years ago, myLegend with Sheep and co was pretty good too and A+R was worse back then

Quote plus he played with smarter players (Clown, Wing etc)

Calling Winghaven smart player kinda tells me how much you know about ET in general.

mAus obviously gained alot experience and gamesense during the years, but that doesn't change the fact that his aim in the early year/months (w/e) was godlike compared to his TLR times, it was different

but you have probably never saw a match live from those times so what is it im trying to prove here lel
I don't really feel the need to prove anything to you but yeah, Wing was smart in terms of strategy etc and will have been a help when TLR were creating tactics. this you can't deny because you have no idea. =) no shit und and myL were top teams but not even close to top8 so not sure what point you're trying to make. in A+R mAus & co had to face teams a lot lower from the top than when he was in TLR.

btw I find it comical that you paste my registration date when yours is but 1 year older? did any of us really start ET when we opened CF for the first time?

Quote by ClownYou can't even comprehend what high skill is and how to get there.

fanboy, fanboys everywhere :(

keep licking asses, not like you could ever take a step upon the ladder
I guess someone hasn't seen your fragmovie yet.
the truth usally boring, nothing surprising this time either
it's just a shame that you can't avoid getting personal in a discussion. :P
It's you who started getting personal by quoting Clown in ur comment so atleast get your thoughts straight

and yes, fanboys make mAus clean
so keep licking
actually you were trying to insult me before I quoted Clown's comment. all you need to do is scroll up to see. =)
First off, I don't agree that he aimed better back in A+R, despite what adze claims. It might have seemed that way because, like you said, there were less tactics involved and he could be more useful to himself and less useful to the team. Back then he was just a good aimer, impressive but one of many. I think he only truly became impressive later with TLR and the like because in order to teamplay, he had to get better at positioning and outsmarting his opponents. I think that's why he is so good at what he does (same goes for butchji), combining great aim with superb positioning and a good gamesense. It also helps that you have teammates who you can rely on so that you can focus on your own play.

That being said, I don't think the old underscore and myLegend were much worse than A+R were they? Granted, I was inactive and playing on a lower level back then so I only played when friends asked me to and I only got to play them once or twice.
Have you seen those matches from 8 years ago? I doubt so.

QuoteBack then he was just a good aimer, impressive but one of many.

Thins sentence clears up that you haven't seen a single match from him in those times. One of many my ass, his aim was insane ( and I mean noone ever showed even similar before ) from his first pro match ever to dunno how long before he really got famous
QuoteAnd the LAN video where his aim keeps tracking the falling guy where he laggs out for 1-2 secs.

I haven't seen it myself, but couldn't it just be that the ettv server with whoever was speccing him lagged, and not he himself?
just clean your tongue cuz it's full of shit.

lol tryhard
jetzt ist zeit

Gönnt euch !
definitely Germanywntrmt
To shit to cheat!
too too? I'm confused
mAus must have raped you really fucking hard for you to be sucking his dick like this

Fuck off scumbag
You're trash
Accusing a player who dominated on LAN countless times.
i used to be a fanboy backthen :(
usa brain appears
I highly doubt marv cheated. Also same goes for maus, besides testing cheats at some point like he admitted?
He said he tried some cheats out before he became a "pro". Other than that? I think he was aimbotting in the early times, because he's aim was cheeky from a player who came from nowhere and haven't had any experience from high level at all. Then he comes and makes 50% accuracy on officials againts well-known players by that time. Come on.
How could he perform good on LAN? I don't know.
He had atleast some experience, he just wasn't that known. I knew some belgian people who talked about him before he got known and saying that he had great aim. I bet it happened to a lot of guys the same way, they get picked up by some decent players and they learn really fast. The belgian ET community used to be pretty lively and it was easy to find other Belgians to play with.

Everyone knew everyone. I bet nobody but other belgian players knew me before I started playing with nkNn. Except for Ziff, he kept raging at me for being unknown eventhough I had played with him a few times and played against him a thousand times. I think the former skynet and arena51 (or whatever there name was) servers had a lot to do with this. It's where I met a lot of belgian players and where I got picked up to play with nkNn.

My guess? He met some decent belgian players, probably on one of those belgian servers, and got launched to a higher level. Much like Gifted only with better aim :P

edit: I think he might have even played at some belgian LAN before he got known, but you have to ask him. I don't really know mAus, I just knew a lot of belgian players at one point.
Jamaica savukonemies

too shit aim must be hax
Germany wodka ?!?!
Bunch of tinfoil hat wearing motherfuckers.
Stfu cheater lover.
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